using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Web; namespace Common.FilesManagement { public class UploadFiles { #region field private int _allowFileSize = 1024 * 1024 * 100; //默认文件容量大小 private List<string> _prohibitFileType=new List<string>(); //禁止的文件类型,扩展名 private List<string> _allowFileType = new List<string>(); //允许的文件类型,扩展名 private bool _allowCreateFolder = true; //是否允许创建子文件夹 private bool _allowReName = true; //是否允许生成新的文件名 private HttpPostedFile _httpPostedFile; #endregion public UploadFiles(HttpPostedFile httppostedfile) { _httpPostedFile = httppostedfile; } #region porperty public int AllowFileSize { get { return _allowFileSize; } set { _allowFileSize = value; } }//允许上传文件的大小 public int FileSize { get; private set; } //上传文件的实际容量 public string FilePrefix { get; set; } // 自定规则 文件名前缀 public bool AllowCreateFolder { get { return _allowCreateFolder; } set { _allowCreateFolder = value; } } public bool AllowReName { get { return _allowReName; } set { _allowReName = value; } } #endregion #region method /// <summary> /// 禁止文件类型 /// </summary> /// <param name="fileType"></param> public void AddProhibitFileType(string fileType) { _prohibitFileType.Add(fileType.ToLower()); } /// <summary> /// 允许的文件类型 /// </summary> /// <param name="filetype"></param> public void AddAllowFileType(string filetype) { _allowFileType.Add(filetype.ToLower()); } /// <summary> /// 获得新的文件名 /// </summary> /// <returns>返回新的文件名</returns> protected string NewFileName(string OldFileName) { string year = System.DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); string month = System.DateTime.Now.Month.ToString(); string day = System.DateTime.Now.Day.ToString(); string hour = System.DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString(); string minute = System.DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString(); string second = System.DateTime.Now.Second.ToString(); string minsecond = System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString(); System.Random rand = new System.Random(); string random = rand.Next(1000).ToString(); string Extension = FileExtension(OldFileName); string newfile = FilePrefix + "_" + year + month + day + hour + minute + second + minsecond + random + Extension; return newfile; } //扩展名 private string FileExtension(string OldFileName) { string Extension = OldFileName.Substring(OldFileName.LastIndexOf("."), OldFileName.Length - OldFileName.LastIndexOf(".")); return Extension.ToLower(); } protected string GetFileName() { if (!_allowReName) return _httpPostedFile.FileName; else return NewFileName(_httpPostedFile.FileName); } /// <summary> /// 创建文件夹 /// </summary> /// <param name="folderPath">要创建文件夹的物理路径</param> /// <returns>返回创建后的路径</returns> private string CreateFolder(string folderPath) { string strFolderName = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString(); folderPath = folderPath + "/" + strFolderName; if (!Directory.Exists(folderPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(folderPath); return strFolderName; } /// <summary> /// 判断文件是否是允许的类型 /// </summary> /// <param name="filename"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool IsFileType(string filename) { string fileExtension = FileExtension(filename); if (_prohibitFileType != null&&_prohibitFileType.Count>0) { if (_prohibitFileType.Contains(fileExtension)) { return false; } } if (_allowFileType != null&&_allowFileType.Count>0) { if (!_allowFileType.Contains(fileExtension)) { return false; } } return true; } /// <summary> /// 验证,并上传文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="storagePath">文件存储路径</param> /// <param name="IsSuccess">上传状态</param> /// <returns>返回,上传文件后的文件名</returns> public string Upload(string storagePath,ref bool IsSuccess) { IsSuccess = false; HttpPostedFile httpPostedFile = _httpPostedFile; if (httpPostedFile != null) { string strFileName=VerifyFile(ref IsSuccess, httpPostedFile); if (IsSuccess) { try { return CreateFile(storagePath, ref IsSuccess, httpPostedFile, strFileName); } catch (Exception) { IsSuccess = false; return "上传错误"; throw; } } else { IsSuccess = false; return "上传错误"; } } else { IsSuccess = false; return "上传错误 HttpPostedFile对像为空"; } } /// <summary> /// 确认文件是否可以上传 /// </summary> /// <param name="IsSuccess">状态</param> /// <param name="httpPostedFile">System.Web.HttpPostedFile</param> /// <returns>返回验证后信息。