
 1, 具体什么业务受到影响不清楚,但从系统测看,主机IO资源比较紧张(HPUX 11.31 +oracle 9i)
HP-UX crmdb3 B.11.23 U ia64    09/19/12

11:09:42    %usr    %sys    %wio   %idle
11:09:45      28       5      64       3
11:09:48      28       2      61       9
11:09:51      28       2      67       3
11:09:54      33       2      57       7
11:09:57      31       2      59       7


2,数据库侧看,大量db file scattered read IO相关等待事件

 SID    SERIAL# OSUSER   USERNAME SVRPROC                              SQL_HASH_VALUE EVENT                                             P1         P2         P3
------ ---------- -------- -------- ------------------------------------ -------------- ------------------------------ --------------------- ---------- ----------
    89      28200 airsm    ai    10261                                     664153718 db file scattered read                            37     192750          8
   159      43064 airsm    ai    26996                                    3295997871 db file scattered read                            36      60587          8
   173       8048 airsm    ai    3250                                     1002585284 db file scattered read                            36      75123          8
   458      18261 airsm    ai    2505                                     2812298138 db file scattered read                            36     365179          8


SQL> @get_sql_by_hv
Enter value for hv: 1775869170
old   3:  where hash_value = '&HV'
new   3:  where hash_value = '1775869170'

SQL Text
select a.serial_num, x.c_attr_1 crypto, to_char(a.expirt_dt, 'yy
yy-mm-dd') expirt_dt, k.key_info     from RM_A_x x, RM_A
 a, RM_A_key_info k
 where a.row_id = x.row_id (+)
                                   and k.row_id(+) = x.n_attr_1
nd serial_num in (  '12475014246302465', '12475014246302485', '1
2475014246302572', '12475014246302595', '12475014246302599', '12
475014246302620', '12475014246302636', '12475014246302765')

9 rows selected.

SQL> /
Enter value for hv: 2144161010
old   3:  where hash_value = '&HV'
new   3:  where hash_value = '2144161010'

SQL Text
select a.serial_num, x.c_attr_1 crypto, to_char(a.expirt_dt, 'yy
yy-mm-dd') expirt_dt, k.key_info     from RM_A_x x, RM_A
 a, RM_A_key_info k
 where a.row_id = x.row_id (+)
                                   and k.row_id(+) = x.n_attr_1
nd serial_num in (  '12475014246306603', '12475014246306726', '1

8 rows selected.

SQL>  select bytes/1024/1024 M,owner from dba_segments where segment_name ='RM_A';

         M OWNER
---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     71206 ai
SQL> @showplan_9i
Enter value for hash: 125827763
old  29: hash_value='&hash'
new  29: hash_value='125827763'

Optimizer Plan:
| Operation | PHV/Object Name | Rows | Bytes| Cost |
|SELECT STATEMENT                |----- 125827763 [0]
-|       |      |        |

|NESTED LOOPS OUTER              |                     |       |      |        |
| NESTED LOOPS OUTER             |                     |       |      |        |
|  TABLE ACCESS FULL             |RM_A             |       |      |        |
|  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID   |RM_A_X           |       |      |        |
|   INDEX UNIQUE SCAN            |RM_A_X_P1        |       |      |        |
| TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID    |RM_A_KEY_INFO    |       |      |        |
|  INDEX UNIQUE SCAN             |RM_A_KEY_INFO_P1 |       |      |        |



Index           Column                     Col Column
Name            Name                       Pos Details
--------------- ------------------------- ---- ------------------------
RM_A_F1     BUCKET_ID                    1 NUMBER(15,0)
                BUCKET_ID                    1 NUMBER(15,0)
RM_A_F2     INV_ID                       1 NUMBER(15,0)
                INV_ID                       1 NUMBER(15,0)
RM_A_M1     SERIAL_NUM                   1 VARCHAR2(80)
                SERIAL_NUM                   1 VARCHAR2(80)

