button 只能提交一次

<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="· 提 交 ·" onclick="Button1_Click" UseSubmitBehavior="false" OnClientClick="clickOnce(this, 'Cargando...')"/>


<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">

    function clickOnce(btn, msg) {

        // 验证是否做了验证

        if (typeof (Page_ClientValidate) == 'function') {

            // if we are doing a validation, return if it's false 

            if (Page_ClientValidate() == false) { return false; }


        // Ensure that the button is not of type "submit"

        if (btn.getAttribute('type') == 'button') {

            // The msg attibute is absolutely optional

            // msg will be the text of the button while it's disabled

            if (!msg || (msg = 'undefined')) { msg = '提交中...'; }

            btn.value = msg;

            // The magic :D

            btn.disabled = true;


        return true;


