使用 Web service 的站点列表

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Publisher Style  Service Name Description Implementation
google.com RPC Google Search API Develop Your Own Applications Using Google
Interdata DOC OptionPricingCalculator Web service to calculate call and put options using Black Scholes & binomial models MS .NET
Interdata DOC IndonesianEconomicIndicator Web service to extract varies economic indicators from several sources, such as foreign exchange, interest rate, stock exchange index, and customer price index. Applies to Indonesia MS .NET
SalCentral DOC UDDI Weather Report Web Service Reports communication accuracy of UDDI links MS .NET
SalCentral DOC Communications and Email Web Service Specialist email facility, allows bulk email and newsletter sending. MS .NET
ManojSrivastava RPC SecureXML W3C Compliant XML Signature Verification Service MS SOAP
oakleaf DOC U.S. CFR Full-Text Search (CFRSearch) Peforms a full-text search of the OakLeaf CFR demonstration database MS .NET
oakleaf DOC U.S. CFR Section Text (CFRSect) Returns XML or Formatted XHTML section text from the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations MS .NET
oakleaf DOC U.S. CFR Tables of Contents (CFRToc) Returns XML or XHTML Tables of Contents from the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations MS .NET
Clarity_Consult RPC Chicago Travel Times - Java Provides current Chicago traffic conditions. Apache SOAP
ServiceObjects DOC UPC Database Lookup Lookup Grocery Items by UPC Number MS .NET
SalCentral DOC Notes Web Service Store a note against a KeyType and KeyValue combination. MS .NET
ServiceObjects DOC FedEx\UPS Package Tracking Track packages shipped with either UPS or FedEx MS .NET
ServiceObjects DOC Street Address Validation Street Address Validation Web Service (US Only) MS .NET
cchenoweth DOC Whois Gets whois information for .com,.net,.org, and .edu. MS .NET
mclark DOC Web Service Ideas Bin Lists of ideas that have been put forward by individuals and corporates as good ideas to develop into a web service MS .NET
mclark DOC Web Service Advertising Ring Purchase advertising space within an advertising ring MS .NET
cchenoweth DOC Font to Graphic Returns a file/URL that contains custom characters. MS .NET
anandsenthil2 RPC Country - Population Lookup Service Gives the Population for a given country Apache SOAP
redcoal RPC SOAP SMS Send SMS to 130 countries using the Redcoal SOAP interface MS SOAP
culand RPC WSMaze Multi-player game representing a virtual shared 3D maze displayed in an ActiveX client Delphi
esynaps DOC Web Services Security Monitor Authentication and logging service for web services MS .NET
orbeon.com RPC XRPCC Web Service Interface to JAX-RPC xrpcc tool JAX-RPC
CodeMechanisms.com DOC UNSPSC Convert UNSPSC Code Search by keyword or hierarchy browsing. MS .NET
osiebrown DOC Developer Technical Articles from frameWERKS.com Technical article feed MS .NET
acarville DOC LiveCityCams Get Live Traffic and City Cams from around the World
pepperzak.com RPC German Bank Codes Translation of german bank codes (Bankleitzahlen) to bank names and vice versa BEA Weblogic
ServiceObjects DOC ATM Location Database Lookup ATM Locations by Zip Code (US Only) MS .NET
kazoosoft.com RPC Kazoo AnyWho People finder by Phone number in the US Delphi
ServiceObjects DOC IP2Location Translator Translate IP addresses to city, state, country. MS .NET
mkturner DOC WCAV Playlist WCAV play list information MS .NET
AndersOhlsson RPC BorlandBabel A "babel fish" that speaks Swedish Chefish, Jive, Drawl, Eleet and other dialects Delphi
tbjohnray RPC Number To Words Converts a number to words Delphi
cchenoweth DOC FREE Email Address Verifier Checks an email address by talking to the servers that own it. Very effective on msn/hotmail and yahoo addresses. MS .NET
