__BEGIN__ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " new items marked *N* , corrected items marked *C* " searching /joe/e : cursor set to End of match 3/joe/e+1 : find 3rd joe cursor set to End of match plus 1 *C* /joe/s-2 : cursor set to Start of match minus 2 /joe/+3 : find joe move cursor 3 lines down /^joe.*fred.*bill/ : find joe AND fred AND Bill (Joe at start of line) /^[A-J]/ : search for lines beginning with one or more A-J /begin\_.*end : search over possible multiple lines /fred\_s*joe/ : any whitespace including newline *C* /fred\|joe : Search for FRED OR JOE /.*fred\&.*joe : Search for FRED AND JOE in any ORDER! /\<fred\>/ : search for fred but not alfred or frederick *C* /\<\d\d\d\d\> : Search for exactly 4 digit numbers /\D\d\d\d\d\D : Search for exactly 4 digit numbers /\<\d\{4}\> : same thing /\([^0-9]\|^\)%.*% : Search for absence of a digit or beginning of line " finding empty lines /^\n\{3} : find 3 empty lines /^str.*\nstr : find 2 successive lines starting with str /\(^str.*\n\)\{2} : find 2 successive lines starting with str " using rexexp memory in a search /\(fred\).*\(joe\).*\2.*\1 " Repeating the Regexp (rather than what the Regexp finds) /^\([^,]*,\)\{8} " visual searching :vmap // y/<C-R>"<CR> : search for visually highlighted text :vmap <silent> // y/<C-R>=escape(@", '\\/.*$^~[]')<CR><CR> : with spec chars " \zs and \ze regex delimiters :h /\zs /<\zs[^>]*\ze> : search for tag contents, ignoring chevrons " zero-width :h /\@= /<\@<=[^>]*>\@= : search for tag contents, ignoring chevrons /<\@<=\_[^>]*>\@= : search for tags across possible multiple lines " searching over multiple lines \_ means including newline /<!--\_p\{-}--> : search for multiple line comments /fred\_s*joe/ : any whitespace including newline *C* /bugs\(\_.\)*bunny : bugs followed by bunny anywhere in file :h \_ : help " search for declaration of subroutine/function under cursor :nmap gx yiw/^\(sub\<bar>function\)\s\+<C-R>"<CR> " multiple file search :bufdo /searchstr/ : use :rewind to recommence search " multiple file search better but cheating :bufdo %s/searchstr/&/gic : say n and then a to stop " How to search for a URL without backslashing ?http://www.vim.org/ : (first) search BACKWARDS!!! clever huh! " Specify what you are NOT searching for (vowels) /\c\v([^aeiou]&\a){4} : search for 4 consecutive consonants /\%>20l\%<30lgoat : Search for goat between lines 20 and 30 *N* /^.\{-}home.\{-}\zshome/e : match only the 2nd occurence in a line of "home" *N* :%s/home.\{-}\zshome/alone : Substitute only the occurrence of home in any line *N* " find str but not on lines containing tongue ^\(.*tongue.*\)\@!.*nose.*$ \v^((tongue)@!.)*nose((tongue)@!.)*$ .*nose.*\&^\%(\%(tongue\)\@!.\)*$ :v/tongue/s/nose/&/gic "---------------------------------------- "substitution :%s/fred/joe/igc : general substitute command :%s//joe/igc : Substitute what you last searched for *N* :%s/~/sue/igc : Substitute your last replacement string *N* :%s/\r//g : Delete DOS returns ^M " Is your Text File jumbled onto one line? use following :%s/\r/\r/g : Turn DOS returns ^M into real returns :%s= *$== : delete end of line blanks :%s= \+$== : Same thing :%s#\s*\r\?$## : Clean both trailing spaces AND DOS returns :%s#\s*\r*$## : same thing " deleting empty lines :%s/^\n\{3}// : delete blocks of 3 empty lines :%s/^\n\+/\r/ : compressing empty lines :%s#<[^>]\+>##g : delete html tags, leave text (non-greedy) :%s#<\_.\{-1,}>##g : delete html tags possibly multi-line (non-greedy) :%s#.*\(\d\+hours\).*#\1# : Delete all but memorised string (\1) *N* %s#><\([^/]\)#>\r<\1#g : split jumbled up XML file into one tag per line *N* " VIM Power Substitute :'a,'bg/fred/s/dick/joe/igc : VERY USEFUL " duplicating columns :%s= [^ ]\+$=&&= : duplicate end column :%s= \f\+$=&&= : same thing :%s= \S\+$=&& : usually the same " memory %s#.*\(tbl_\w\+\).*#\1# : produce a list of all strings tbl_* *N* :s/\(.*\):\(.*\)/\2 : \1/ : reverse fields separated by : :%s/^\(.*\)\n\1$/\1/ : delete duplicate lines " non-greedy matching \{-} :%s/^.\{-}pdf/new.pdf/ : delete to 1st occurence of pdf only (non-greedy) " use of optional atom \? :%s#\<[zy]\?tbl_[a-z_]\+\>#\L&#gc : lowercase with optional leading characters " over possibly many lines :%s/<!--\_.