如果验证通过,返回文件名</returns> private string VerifyFile(ref bool IsSuccess, HttpPostedFile httpPostedFile) { string strFileName = GetFileName(); if (!IsFileType(strFileName)) { IsSuccess = false; return "不支持此文件类型"; } FileSize = httpPostedFile.ContentLength; if (FileSize < 1 || FileSize >= _allowFileSize) { IsSuccess = false; return "文件大小已超过允许的范围"; } else { IsSuccess = true; return strFileName; } } /// <summary> /// 创建文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="storagePath">存储路径</param> /// <param name="IsSuccess">是否成功状态</param> /// <param name="httpPostedFile">System.Web.HttpPostedFile</param> /// <param name="strFileName">文件名</param> /// <returns>返回创建后的文件名</returns> private string CreateFile(string storagePath, ref bool IsSuccess, HttpPostedFile httpPostedFile, string strFileName) { string strNewStoragePath = storagePath; string strFolder = ""; if (_allowCreateFolder) strFolder = "/" + CreateFolder(storagePath); string strFilePath = strNewStoragePath + strFolder + "/" + strFileName; Stream stream = httpPostedFile.InputStream; SaveFile(stream, strFilePath); IsSuccess = true; return strFolder + "/" + strFileName; } /// <summary> /// 保存文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="streamPara">文件流</param> /// <param name="strFilePath">文件路径与文件名</param> private static void SaveFile(Stream streamPara, string strFilePath) { Stream stream = streamPara; byte[] by = new byte[1024];//分块读取 FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(strFilePath, FileMode.Create); int isize = stream.Read(by, 0, by.Length); while (isize > 0) { if (isize > 0) { fileStream.Write(by, 0, isize); } isize = stream.Read(by, 0, by.Length); } fileStream.Close(); fileStream.Dispose(); } #endregion } }
public string UploadFile(System.Web.HttpPostedFile httpPostedFile,string path,ref bool IsSuccess) { Common.FilesManagement.UploadFiles uploadfile = new Common.FilesManagement.UploadFiles(httpPostedFile); uploadfile.FilePrefix = "CM"; uploadfile.AllowReName = false; uploadfile.AllowCreateFolder = false; uploadfile.AddProhibitFileType(".exe"); uploadfile.AddAllowFileType(".jpg"); return uploadfile.Upload(path,ref IsSuccess); }
public JsonResult UploadFile() { bool bresult = false; string strMsg = "上传失败"; string strFileName = ""; HttpPostedFile file = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Files["Filedata"]; string uploadPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@Request["folder"]) + "\\"; BLL.Position.CandidatesBll candBll = new BLL.Position.CandidatesBll(); strFileName = candBll.UploadFile(file, uploadPath, ref bresult); if (bresult) strMsg = "上传成功"; return Json(new { IsSuccess = bresult,fileName=strFileName, Message = strMsg }); }
<script src="/uploadify/jquery.uploadify.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/uploadify/uploadify.css"> <div style="width: 440px; height: 33px; float: left;"> <div style="float: left;"> <input id="hidResume" name="hidResume" type="hidden" /> <div id="uploadResult" style="float: left; padding: 5px; height: 20px; line-height: 20px; display: block; color: Red;"> </div> </div> <div style="float: left;"> <div id="queue" style="float: left;"> </div> <input id="file_upload" name="file_upload" type="file" multiple="false" style="float: left; width: 150px;"> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var auth = "@(Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName]==null ? string.Empty : Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName].Value)"; var ASPSESSID = "@Session.SessionID"; $(function() { $('#file_upload').uploadify({ // 'formData': { 'someKey': 'someValue', 'someOtherKey': 1 }, 'formData': { 'folder': '/uploads', 'ASPSESSID': ASPSESSID, 'AUTHID': auth }, 'swf': '/uploadify/uploadify.swf', 'uploader': '/Position/UploadFile', 'uploadLimit': 1, 'multi': false, 'buttonText': '浏 览', 'fileSizeLimit': '5MB', 'fileTypeExts': '*.doc;*.docx;*.xlsx;*.jpg', 'fileTypeDesc': '请选择doc docx文件', 'width': '110', 'height': '28', 'onUploadSuccess': function (file, data, response) { //alert('The file ' + file.name + ' was successfully uploaded with a response of ' + response + ':' + data); var objResult = eval("(" + data + ")"); $("#hidResume").val(objResult.fileName); $("#uploadResult").html(objResult.fileName + objResult.Message); } }); }); </script>