eltegra.com RPC Monthly Car Payment Calculates your monthly car payment EXADEL
toti RPC Verbix -- verb conjugations Verb conjugations in tens of languages Delphi
tbjohnray RPC Modulus Checker Checks a string of digits using the 10-modulus algorithm Delphi
tbjohnray RPC Captain Haddocks Curser Generates random curses from Captain Haddock in various languages Delphi
jamsterdam DOC Orbitarium retrieves positions of the Sun,Moon,and Planets for any date and time
esynaps DOC Miss Proxy "the programmer" Cartoon strip service MS .NET
cchenoweth DOC Delayed Stock Quotes Pulls 15 minute delayed Stock Quotes MS .NET
cchenoweth DOC Postal Address Correction Will correct U.S. Postal Addresses MS .NET
hsaurin DOC Unisys Weather Web Service Retrieves the weather forecast from the Unisys Weather center MS .NET
simonfell RPC Weblogs Watcher a notifications interface for weblogs.com MS .NET
esynaps DOC eSynapsSearch Search for Web Services Articles/Sample Code/Coding Tips MS .NET
xml-webservices.net DOC Financial Calc Serves some interesting financial calculations MS .NET
richsolutions.com DOC RichPayments.NET ePayment Web Service that suports credit cards, debit cards and check services MS .NET
sonnemaf DOC Html2Xml Converts HTML to XML MS .NET
jcono DOC Local Time Local time for a zip code MS .NET
systinet.com RPC FreeDbService SOAP interface for freedb web site WASP Server for Java
juicesoftware.com RPC Juice Temperature Service Returns the current temperature for the specified zipcode
juicesoftware.com RPC Juice Snapshot Service Returns a market snapshot for the specified ticker
juicesoftware.com RPC Juice Earnings Service Returns earnings information for the specified ticker
xmethods.net RPC XMethods Query Service Provides a SOAP RPC interface to XMethods for query operations GLUE
daniel RPC Play Chess With a WebService (BCB6!) Play Chess with a WebService (BCB6!)
xml-webservices.net DOC Joke Server Serves jokes in different languages MS .NET
xml-webservices.net DOC Spanish ZipCode esolves spanish city to a zip code and zip code to a city MS .NET
xml-webservices.net DOC Time Server Serves some simple time functions MS .NET
tisseghemp DOC Belgium Cities Search on postal codes and cities in Belgium. MS .NET
PeterMunnings DOC GetLocalTime Returns the Local Time in South Africa MS .NET
infobiquity.com DOC NearestTileDealer Provides telescopic positioning of Nearest Tile Dealer based on Zip Code coordinates. MS .NET
infobiquity.com DOC HealthcareProviderSearch Lists the Provider(s) for a given State Code or ZIP in USA MS .NET
esynaps DOC Business Finder (UDDI) - Web Service This Web Service queries the UDDI and returns an array of BusinessInfo objects... MS .NET
ctsteve DOC English to Pig Latin Translate English to Pig Latin MS .NET
esynaps DOC eSynapsFeed Daily Articles. Coding Tips and .NET Code samples MS .NET
mybubble.com RPC Company Profile Provides company profile for a given stock ticker Apache SOAP
mybubble.com RPC Current News for a Stock Provides current news of a company for a given stock ticker. Apache SOAP
mybubble.com RPC Stock Quotes Provides current quotes and additional info. for a given stock ticker. Apache SOAP
myezconnect RPC Loan Term Worksheet Loan Term Worksheet GLUE
myezconnect RPC Extra Payment Worksheet Extra Payment Worksheet GLUE
myezconnect RPC MonthlyPaymentWorksheet Monthly Payment Worksheet GLUE
geographynetwork.com RPC PlaceFinder Returns the x,y location for a place name in any part of the world. GLUE
daniel RPC Chess Play Chess with a WebService Delphi
esynaps DOC NFL Headline News Get the NFL Headline News MS .NET
esynaps DOC Who Is The Web Service form of "WhoIs" Domain Registry service MS .NET
esynaps DOC Daily Dilbert Returns a binary stream of Today's Dilbert comic strip MS .NET
