4.1日,活到老学到老的免费在线学习平台网站,让你掌握各种颠覆性技术和技能,以及帮你创业成功的服务网站。创业指导,编程技术学习,和各种技能学习平台 一共3个部分。各种平台免费使用!
“I have never let my schooling interfere with my education”
-Mark Twain 马克吐温
E[nstitute] ,一个帮助你创业腾飞的地方,更多介绍在 here。
Thiel Fellowship
Thiel Fellowship ,帮助你找到牛人等优势资源,提高你的创业成功率。 2-years + $100,000 + mentorship and connections with some of the heaviest hitters in Silicon Valley = a high probability of success.
EverFi ,帮你弥补金融类的知识, This startup focuses on delivering the critical life skills of financial literacy through a series of interactive courses and games… (and it’s 100% free for K-12 schools).
and startups that are rapidly changing how we learn.
“Many public-school children seem to know only two dates — 1492 and 4th of July; and as a rule they don’t know what happened on either occasion.”
-Mark Twain
The Academy of Software Engineering:
The Academy of Software Engineering ,让你学习工程技术,设计和技能。
NYC’s newest move to become a stronghold of young technical talent is slated to deliver cutting edge curriculum for students focusing on software engineering, design, and technology.
Code Now:
Code Now,能让你学习和掌握开发颠覆性创新技术的地方。This program is quickly gaining traction as it aims to develop the next generation of disruptive technologists, focusing on foundational computer science skills for underrepresented high school students.
Codecademy,在 [创业秘笈] 2011年彻底颠覆教育业,最火爆的Codecademy,5大成功原因 TechFrom系列3有详细的介绍和分析。
Learn to write code online and at your own pace, through a series of interactive tutorials and lessons.
Hungry Academy
Hungry Academy,5个月的学习可以让你从零开始学习技术,并且得到 LivingSocial 的录取。In a recruiting masterstroke, Living Social will take you from “0” to “10101…” in a rigorous 5 month program, (upon signing a commitment to work for Living Social for a year that is).
-Mark Twain
关于 人人都是讲师的创业项目 Skillshare,
在线学习平台, Udemy:
“The Academy of You”. Quite simply, this platform allows you to take and build online courses on just about anything.
从艺术到商业的各种技能学习平台 Khan Academy:
The groundbreaking platform for alternative online learning. With a vast aray of bite sized YouTube videos, Khan boils down everything from art history to the Paulson Bailout.
谷歌人创立的交互式学习平台 Udacity:
After his CS221 class went viral, Google Fellow Sebastian Thrun of Stanford launched a platform that combines the direct instruction of Khan Academy with the interactivity of Codecademy.
MIT麻省理工学院的免费在线学习 MITx:
In the Fall of 2012 MIT will offer a variety of its courses for free online. Sound like MIT OpenCourseWare? It’s not. It features interactive instruction, online labs, and individualized assessment, giving anyone the ability to earn certificates from MITx.
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