\{-}-->// : delete possibly multi-line comments :help /\{-} : help non-greedy " substitute using a register :s/fred/<c-r>a/g : sub "fred" with contents of register "a" :s/fred/<c-r>asome_text<c-r>s/g :s/fred/\=@a/g : better alternative as register not displayed " multiple commands on one line :%s/\f\+\.gif\>/\r&\r/g | v/\.gif$/d | %s/gif/jpg/ :%s/a/but/gie|:update|:next : then use @: to repeat " ORing :%s/goat\|cow/sheep/gc : ORing (must break pipe) :'a,'bs#\[\|\]##g : remove [] from lines between markers a and b *N* :%s/\v(.*\n){5}/&\r : insert a blank line every 5 lines *N* " Calling a VIM function :s/__date__/\=strftime("%c")/ : insert datestring " Working with Columns sub any str1 in col3 :%s:\(\(\w\+\s\+\)\{2}\)str1:\1str2: " Swapping first & last column (4 columns) :%s:\(\w\+\)\(.*\s\+\)\(\w\+\)$:\3\2\1: " format a mysql query :%s#\<from\>\|\<where\>\|\<left join\>\|\<\inner join\>#\r&#g " filter all form elements into paste register :redir @*|sil exec 'g#<\(input\|select\|textarea\|/\=form\)\>#p'|redir END :nmap ,z :redir @*<Bar>sil exec 'g@<\(input\<Bar>select\<Bar>textarea\<Bar>/\=form\)\>@p'<Bar>redir END<CR> " substitute string in column 30 *N* :%s/^\(.\{30\}\)xx/\1yy/ " decrement numbers by 3 :%s/\d\+/\=(submatch(0)-3)/ " increment numbers by 6 on certain lines only :g/loc\|function/s/\d/\=submatch(0)+6/ " better :%s#txtdev\zs\d#\=submatch(0)+1#g :h /\zs " increment only numbers gg\d\d by 6 (another way) :%s/\(gg\)\@<=\d\+/\=submatch(0)+6/ :h zero-width " rename a string with an incrementing number :let i=10 | 'a,'bg/Abc/s/yy/\=i/ |let i=i+1 # convert yy to 10,11,12 etc " as above but more precise :let i=10 | 'a,'bg/Abc/s/xx\zsyy\ze/\=i/ |let i=i+1 # convert xxyy to xx11,xx12,xx13 " find replacement text, put in memory, then use \zs to simplify substitute :%s/"\([^.]\+\).*\zsxx/\1/ " Pull word under cursor into LHS of a substitute :nmap <leader>z :%s#\<<c-r>=expand("<cword>")<cr>\># " Pull Visually Highlighted text into LHS of a substitute :vmap <leader>z :<C-U>%s/\<<c-r>*\>/ " substitute singular or plural :'a,'bs/bucket\(s\)*/bowl\1/gic *N* ---------------------------------------- " all following performing similar task, substitute within substitution " Multiple single character substitution in a portion of line only :%s,\(all/.*\)\@<=/,_,g : replace all / with _ AFTER "all/" " Same thing :s#all/\zs.*#\=substitute(submatch(0), '/', '_', 'g')# " Substitute by splitting line, then re-joining :s#all/#&^M#|s#/#_#g|-j! " Substitute inside substitute :%s/.*/\='cp '.submatch(0).' all/'.substitute(submatch(0),'/','_','g')/ ---------------------------------------- " global command display :g/gladiolli/# : display with line numbers (YOU WANT THIS!) :g/fred.*joe.*dick/ : display all lines fred,joe & dick :g/\<fred\>/ : display all lines fred but not freddy :g/^\s*$/d : delete all blank lines :g!/^dd/d : delete lines not containing string :v/^dd/d : delete lines not containing string :g/joe/,/fred/d : not line based (very powerfull) :g/fred/,/joe/j : Join Lines *N* :g/-------/.-10,.d : Delete string & 10 previous lines :g/{/ ,/}/- s/\n\+/\r/g : Delete empty lines but only between {...} :v/\S/d : Delete empty lines (and blank lines ie whitespace) :v/./,/./-j : compress empty lines :g/^$/,/./-j : compress empty lines :g/<input\|<form/p : ORing :g/^/put_ : double space file (pu = put) :g/^/m0 : Reverse file (m = move) :g/^/m$ : No effect! *N* :'a,'bg/^/m'b : Reverse a section a to b :g/^/t. : duplicate every line :g/fred/t$ : copy(transfer) lines matching fred to EOF :g/stage/t'a : copy (transfer) lines matching stage to marker a (cannot use .) *C* :g/^Chapter/t.|s/./-/g : Automatically underline selecting headings *N* :g/\(^I[^^I]*\)\{80}/d : delete all lines containing at least 80 tabs " perform a substitute on every other line :g/^/ if line('.')%2|s/^/zz / " match all lines containing "somestr" between markers a & b " copy after line containing "otherstr" :'a,'bg/somestr/co/otherstr/ : co(py) or mo(ve) " as above but also do a substitution :'a,'bg/str1/s/str1/&&&/|mo/str2/ :%norm jdd : delete every other line " incrementing numbers (type <c-a> as 5 characters) :.,$g/^\d/exe "norm! \<c-a>": increment numbers :'a,'bg/\d\+/norm! ^A : increment numbers " storing glob results (note must use APPEND) you need to empty reg a first with qaq. "save results to a register/paste buffer :g/fred/y A : append all lines fred to register a :g/fred/y A | :let @*=@a : put into paste buffer :let @a=''|g/Barratt/y A |:let @*=@a " filter lines to a file (file must already exist) :'a,'bg/^Error/ . w >> errors.txt " duplicate every line in a file wrap a print '' around each duplicate :g/./yank|put|-1s/'/"/g|s/.