eltegra.com RPC Monthly Mortgage Payment Calculates your monthly mortgage payment EXADEL
jcono DOC Location Information Info about a location from zip code, area code, city, or state MS .NET
caryjensen RPC Temperature Conversion Service Converts Fahrenheit to Centigrade and vice versa Delphi
GIServer RPC GIServer Location Services Country Location and Projections Transformation of Geographic Points using inovaGIS objects Delphi
bgoupil RPC Techmine's latest publications Get the latest publications of the groupe SQLI's R&D department (Techmetrix Research) Apache SOAP
mybubble.com RPC Dictionary Meaning Provides dictionary meaning(s) for a given word. Apache SOAP
marotz.se RPC Swedish Zipcode Info Maps Swedish address to zipcode. Delphi
mybubble.com RPC Synonym Provides synonym(s) for a given word Apache SOAP
xml-webservices.net DOC Calculator Simple math calculations... MS .NET
xml-webservices.net DOC Conversions Convert between different unit of the same type of measure. MS .NET
xml-webservices.net DOC Profile Serves basic profile and login capabilities for future use with other services.. registration is free at this time MS .NET
xml-webservices.net DOC MailSender Sends plain text mail and HTML formated mail via SMTP MS .NET
shino RPC Japanese fortune Returns an XML-formatted Japanese fortune. Apache SOAP
richsolutions.com DOC RichCardValidator Credit Card Validation and Card Type Web Service MS .NET
west-wind.com RPC Web Service Documentation Service Documents Web Services based on their WSDL desccription Visual FoxPro
xml-webservices.net DOC Euro Conversor Converts to and from any Euro Zone Currency. MS .NET
dataconcert.com RPC Business Data XSLTransformation service Convert business data to|from CSV, EDI, xCBL and other XML vocabularies. MS SOAP
bov.de RPC ChristmasTree Calculates the number of lights on your christmas tree! Spheon JSOAP
oneoutbox.com RPC Send FAX Fax transmission service SOAPLite
b.swart RPC Euro Conversion Converts Euros to the 12 Euro-participating currencies and back. Kylix
dpchiesa DOC ZipToCityState Retrieves valid City+State pairs for a given US Zip Code. MS .NET
west-wind.com RPC FoxCentral News service for the FoxPro community. Visual FoxPro
basselih DOC English , French , Arabic Dictionary Translation service and dictionary. MS .NET
lamaan.com DOC Quran Verse Retrieve a verse of the Qur'an in English or Arabic MS .NET
shiv RPC Session Broker Service Session state store Delphi
sctrl RPC ZipCodeLookup Lists zip codes within specified distance, calculates distances between zip codes MS .NET
lucin.com DOC SMS Send SMS text messages, ringtones and operator logos. MS .NET
engelen RPC Linear Systems Solver Solves dense linear systems gSOAP
xaraonline.com RPC Xara NavBar Generator Xara NavBar Generator MS SOAP
info RPC Prime Generator Generate a prime number list Delphi
prigatos RPC TakisActiveLib Get Used Cars From http://www.AutoHellas.gr MS SOAP
bov.de RPC Periodic table Gets element information from the periodic table. Spheon JSOAP
shohoudy RPC Weather Conditions Temperature and weather conditions. MS .NET
perfectxml.com DOC SearchMusicTeachers Locates music teachers by zip code. MS .NET
circle24.com DOC Equated Monthly Instalment (EMI) Calculator Calculates Equated Monthly Instalment (EMI) MS .NET
codecube.net DOC XRE Online XML-based rules engine MS .NET
bov.de RPC getStatistics Statistics calculator and prime number tester. Spheon JSOAP
ebi.ac.uk RPC XEMBL Retrieves Nucleotide Sequence(s) and accociated information. SOAPLite
gxchart.com RPC GxChart Chart generator. MS SOAP
xmlrad.com RPC WSFindMP3 Find MP3 on xmlrad.com XMLRAD
support DOC Mapservice Web service to create GIS maps and overlays MS .NET
engelen RPC Magic Squares Returns a magic square of a given rank. gSOAP
perfectxml.com DOC SalesRankNPrice Sales Rank and Price for online bookstores. MS .NET
