
今天遇到安装ntfs 3g后,找不到libfuse库的报错,就到网上找答案,一找不要紧,发现关于如何卸载ntfs 3g很多误人子弟的说法.

其实卸载ntfs-3g的答案就在其手册中,第五页明明白白的写了如何卸载. 可以再NTFS-3G的偏好设置里有个按钮.

如果这样仍然无法卸载, 可以直接执行一个shell脚本即可. 这个脚本的路径在



2.2 Uninstalling NTFS-3G

NTFS-3G can be easily uninstalled using the Uninstall NTFS-3G... button in the NTFS-3G preference pane, which should be available in System Preferences once you have installed the package. See section 4 for a description of the other features in the preference pane.

If this should fail for some reason, an uninstall script exists at the following location: 