*/Print '&'/ " replace string with contents of a file, -d deletes the "mark" :g/^MARK$/r tmp.txt | -d " display prettily :g/<pattern>/z#.5 : display with context :g/<pattern>/z#.5|echo "==========" : display beautifully " Combining g// with normal mode commands :g/|/norm 2f|r* : replace 2nd | with a star "send output of previous global command to a new window :nmap <F3> :redir @a<CR>:g//<CR>:redir END<CR>:new<CR>:put! a<CR><CR> "---------------------------------------- " Global combined with substitute (power editing) :'a,'bg/fred/s/joe/susan/gic : can use memory to extend matching :/fred/,/joe/s/fred/joe/gic : non-line based (ultra) :/biz/,/any/g/article/s/wheel/bucket/gic: non-line based *N* ---------------------------------------- " Find fred before beginning search for joe :/fred/;/joe/-2,/sid/+3s/sally/alley/gIC "---------------------------------------- " create a new file for each line of file eg 1.txt,2.txt,3,txt etc :g/^/exe ".w ".line(".").".txt" "---------------------------------------- " chain an external command :.g/^/ exe ".!sed 's/N/X/'" | s/I/Q/ *N* "---------------------------------------- " Operate until string found *N* d/fred/ :delete until fred y/fred/ :yank until fred c/fred/e :change until fred end "---------------------------------------- " Summary of editing repeats *N* . last edit (magic dot) :& last substitute :%& last substitute every line :%&gic last substitute every line confirm g% normal mode repeat last substitute g& last substitute on all lines @@ last recording @: last command-mode command :!! last :! command :~ last substitute :help repeating ---------------------------------------- " Summary of repeated searches ; last f, t, F or T , last f, t, F or T in opposite direction n last / or ? search N last / or ? search in opposite direction ---------------------------------------- " Absolutely essential ---------------------------------------- * # g* g# : find word under cursor (<cword>) (forwards/backwards) % : match brackets {}[]() . : repeat last modification @: : repeat last : command (then @@) matchit.vim : % now matches tags <tr><td><script> <?php etc <C-N><C-P> : word completion in insert mode <C-X><C-L> : Line complete SUPER USEFUL /<C-R><C-W> : Pull <cword> onto search/command line /<C-R><C-A> : Pull <CWORD> onto search/command line :set ignorecase : you nearly always want this :set smartcase : overrides ignorecase if uppercase used in search string (cool) :syntax on : colour syntax in Perl,HTML,PHP etc :set syntax=perl : force syntax (usually taken from file extension) :h regexp<C-D> : type control-D and get a list all help topics containing regexp (plus use TAB to Step thru list) ---------------------------------------- " MAKE IT EASY TO UPDATE/RELOAD _vimrc :nmap ,s :source $VIM/_vimrc :nmap ,v :e $VIM/_vimrc :e $MYVIMRC : edits your _vimrc whereever it might be *N* " How to have a variant in your .vimrc for different PCs *N* if $COMPUTERNAME == "NEWPC" ab mypc vista else ab mypc dell25 endif ---------------------------------------- " splitting windows :vsplit other.php # vertically split current file with other.php *N* ---------------------------------------- "VISUAL MODE (easy to add other HTML Tags) :vmap sb "zdi<b><C-R>z</b><ESC> : wrap <b></b> around VISUALLY selected Text :vmap st "zdi<?= <C-R>z ?><ESC> : wrap <?= ?> around VISUALLY selected Text ---------------------------------------- "vim 7 tabs vim -p fred.php joe.php : open files in tabs :tabe fred.php : open fred.php in a new tab :tab ball : tab open files " vim 7 forcing use of tabs from .vimrc :nnoremap gf <C-W>gf :cab e tabe :tab sball : retab all files in buffer (repair) *N* ---------------------------------------- " Exploring :e . : file explorer :Exp(lore) : file explorer note capital Ex :Sex(plore) : file explorer in split window :browse e : windows style browser :ls : list of buffers :cd .. : move to parent directory :args : list of files :args *.php : open list of files (you need this!) :lcd %:p:h : change to directory of current file :autocmd BufEnter * lcd %:p:h : change to directory of current file automatically (put in _vimrc) ---------------------------------------- " Changing Case guu : lowercase line gUU : uppercase line Vu : lowercase line VU : uppercase line g~~ : flip case line vEU : Upper Case Word vE~ : Flip Case Word ggguG : lowercase entire file " Titlise Visually Selected Text (map for .vimrc) vmap ,c :s/\<\(.