eraserver.net DOC ZipCode Resolver Provides zip code information for a US address MS .NET
eraserver.net DOC MXChecker Checks for valid DNS MX records. MS .NET
nims.nl RPC Online Messenger Service Online instant-messaging service
xaraonline.com RPC Xara 3D graphics generator 3d Text graphics generator MS SOAP
allesta.com RPC Yahoo User Ping Yahoo user presence info SOAPx4
b.swart RPC Dr.Bob's Programming Clinic Headlines News headlines on six topics. Delphi
b.swart RPC Number To Words (in Dutch) Converts Numbers to Dutch words Delphi
b.swart RPC Romulan Numbers XLII Convert roman numbers <-> digital numbers Delphi
b.swart RPC Tic Tac Toe The game of Tic-Tac-Toe Delphi
seanco.com DOC ElectronicProductsFinder Electronics product finder. MS .NET
seanco.com DOC VideoGamesFinder Video game product finder. MS .NET
seanco.com DOC SportingGoodsFinder Sporting goods product finder. MS .NET
seanco.com DOC XMLDailyFact XML factoid updated daily. MS .NET
seanco.com DOC DotnetDailyFact .NET factoid updated daily. MS .NET
seanco.com DOC CustomNewsFeedinXMLFormat Web service interface to Moreover News Service. MS .NET
capeclear.com RPC AirportWeather Current Airport Weather Conditions CapeConnect
johnle DOC ZipCodes Validates US and US Territory zip codes. MS .NET
activestate.com RPC Perl Package Checker Queries ActiveState's Package State Database PerlEx
shinkatech.com RPC DNS Lookup Service DNS resolver Shinka
compkarori.co.nz RPC Discordian Converts dates REBOL
capeclear.com RPC PolyCalc Calculates the area of a polygon CapeConnect
itera.com.br RPC Jabber Messenger Sends a message through the jabber IM service. Apache SOAP
dave RPC WordFind Pattern matching word finder and anagram generator Delphi
shiv RPC Send an Email Email sender service Delphi
shinkatech.com RPC Euro Currency Converter Converts money amounts between Euro currencies. Shinka
shiv RPC Delphi ISAPI Tutorials Interface to Delphi ISAP tutorials at Matlus site Delphi
kazoosoft.com RPC Kazoo Training Classes Kazoo Software training course schedule Delphi
xmlbus.com RPC Inch <-> Millimeter Converter Converts inches <-> mm XMLBus
xmlbus.com RPC Electricity Calculator Various electricity-related calculations XMLBus
systinet.com RPC RpmFindService SOAP interface for rpmfind search/download web site WASP Server for Java
alanbushtrust.org.uk RPC Alan Bush Compositions Interface to the Alan Bush Compositions Database.
userland.com RPC SOAPWare Manila Site SOAP-based publishing based on Userland's Manila. Frontier
sqldata.com RPC Headline News Last news coverage from various sources. SQLData
sqldata.com RPC EDGAR Search Searches SEC's EDGAR database. SQLData
sqldata.com RPC SQLData's WHOIS SOAP interface to the Internet domain registry. SQLData
sqldata.com RPC SOAP Web Search SOAP Interface to major search engines. SQLData
xmethods.net RPC FedEx Tracker Access to FedEx Tracking information SOAPLite
xmethods.net RPC BabelFish Interface for AltaVista's Babelfish service. SOAPLite
xmethods.net RPC XMethods Filesystem Virtual Filesystem service with 1MB quota. Apache SOAP
xmethods.net RPC Weather - Temperature Current temperature in a given U.S. zipcode region. Apache SOAP
xmethods.net RPC Barnes and Noble Price Quote Returns price of a book at BN.com given an ISBN number. Apache SOAP
xmethods.net RPC Domain Name Checker Checks whether a domain name is available or not. GLUE
xmethods.net RPC Currency Exchange Rate Exchange rate between any two currencies. GLUE
xmethods.net RPC California Traffic Conditions California highway conditions. Apache SOAP
xmethods.net RPC Delayed Stock Quote 20 minute delayed stock quote. GLUE
xmethods.net RPC eBay Price Watcher Checks current bid price of an eBay auction. Apache SOAP

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