SQL>  select OPTIMIZER_MODE from  v$sqlarea where HASH_VALUE='125827763';


Table                   Number                 Empty Average    Chain Average Global User           Sample Date
Name                   of Rows   Blocks       Blocks   Space    Count Row Len Stats  Stats            Size MM-DD-YYYY
--------------- -------------- -------- ------------ ------- -------- ------- ------ ------ -------------- ----------
RM_A_X                                                                    NO     NO

SQL>  select CREATED,OBJECT_NAME from  dba_objects where object_name ='RM_A_X' and owner='ai';

CREATED                                                                                              OBJECT_NAME
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
2012-06-26 09:52:48                                                                                  RM_A_X

SQL> show parameter optimizer_mode

NAME                                 TYPE                              VALUE
------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ------------------------------
optimizer_mode                       string                            RULE

3,rbo的执行顺序如下,安装如下文章所述,IN应该属于rank 10,如果把in改成单条件=则直接走相关索引

sing the RBO, the optimizer chooses an execution plan based on the access paths available and the ranks of these access paths. Oracle's ranking of the access paths is heuristic. If there is more than one way to execute a SQL statement, then the RBO always uses the operation with the lower rank. Usually, operations of lower rank execute faster than those associated with constructs of higher rank.
The list shows access paths and their ranking:
RBO Path 1: Single Row by Rowid
RBO Path 2: Single Row by Cluster Join
RBO Path 3: Single Row by Hash Cluster Key with Unique or Primary Key
RBO Path 4: Single Row by Unique or Primary Key
RBO Path 5: Clustered Join
RBO Path 6: Hash Cluster Key
RBO Path 7: Indexed Cluster Key
RBO Path 8: Composite Index
RBO Path 9: Single-Column Indexes
RBO Path 10: Bounded Range Search on Indexed Columns
RBO Path 11: Unbounded Range Search on Indexed Columns
RBO Path 12: Sort Merge Join
RBO Path 13: MAX or MIN of Indexed Column
RBO Path 14: ORDER BY on Indexed Column
RBO Path 15: Full Table Scan


  SQL> explain plan for
  2  select /*+index(a RM_A_M1) */ a.serial_num, x.c_attr_1 crypto, to_char(a.expirt_dt, 'yyyy-mm-dd') expirt_dt, k.key_info     from  ai.RM_A_key_info k ,ai.RM_A_x x ,ai.RM_A
  3   a where a.row_id = x.row_id (+)
  4  and k.row_id(+) = x.n_attr_1        and serial_num in (  '12475014246300079', '12475014246300099');


SQL>  select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);


| Id  | Operation                      |  Name                 | Rows  | Bytes | Cost  |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT               |                       |     2 |  6204 |     9 |
|   1 |  NESTED LOOPS OUTER            |                       |     2 |  6204 |     9 |
|   2 |   NESTED LOOPS OUTER           |                       |     2 |  4126 |     7 |
|   3 |    INLIST ITERATOR             |                       |       |       |       |
|   4 |     TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| RM_A              |     2 |    70 |     5 |
|*  5 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN          | RM_A_M1           |     2 |       |     4 |
|   6 |    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | RM_A_X            |     1 |  2028 |     1 |

|*  7 |     INDEX UNIQUE SCAN          | RM_A_X_P1         |     1 |       |       |
|   8 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID  | RM_A_KEY_INFO     |     1 |  1039 |     1 |
|*  9 |    INDEX UNIQUE SCAN           | RM_A_KEY_INFO_P1  |     1 |       |       |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   5 - access("A"."SERIAL_NUM"='12475014246300079' OR
   7 - access("A"."ROW_ID"="X"."ROW_ID"(+))

   9 - access("K"."ROW_ID"(+)="X"."N_ATTR_1")

Note: cpu costing is off

25 rows selected.



作者:hijk139 发表于2012-9-21 16:54:09 原文链接
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