一、 为了让我们更加明白的了解动态代理,我们先来复习一下代理模式吧(没有学过的,也得假装复习是复习呀,不然掉面)。
public interface BookManager { void addBook(); }
1 package com.test; 2 3 public class Library implements BookManager { 4 5 public void addBook() { 6 // TODO Auto-generated method stub 7 System.out.println("增加图书。。。。。"); 8 } 9 10 }
1 package com.test; 2 3 public class Agent implements BookManager { 4 private BookManager library; 5 6 public BookManager getLibrary() { 7 return library; 8 } 9 10 public void setLibrary(BookManager library) { 11 this.library = library; 12 } 13 14 public void addBook() { 15 // TODO Auto-generated method stub 16 System.out.println("添加图书之前"); 17 library.addBook(); 18 System.out.println("添加图书之后"); 19 } 20 21 }
package com.test; public class BookTest { public static void main(String[] args) { BookManager library = new Library(); Agent agent = new Agent(); agent.setLibrary(library); agent.addBook(); } } 执行结果为 添加图书之前 增加图书。。。。。 添加图书之后
public interface BookFacade { public void addBook(); }
public class BookFacadeImpl implements BookFacade,system { public void addBook() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub System.out.println("增加图书方法。。。"); } public void doSys() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub System.out.println("dsfsdfsd"); } }
public class BookFacadeProxy implements InvocationHandler { private Object target; /** * 绑定委托对象并返回一个代理类 * @param target * @return */ public Object bind(Object target) { this.target = target; //取得代理对象 return Proxy.newProxyInstance(target.getClass().getClassLoader(), target.getClass().getInterfaces(), this); //要绑定接口(这是一个缺陷,cglib弥补了这一缺陷) } public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { Object result=null; System.out.println("事物开始"); //执行方法 System.out.println("ClassLoad"+proxy.getClass().getSimpleName()); result=method.invoke(target, args); System.out.println("事物结束"); return result; } }
public class TestProxy { public static void main(String[] args) { BookFacadeProxy proxy = new BookFacadeProxy(); BookFacade bookProxy = (BookFacade) proxy.bind(new BookFacadeImpl()); bookProxy.addBook(); ProxyGeneratorUtils.writeProxyClassToHardDisk("F:/$Proxy11.class"); } }
第一步 你必须得声明一个接口,而且在目标类必须实现这个接口,不然你使用动态代理是不会成功的。
第二步 需要实现 InvocationHandler 接口,创建一个代理类,这个代理类里需要重写invoke方法,在这个方法里,需要写上多被代理对象的调用method.invoke(target, args),如果不知道method.invoke()是做什么用的,可以去看看反射就明白了。参数有两个一个是被代理的对象,第二个就是调用该方法的参数
第三步 需要获得代理对象,可以通过Object Proxy.newProxyInstance(ClassLoader loader, Class<?>[] interfaces, InvocationHandler h) throws IllegalArgumentException
事物开始 增加图书方法。。。 事物结束
Returns an instance of a proxy class for the specified interfaces that dispatches method invocations to the specified invocation handler. 看看注释就明白了,返回一个代理类的对象,而且还是实现了你进来接口的类 public static Object newProxyInstance(ClassLoader loader, Class<?>[] interfaces, InvocationHandler h) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (h == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } /* * 生成一个代理类 */ Class<?> cl = getProxyClass(loader, interfaces); /* * 通过反射用构造方法生成一个对象 */ try { Constructor cons = cl.getConstructor(constructorParams); return cons.newInstance(new Object[] { h }); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new InternalError(e.toString()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new InternalError(e.toString()); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new InternalError(e.toString()); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new InternalError(e.toString()); } }
上面大家可以看到,生成了一个对象返回去了,这个对象就是我们所说的代理对象,那么我们可以看看这个class 是怎么生成?
public static Class<?> getProxyClass(ClassLoader loader, Class<?>... interfaces) throws IllegalArgumentException { 验证接口的长度 if (interfaces.length > 65535) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("interface limit exceeded"); } 这个class 对象就是我们被返回对象的定义 Class<?> proxyClass = null; /* collect interface names to use as key for proxy class cache */ String[] interfaceNames = new String[interfaces.length]; // for detecting duplicates Set<Class<?>> interfaceSet = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) { String interfaceName = interfaces[i].getName(); Class<?> interfaceClass = null; try { interfaceClass = Class.forName(interfaceName, false, loader); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } if (interfaceClass != interfaces[i]) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( interfaces[i] + " is not visible from class loader"); } /* * Verify that the Class object actually represents an * interface. */ if (!interfaceClass.isInterface()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( interfaceClass.getName() + " is not an interface"); } /* * Verify that this interface is not a duplicate. */ if (interfaceSet.contains(interfaceClass)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "repeated interface: " + interfaceClass.getName()); } interfaceSet.add(interfaceClass); interfaceNames[i] = interfaceName; } ....... 中间省略N多 生成一个代理class文件,这个就是我们要被返回的class 对象 /* * Generate the specified proxy class. */ byte[] proxyClassFile = ProxyGenerator.generateProxyClass( proxyName, interfaces); try { proxyClass = defineClass0(loader, proxyName, proxyClassFile, 0, proxyClassFile.length); } catch (ClassFormatError e) { /*
接下来我们第2个问题就是这个invoke 方法是什么时候调用的。
byte[] proxyClassFile = ProxyGenerator.generateProxyClass( proxyName, interfaces);
public final class $Proxy110 extends Proxy implements BookFacade { private static Method m1; private static Method m3; private static Method m0; private static Method m2; public $Proxy110(InvocationHandler paramInvocationHandler) throws { super(paramInvocationHandler); } public final boolean equals(Object paramObject) throws { try { return ((Boolean)this.h.invoke(this, m1, new Object[] { paramObject })).booleanValue(); } catch (Error|RuntimeException localError) { throw localError; } catch (Throwable localThrowable) { throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(localThrowable); } } public final void addBook() throws { try { this.h.invoke(this, m3, null); return; } catch (Error|RuntimeException localError) { throw localError; } catch (Throwable localThrowable) { throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(localThrowable); } }