Getting help with calibre
The first place to look for the answers to your calibre related questionsis the list of Frequently Asked Questions .
Try watching the Grand Tour introductory video for pointers on how to
accomplish various tasks with calibre. calibre has comprehensive documentation in its
User Manual . In addition, video tutorials are available
If none of these sources have the answers you need, you can always ask for help, in the
very active calibre forum
at, or on the Facebook calibre fan page ,
or at #calibreforum on Twitter.
E-book creation tutorials
Various tutorials on how to create/convert e-books with calibre.
A guide on e-book conversion by John Schember, a calibre developer ABCs of e-book format conversion .
A step-by-step guide on converting HTML and Microsoft Word formats using calibre.
Another step-by-step guide on creating ePub files starting from OpenOffice/Word.
Read the Conversion Section of the calibre User Manual for an in-depth understanding of how conversion works in calibre
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