JSF 2.0阅读笔记:视图状态 (三)

(续 JSF 2.0阅读笔记:视图状态 (二)

Define a Map-like contract that makes it easier for components to implement PartialStateHolder. Each UIComponent in the view will return an implementation of this interface from its UIComponent.getStateHelper() method.


    public boolean isImmediate() {
        return (Boolean) getStateHelper().eval(PropertyKeys.immediate, false);

    public void setImmediate(boolean immediate) {
        getStateHelper().put(PropertyKeys.immediate, immediate);

作为比较,不妨回头来看看JSF1.2 API中的UIInput:
     * <p>The immediate flag.</p>
    private boolean immediate = false;
    private boolean immediateSet = false;

    public boolean isImmediate() {
        if (this.immediateSet) {
            return (this.immediate);
        ValueExpression ve = getValueExpression("immediate");
        if (ve != null) {
            try {
                return (Boolean.TRUE.equals(ve.getValue(getFacesContext().getELContext())));
            catch (ELException e) {
                throw new FacesException(e);

        } else {
            return (this.immediate);

    public void setImmediate(boolean immediate) {
        // if the immediate value is changing.
        if (immediate != this.immediate) {
            this.immediate = immediate;
        this.immediateSet = true;

    private Object[] values;

    public Object saveState(FacesContext context) {
        if (context == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();
        if (values == null) {
            values = new Object[4];

        values[0] = super.saveState(context);  //将间接调用到UIComponentBase.saveState方法
        values[1] = emptyStringIsNull;
        values[2] = validateEmptyFields;
        values[3] = ((validators != null) ? validators.saveState(context) : null);
        return (values);

    public Object saveState(FacesContext context) {
        if (values == null) {
            values = new Object[14];
        values[0] = super.saveState(context);
        values[1] = localValueSet ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
        values[2] = required ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
        values[3] = requiredSet ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
        values[4] = requiredMessage;
        values[5] = requiredMessageSet ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
        values[6] = converterMessage;
        values[7] = converterMessageSet ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
        values[8] = validatorMessage;
        values[9] = validatorMessageSet ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
        values[10] = this.valid ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
        values[11] = immediate ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
        values[12] = immediateSet ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
        values[13] = saveAttachedState(context, validators);
        return (values);


4.2 增量视图状态



public abstract Object saveView(FacesContext context)

    Return the state of the current view in an Object that implements Serializable. The default implementation must perform the following algorithm or its semantic equivalent.

        1. If the UIViewRoot of the current view is marked transient, return null immediately.

        2. Traverse the view and verify that each of the client ids are unique. Throw IllegalStateException if more than one client id are the same.

        3. Visit the tree using UIComponent.visitTree(javax.faces.component.visit.VisitContext, javax.faces.component.visit.VisitCallback). For each node, call StateHolder.saveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext), saving the returned Object in a way such that it can be restored given only its client id. Special care must be taken to handle the case of components that were added or deleted programmatically during this lifecycle traversal, rather than by the VDL.

    The implementation must ensure that the StateHolder.saveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) method is called for each node in the tree.

    The data structure used to save the state obtained by executing the above algorithm must be Serializable, and all of the elements within the data structure must also be Serializable.

        context - the FacesContext for this request.


public abstract UIViewRoot restoreView(FacesContext context,
                                       String viewId,
                                       String renderKitId)

    Restore the state of the view with information in the request. The default implementation must perform the following algorithm or its semantic equivalent.

        1. Build the view from the markup. For all components in the view that do not have an explicitly assigned id in the markup, the values of those ids must be the same as on an initial request for this view. This view will not contain any components programmatically added during the previous lifecycle run, and it will contain components that were programmatically deleted on the previous lifecycle run. Both of these cases must be handled.

        2. Call ResponseStateManager.getState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.String) to obtain the data structure returned from the previous call to saveView(javax.faces.context.FacesContext).

        3. Visit the tree using UIComponent.visitTree(javax.faces.component.visit.VisitContext, javax.faces.component.visit.VisitCallback). For each node, call StateHolder.restoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Object), passing the state saved corresponding to the current client id.

        4. Ensure that any programmatically deleted components are removed.

        5. Ensure any programmatically added components are added.

    The implementation must ensure that the StateHolder.restoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Object) method is called for each node in the tree, except for those that were programmatically deleted on the previous run through the lifecycle.

        context - the FacesContext for this request
        viewId - the view identifier for which the state should be restored
        renderKitId - the render kit id for this state.




void markInitialState();

boolean initialStateMarked();

void clearInitialState();

package com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jsf;

public class ComponentTagHandlerDelegateImpl extends TagHandlerDelegate {
    public void apply(FaceletContext ctx, UIComponent parent) throws IOException {
	c = this.createComponent(ctx);
        // add to the tree afterwards
        // this allows children to determine if it's
        // been part of the tree or not yet
        addComponentToView(ctx, parent, c, componentFound);
        popComponentFromEL(ctx, c, ccStackManager, compcompPushed);

        if (shouldMarkInitialState(ctx.getFacesContext())) {

当组件进入增量态后,记录差异属性的责任就落在属性值的储存结构 —— StateHelper —— 头上了。这从StateHelper的默认实现类ComponentStateHelper可以清楚地看出:
class ComponentStateHelper implements StateHelper {
    private UIComponent component;
    private Map<Serializable, Object> deltaMap;
    private Map<Serializable, Object> defaultMap;
    public Object put(Serializable key, Object value) {

        if(component.initialStateMarked() || value instanceof PartialStateHolder) {
            Object retVal = deltaMap.put(key, value);

            if(retVal==null) {
                return defaultMap.put(key,value);
            else {
                return retVal;
        else {
            return defaultMap.put(key,value);
    public Object saveState(FacesContext context) {
        if (context == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();
        if(component.initialStateMarked()) {
            return saveMap(context, deltaMap);
        else {
            return saveMap(context, defaultMap);


Object put(Serializable key, String mapKey, Object value);

void add(Serializable key, Object value);
Object remove(Serializable key, Object valueOrKey);

其中,三参数的put方法针对类型为Map的属性,调用该方法将获取到一个名称为key,类型是Map<String, Object>的属性,如果没有该属性则创建之。并在其中加入键值为mapKey,值为value的元素。同理,双参数的add与remove方法则针对类型为List的属性。以上三个方法均应保证对增量视图状态的处理。当然,这只是个解决大部分场景的不完全解决方案,比如说我要有个类型是Set的属性,就没招了,只能扩展StateHelper接口来实现。感觉上API上带了这三个方法主要还是起到示范作用。
