spring mvc不能下载cab包等插件问题


<!-- Handles HTTP GET requests for static resources by efficiently serving up static resources in the ${webappRoot}/resources directory -->



Spring参考手册 mvc:default-servlet-handler

This tag allows for mapping the DispatcherServlet to "/" (thus overriding the mapping of the container's default Servlet), while still allowing static resource requests to be handled by the container's default Servlet. 
这个标签吧DispatcherServlet 映射到"/"(从而覆盖容器的默认servlet的映射),也允许容器默认的servlet处理静态资源的请求。

It configures a DefaultServletHttpRequestHandler with a URL mapping (given a lowest precedence order) of "/**". 
This handler will forward all requests to the default Servlet.

To enable this feature using the default setup, simply include the tag in the form:
The caveat to overriding the "/" Servlet mapping is that the RequestDispatcher for the default Servlet must be retrieved by name rather than by path. 

The DefaultServletHttpRequestHandler will attempt to auto-detect the default Servlet for the container at startup time, using a list of known names for most of the major Servlet containers (including Tomcat, Jetty, Glassfish, JBoss, Resin, WebLogic, and WebSphere). 
DefaultServletHttpRequestHandler在容器启动是会使用主流web容器默认servlet的名称列表自动查找容器的默认servlet,包括Tomcat, Jetty, Glassfish, JBoss, Resin, WebLogic, and WebSphere。

If the default Servlet has been custom configured with a different name, or if a different Servlet container is being used where the default Servlet name is unknown, then the default Servlet's name must be explicitly provided as in the following example:
<mvc:default-servlet-handler default-servlet-name="myCustomDefaultServlet"/>

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