\)\(\k*\)\>/\u\1\L\2/g<CR> " titlise a line nmap ,t :s/.*/\L&/<bar>:s/\<./\u&/g<cr> *N* " Uppercase first letter of sentences :%s/[.!?]\_s\+\a/\U&\E/g ---------------------------------------- gf : open file name under cursor (SUPER) :nnoremap gF :view <cfile><cr> : open file under cursor, create if necessary ga : display hex,ascii value of char under cursor ggVGg? : rot13 whole file ggg?G : rot13 whole file (quicker for large file) :8 | normal VGg? : rot13 from line 8 :normal 10GVGg? : rot13 from line 8 <C-A>,<C-X> : increment,decrement number under cursor win32 users must remap CNTRL-A <C-R>=5*5 : insert 25 into text (mini-calculator) ---------------------------------------- " Make all other tips superfluous :h 42 : also http://www.google.com/search?q=42 :h holy-grail :h! ---------------------------------------- " disguise text (watch out) *N* ggVGg? : rot13 whole file (toggles) :set rl! : reverse lines right to left (toggles) :g/^/m0 : reverse lines top to bottom (toggles) ---------------------------------------- " Markers & moving about '. : jump to last modification line (SUPER) `. : jump to exact spot in last modification line g; : cycle thru recent changes (oldest first) g, : reverse direction :changes :h changelist : help for above <C-O> : retrace your movements in file (starting from most recent) <C-I> : retrace your movements in file (reverse direction) :ju(mps) : list of your movements :help jump-motions :history : list of all your commands :his c : commandline history :his s : search history q/ : Search history Window (puts you in full edit mode) (exit CTRL-C) q: : commandline history Window (puts you in full edit mode) (exit CTRL-C) :<C-F> : history Window (exit CTRL-C) ---------------------------------------- " Abbreviations & Maps " Following 4 maps enable text transfer between VIM sessions :map <f7> :'a,'bw! c:/aaa/x : save text to file x :map <f8> :r c:/aaa/x : retrieve text :map <f11> :.w! c:/aaa/xr<CR> : store current line :map <f12> :r c:/aaa/xr<CR> : retrieve current line :ab php : list of abbreviations beginning php :map , : list of maps beginning , " allow use of F10 for mapping (win32) set wak=no : :h winaltkeys " For use in Maps <CR> : carriage Return for maps <ESC> : Escape <LEADER> : normally \ <BAR> : | pipe <BACKSPACE> : backspace <SILENT> : No hanging shell window #display RGB colour under the cursor eg #445588 :nmap <leader>c :hi Normal guibg=#<c-r>=expand("<cword>")<cr><cr> map <f2> /price only\\|versus/ :in a map need to backslash the \ # type table,,, to get <table></table> ### Cool ### imap ,,, <esc>bdwa<<esc>pa><cr></<esc>pa><esc>kA ---------------------------------------- " Simple PHP debugging display all variables yanked into register a iab phpdb exit("<hr>Debug <C-R>a "); ---------------------------------------- " Using a register as a map (preload registers in .vimrc) :let @m=":'a,'bs/" :let @s=":%!sort -u" ---------------------------------------- " Useful tricks "ayy@a : execute "Vim command" in a text file yy@" : same thing using unnamed register u@. : execute command JUST typed in "ddw : store what you delete in register d *N* "ccaw : store what you change in register c *N* ---------------------------------------- " Get output from other commands (requires external programs) :r!ls -R : reads in output of ls :put=glob('**') : same as above *N* :r !grep "^ebay" file.txt : grepping in content *N* :20,25 !rot13 : rot13 lines 20 to 25 *N* !!date : same thing (but replaces/filters current line) " Sorting with external sort :%!sort -u : use an external program to filter content :'a,'b!sort -u : use an external program to filter content !1} sort -u : sorts paragraph (note normal mode!!) :g/^$/;,/^$/-1!sort : Sort each block (note the crucial " Sorting with internal sort :sort /.