three-dollar-gesture-recognizer - An easy-to-use gesture recognizer for motion gestures on smart phones. - Google Project Hosting

three-dollar-gesture-recognizer - An easy-to-use gesture recognizer for motion gestures on smart phones. - Google Project Hosting

The $3 Gesture Recognize is a simple but robust gesture recognition system for input devices featuring 3D acceleration sensors. The algorithm is designed to be implemented quickly in prototyping environments, is intended to be device-independent and does not require any special toolkits or frameworks. It relies solely on simple trigonometric and geometric calculations.

For more information, see the paper:

Or, to get a quick overview of how the algorithm works, see the poster:

The Android and iPhone Code that was used in the research project is released for general use under the GNU General Public License v3.

The code ist still experimental and can contain bugs or crash. You are invited to contribute fixes.
