public class DeleteNode_O1_Time { /** * Q 60 在O(1)时间删除链表结点 * 给定链表的头指针和一个结点指针(!!),在O(1)时间删除该结点 * * Assume the list is: * head->...->nodeToDelete->mNode->nNode->...->tail * you have already the point of 'nodeToDelete' in hand.So what you need to do is: * 1.copy the data of 'mNode' to 'nodeToDelete' *; * However,when deleting the last node,you have to iterate from 'head'.No shortcut. * * ---public static void deleteNode(Node head,Node nodeToDelete){ * cannot do it like that.Because you cannot set head=null to make 'list' empty. * see 'class ParameterTransfer' */ public static void deleteNode(List list,Node nodeToDelete){ Node head=list.head; if(head==null||nodeToDelete==null){ return; } if({//Only one node in list and you happen to delete the node. list.head=null;//head=null;-->wrong return; } Node node=head; if(!=null&&nodeToDelete!=null){ Node; if(mNode!=null){ Node;;; }else {//'nodeToDelete' is the last Node. Node previous=node; while(!=null){ previous=node;; }; return; } } } private static class List{ private Node head; Node createList(int[] data){ if(data==null||data.length==0){ return null; } Node previous=null; for(int len=data.length,i=len-1;i>=0;i--){ head=new Node(data[i]);; previous=head; } return head; } void printList(){ Node node=head;//don't use 'head' immediately.It wastes my time to find the bug... while(node!=null){ System.out.print(" ");; } System.out.println(); } Node getNodeAt(int pos){//starts from 0 Node re=null; int index=0; Node node=head; while(node!=null){ if(index==pos){ return node; }; index++; } return re; } } private static class Node{ int data; Node next; Node(int data){; } } public static void main(String[] args) { int[] data={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}; List list=new List(); list.createList(data); list.printList(); Node nodeToDelete=list.getNodeAt(8); deleteNode(list,nodeToDelete); nodeToDelete=list.getNodeAt(3); deleteNode(list,nodeToDelete); nodeToDelete=list.getNodeAt(0); deleteNode(list,nodeToDelete); list.printList();//1 2 4 5 6 7 list.createList(new int[]{1}); deleteNode(list,list.getNodeAt(0)); list.printList();//nothing. } }
public class ParameterTransfer { /** * 1.primitive type: pass by value * 2.reference type: you can change the paremeter's status,but you cannot set it null. */ public static void main(String[] args) { ParameterTransfer p = new ParameterTransfer(); TestData test = new TestData(1); p.setNull(test); System.out.println(test == null);// false--cannot set it null p.changeReference(test); System.out.println(test.i);//1--cannot change reference p.changeData(test); System.out.println(test.i);// 2--change its status } public void changeData(TestData test){ test.i=2; } public void setNull(TestData test) { test = null; return; } public void changeReference(TestData test) { TestData test2=new TestData(2); test = test2; return; } } class TestData { int i; TestData(int i) { this.i = i; } }