*\%2v/ : sort all lines on second column *N* " number lines :new | r!nl # *N* ---------------------------------------- " Multiple Files Management (Essential) :bn : goto next buffer :bp : goto previous buffer :wn : save file and move to next (super) :wp : save file and move to previous :bd : remove file from buffer list (super) :bun : Buffer unload (remove window but not from list) :badd file.c : file from buffer list :b3 : go to buffer 3 *C* :b main : go to buffer with main in name eg main.c (ultra) :sav php.html : Save current file as php.html and "move" to php.html :sav! %<.bak : Save Current file to alternative extension (old way) :sav! %:r.cfm : Save Current file to alternative extension :sav %:s/fred/joe/ : do a substitute on file name :sav %:s/fred/joe/:r.bak2 : do a substitute on file name & ext. :!mv % %:r.bak : rename current file (DOS use Rename or DEL) :help filename-modifiers :e! : return to unmodified file :w c:/aaa/% : save file elsewhere :e # : edit alternative file (also cntrl-^) :rew : return to beginning of edited files list (:args) :brew : buffer rewind :sp fred.txt : open fred.txt into a split :sball,:sb : Split all buffers (super) :scrollbind : in each split window :map <F5> :ls<CR>:e # : Pressing F5 lists all buffer, just type number :set hidden : Allows to change buffer w/o saving current buffer ---------------------------------------- " Quick jumping between splits map <C-J> <C-W>j<C-W>_ map <C-K> <C-W>k<C-W>_ ---------------------------------------- " Recording (BEST TIP of ALL) qq # record to q your complex series of commands q # end recording @q to execute @@ to Repeat 5@@ to Repeat 5 times qQ@qq : Make an existing recording q recursive *N* " editing a register/recording "qp :display contents of register q (normal mode) <ctrl-R>q :display contents of register q (insert mode) " you can now see recording contents, edit as required "qdd :put changed contacts back into q @q :execute recording/register q " Operating a Recording on a Visual BLOCK 1) define recording/register qq:s/ to/ from/g^Mq 2) Define Visual BLOCK V} 3) hit : and the following appears :'<,'> 4)Complete as follows :'<,'>norm @q ---------------------------------------- "combining a recording with a map (to end up in command mode) :nnoremap ] @q:update<bar>bd ---------------------------------------- " Visual is the newest and usually the most intuitive editing mode " Visual basics v : enter visual mode V : visual mode whole line <C-V> : enter VISUAL BLOCK mode gv : reselect last visual area (ultra) o : navigate visual area "*y or "+y : yank visual area into paste buffer *C* V% : visualise what you match V}J : Join Visual block (great) V}gJ : Join Visual block w/o adding spaces `[v`] : Highlight last insert :%s/\%Vold/new/g : Do a substitute on last visual area *N* ---------------------------------------- " Delete first 2 characters of 10 successive lines 0<c-v>10j2ld (use Control Q on win32) *C* ---------------------------------------- " how to copy a set of columns using VISUAL BLOCK " visual block (AKA columnwise selection) (NOT BY ordinary v command) <C-V> then select "column(s)" with motion commands (win32 <C-Q>) then c,d,y,r etc ---------------------------------------- " how to overwrite a visual-block of text with another such block *C* " move with hjkl etc Pick the first block: ctrl-v move y Pick the second block: ctrl-v move P <esc> ---------------------------------------- " text objects :h text-objects *C* daW : delete contiguous non whitespace di< yi< ci< : Delete/Yank/Change HTML tag contents da< ya< ca< : Delete/Yank/Change whole HTML tag dat dit : Delete HTML tag pair diB daB : Empty a function {} das : delete a sentence ---------------------------------------- " _vimrc essentials :set incsearch : jumps to search word as you type (annoying but excellent) :set wildignore=*.o,*.obj,*.bak,*.exe : tab complete now ignores these :set shiftwidth=3 : for shift/tabbing :set vb t_vb=". : set silent (no beep) :set browsedir=buffer : Maki GUI File Open use current directory ---------------------------------------- " launching Win IE :nmap ,f :update<CR>:silent !start c:\progra~1\intern~1\iexplore.exe file://%:p<CR> :nmap ,i :update<CR>: !start c:\progra~1\intern~1\iexplore.exe <cWORD><CR> ---------------------------------------- " FTPing from VIM cmap ,r :Nread cmap ,w :Nwrite gvim ftp://www.somedomain.com/index.html # uses netrw.vim ---------------------------------------- " appending to registers (use CAPITAL) " yank 5 lines