Oracle - MSSQL Convert Tips (2)

In the  Oracle - MSSQL Convert Tips (1) I already mentioned several tips that used very often.
Today's project contains too much views , stored procedures and trigger  and the lines of these code are big.
So I try to find some tools to ease the conversion by Google with “database/sql migration/convertion PL/SQL T-SQL convert” all kind of key words

I found several toos,they all commerical software,I tried them on by one.
found that SwissSQL's  Oracle To SQL Server (PL/SQL to T-SQL) migration tool is better.
In its help html document , we  can also learn some common  convertion rules.

Also found a page of SQL Function Reference: Oracle vs. SQL Server which list many functions including Math, Datatime,String used by Oracle and SQL Server.

little tip today:
select top 10 salary from employee order by salary
select salary from ( select salary from employee order by salary ) where rownum < 11
