[Specification by Example][ch5 Deriving scope from goals]-[读书笔记]-[4]

Don't look only at the lowest level


作为一个流程, Spec By Example同时为高级别用户故事也为低级别用户故事服务。一旦我们有了高级别的某些事情为什么会特别有价值的示例,我们能够捕获其为高等级的Spec。 这样高等级的示例允许我们客观评价我们是否应该发布某个特性。【As a process, Specification by Example works both for high-level and lower –level stories.  Once we have a high-level example of how something would be useful, we can capture that as a high-level specification. Suc high-level examples allow us to objectively measure whether we’ve delivered a feature.】

Ismo Aro 在Nokia Siemens的一个项目上由于没有高级别的Spec而经历了一些挫折。他说:“用户故事需要安排到迭代中, 当有一大批的用户故事完成后,他们是被分别测试的,大一些的用户故事实际上没有测试完整。当用户故事划分的比较少的时候你不能从任务列表中说这些事情是否真的完成。”。



Make Suer Teams Deliver complete featrues when: Large multisite projects



  • when you’re given requirements as tasks, push back: get the information you need to understand the real problem; then collaboratively design the solution.
  • if you can’t avoid getting tasks , ask for high-level examples of how they would be useful  - this will help you understand who need them and why, so you can design the solution.
  • To derive the appropriate scope, think about the business goal of a milestone and the stakeholders who can contribute or be affected by that milestone.
  • Start with the outputs of a system to get the business users more engaged.
  • Reorganize component teams into teams that can deliver complete features.
  • Invertigate emerging techniques, including feature injection, user story mapping, and effect mapping to derive scope frm goals effectively.