into "a" then add a further 5 "a5yy 10j "A5yy ---------------------------------------- [I : show lines matching word under cursor <cword> (super) ---------------------------------------- " Conventional Shifting/Indenting :'a,'b>> " visual shifting (builtin-repeat) :vnoremap < <gv :vnoremap > >gv " Block shifting (magic) >i{ >a{ " also >% and <% ---------------------------------------- " Redirection & Paste register * :redir @* : redirect commands to paste buffer :redir END : end redirect :redir >> out.txt : redirect to a file " Working with Paste buffer "*yy : yank curent line to paste "*p : insert from paste buffer " yank to paste buffer (ex mode) :'a,'by* : Yank range into paste :%y* : Yank whole buffer into paste :.y* : Yank Current line to paster " filter non-printable characters from the paste buffer " useful when pasting from some gui application :nmap <leader>p :let @* = substitute(@*,'[^[:print:]]','','g')<cr>"*p ---------------------------------------- " Re-Formatting text gq} : Format a paragraph gqap : Format a paragraph ggVGgq : Reformat entire file Vgq : current line " break lines at 70 chars, if possible after a ; :s/.\{,69\};\s*\|.\{,69\}\s\+/&\r/g ---------------------------------------- " Operate command over multiple files :argdo %s/foo/bar/e : operate on all files in :args :bufdo %s/foo/bar/e :windo %s/foo/bar/e :argdo exe '%!sort'|w! : include an external command :bufdo exe "normal @q" | w : perform a recording on open files :silent bufdo !zip proj.zip %:p : zip all current files ---------------------------------------- " Command line tricks gvim -h : help ls | gvim - : edit a stream!! cat xx | gvim - -c "v/^\d\d\|^[3-9]/d " : filter a stream gvim -o file1 file2 : open into a split " execute one command after opening file gvim.exe -c "/main" joe.c : Open joe.c & jump to "main" " execute multiple command on a single file vim -c "%s/ABC/DEF/ge | update" file1.c " execute multiple command on a group of files vim -c "argdo %s/ABC/DEF/ge | update" *.c " remove blocks of text from a series of files vim -c "argdo /begin/+1,/end/-1g/^/d | update" *.c " Automate editing of a file (Ex commands in convert.vim) vim -s "convert.vim" file.c #load VIM without .vimrc and plugins (clean VIM) gvim -u NONE -U NONE -N " Access paste buffer contents (put in a script/batch file) gvim -c 'normal ggdG"*p' c:/aaa/xp " print paste contents to default printer gvim -c 's/^/\=@*/|hardcopy!|q!' " gvim's use of external grep (win32 or *nix) :!grep somestring *.php : creates a list of all matching files *C* " use :cn(ext) :cp(rev) to navigate list :h grep " Using vimgrep with copen *N* :vimgrep /keywords/ *.php :copen ---------------------------------------- " GVIM Difference Function (Brilliant) gvim -d file1 file2 : vimdiff (compare differences) dp : "put" difference under cursor to other file do : "get" difference under cursor from other file " complex diff parts of same file *N* :1,2yank a | 7,8yank b :tabedit | put a | vnew | put b :windo diffthis ---------------------------------------- " Vim traps In regular expressions you must backslash + (match 1 or more) In regular expressions you must backslash | (or) In regular expressions you must backslash ( (group) In regular expressions you must backslash { (count) /fred\+/ : matches fred/freddy but not free /\(fred\)\{2,3}/ : note what you have to break ---------------------------------------- " \v or very magic (usually) reduces backslashing /codes\(\n\|\s\)*where : normal regexp /\vcodes(\n|\s)*where : very magic ---------------------------------------- " pulling objects onto command/search line (SUPER) <C-R><C-W> : pull word under the cursor into a command line or search <C-R><C-A> : pull WORD under the cursor into a command line or search <C-R>- : pull small register (also insert mode) <C-R>[0-9a-z] : pull named registers (also insert mode) <C-R>% : pull file name (also #) (also insert mode) <C-R>=somevar : pull contents of a variable (eg :let sray="ray[0-9]") ---------------------------------------- " List your Registers :reg : display contents of all registers :reg a : display content of register a :reg 12a : display content of registers 1,2 & a *N* "5p : retrieve 5th "ring" "1p.... : retrieve numeric registers one by one :let @y='yy@"' : pre-loading registers (put in .vimrc) qqq : empty register "q" qaq : empty register "a" :reg .-/%:*" : the seven special registers *N* :reg 0 : what you last yanked, not affected by a delete *N* "_dd : Delete to blackhole register "_ , don't affect any register *N* ---------------------------------------- " manipulating registers :let @a=@_ : clear register a :let @a="" : clear register a :let @a=@" : Save unnamed register *N* :let @*=@a : copy register a to paste buffer :let @*=@: : copy last command to paste buffer :let @*=@/ : copy last search to paste buffer :let @*=@% : copy current filename to paste buffer ---------------------------------------- " help for help (USE TAB) :h quickref : VIM Quick Reference Sheet (ultra) :h tips : Vim's own Tips Help :h visual<C-D><tab> : obtain list of all visual help topics : Then use tab to step thru them :h ctrl<C-D> : list help of all control keys :helpg uganda : grep HELP Files use :cn, :cp to find next :helpgrep edit.*director: grep help using regexp :h :r : help for :ex command :h CTRL-R : normal mode :h /\r : what's \r in a regexp (matches a <CR>) :h \\zs : double up backslash to find \zs in help :h i_CTRL-R : help for say <C-R> in insert mode :h c_CTRL-R : help for say <C-R> in command mode :h v_CTRL-V : visual mode :h tutor : VIM Tutor <C-[>, <C-T> : Move back & Forth in HELP History gvim -h : VIM Command Line Help :cabbrev h tab h : open help in a tab *N* ---------------------------------------- " where was an option set :scriptnames : list all plugins, _vimrcs loaded (super) :verbose set history? : reveals value of history and where set :function : list functions :func SearchCompl : List particular function ---------------------------------------- " making your own VIM help :helptags /vim/vim64/doc : rebuild all *.txt help files in /doc :help add-local-help ---------------------------------------- " running file thru an external program (eg php) map <f9> :w<CR>:!c:/php/php.exe %<CR> map <f2> :w<CR>:!perl -c %<CR> ---------------------------------------- " capturing output of current script in a separate buffer :new | r!perl # : opens new buffer,read other buffer :new! x.out | r!perl # : same with named file :new+read!ls ---------------------------------------- " create a new buffer, paste a register "q" into it, then sort new buffer :new +put q|%!sort ---------------------------------------- " Inserting DOS Carriage Returns :%s/$/\<C-V><C-M>&/g : that's what you type :%s/$/\<C-Q><C-M>&/g : for Win32 :%s/$/\^M&/g : what you'll see where ^M is ONE character ---------------------------------------- " automatically delete trailing Dos-returns,whitespace autocmd BufRead * silent! %s/[\r \t]\+$// autocmd BufEnter *.php :%s/[ \t\r]\+$//e ---------------------------------------- " perform an action on a particular file or file type autocmd VimEnter c:/intranet/note011.txt normal! ggVGg? autocmd FileType *.pl exec('set fileformats=unix') ---------------------------------------- " Retrieving last command line command for copy & pasting into text i<c-r>: " Retrieving last Search Command for copy & pasting into text i<c-r>/ ---------------------------------------- " more completions <C-X><C-F> :insert name of a file in current directory ---------------------------------------- " Substituting a Visual area " select visual area as usual (:h visual) then type :s/Emacs/Vim/ etc :'<,'>s/Emacs/Vim/g : REMEMBER you dont type the '<.'> gv : Re-select the previous visual area (ULTRA) ---------------------------------------- " inserting line number into file :g/^/exec "s/^/".strpart(line(".")." ", 0, 4) :%s/^/\=strpart(line(".")." ", 0, 5) :%s/^/\=line('.'). ' ' ---------------------------------------- #numbering lines VIM way :set number : show line numbers :map <F12> :set number!<CR> : Show linenumbers flip-flop :%s/^/\=strpart(line('.')." ",0,&ts) #numbering lines (need Perl on PC) starting from arbitrary number :'a,'b!perl -pne 'BEGIN{$a=223} substr($_,2,0)=$a++' #Produce a list of numbers #Type in number on line say 223 in an empty file qqmnYP`n^Aq : in recording q repeat with @q " increment existing numbers to end of file (type <c-a> as 5 characters) :.,$g/^\d/exe "normal! \<c-a>" " advanced incrementing http://vim.sourceforge.net/tip_view.php?tip_id=150 ---------------------------------------- " advanced incrementing (really useful) " put following in _vimrc let g:I=0 function! INC(increment) let g:I =g:I + a:increment return g:I endfunction " eg create list starting from 223 incrementing by 5 between markers a,b :let I=223 :'a,'bs/^/\=INC(5)/ " create a map for INC cab viminc :let I=223 \| 'a,'bs/$/\=INC(5)/ ---------------------------------------- " generate a list of numbers 23-64 o23<ESC>qqYp<C-A>q40@q ---------------------------------------- " editing/moving within current insert (Really useful) <C-U> : delete all entered <C-W> : delete last word <HOME><END> : beginning/end of line <C-LEFTARROW><C-RIGHTARROW> : jump one word backwards/forwards <C-X><C-E>,<C-X><C-Y> : scroll while staying put in insert ---------------------------------------- #encryption (use with care: DON'T FORGET your KEY) :X : you will be prompted for a key :h :X ---------------------------------------- " modeline (make a file readonly etc) must be in first/last 5 lines // vim:noai:ts=2:sw=4:readonly: " vim:ft=html: : says use HTML Syntax highlighting :h modeline ---------------------------------------- " Creating your own GUI Toolbar entry amenu Modeline.Insert\ a\ VIM\ modeline <Esc><Esc>ggOvim:ff=unix ts=4 ss=4<CR>vim60:fdm=marker<esc>gg ---------------------------------------- " A function to save word under cursor to a file function! SaveWord() normal yiw exe ':!echo '.@0.' >> word.txt' endfunction map ,p :call SaveWord() ---------------------------------------- " function to delete duplicate lines function! Del() if getline(".") == getline(line(".") - 1) norm dd endif endfunction :g/^/ call Del() ---------------------------------------- " Digraphs (non alpha-numerics) :digraphs : display table :h dig : help i<C-K>e' : enters é i<C-V>233 : enters é (Unix) i<C-Q>233 : enters é (Win32) ga : View hex value of any character #Deleting non-ascii characters (some invisible) :%s/[\x00-\x1f\x80-\xff]/ /g : type this as you see it :%s/[<C-V>128-<C-V>255]//gi : where you have to type the Control-V :%s/[€-ÿ]//gi : Should see a black square & a dotted y :%s/[<C-V>128-<C-V>255<C-V>01-<C-V>31]//gi : All pesky non-asciis :exec "norm /[\x00-\x1f\x80-\xff]/" : same thing #Pull a non-ascii character onto search bar yl/<C-R>" : /[^a-zA-Z0-9_[:space:][:punct:]] : search for all non-ascii ---------------------------------------- " All file completions grouped (for example main_c.c) :e main_<tab> : tab completes gf : open file under cursor (normal) main_<C-X><C-F> : include NAME of file in text (insert mode) ---------------------------------------- " Complex Vim " swap two words :%s/\<\(on\|off\)\>/\=strpart("offon", 3 * ("off" == submatch(0)), 3)/g " swap two words :vnoremap <C-X> <Esc>`.``gvP``P " Swap word with next word nmap <silent> gw "_yiw:s/\(\%#\w\+\)\(\_W\+\)\(\w\+\)/\3\2\1/<cr><c-o><c-l> *N* ---------------------------------------- " Convert Text File to HTML :runtime! syntax/2html.vim : convert txt to html :h 2html ---------------------------------------- " VIM has internal grep :grep some_keyword *.c : get list of all c-files containing keyword :cn : go to next occurrence ---------------------------------------- " Force Syntax coloring for a file that has no extension .pl :set syntax=perl " Remove syntax coloring (useful for all sorts of reasons) :set syntax off " change coloring scheme (any file in ~vim/vim??/colors) :colorscheme blue " Force HTML Syntax highlighting by using a modeline # vim:ft=html: " Force syntax automatically (for a file with non-standard extension) au BufRead,BufNewFile */Content.IE?/* setfiletype html ---------------------------------------- :set noma (non modifiable) : Prevents modifications :set ro (Read Only) : Protect a file from unintentional writes ---------------------------------------- " Sessions (Open a set of files) gvim file1.c file2.c lib/lib.h lib/lib2.h : load files for "session" :mksession : Make a Session file (default Session.vim) :q gvim -S Session.vim : Reload all files ---------------------------------------- #tags (jumping to subroutines/functions) taglist.vim : popular plugin :Tlist : display Tags (list of functions) <C-]> : jump to function under cursor ---------------------------------------- " columnise a csv file for display only as may crop wide columns :let width = 20 :let fill=' ' | while strlen(fill) < width | let fill=fill.fill | endwhile :%s/\([^;]*\);\=/\=strpart(submatch(1).fill, 0, width)/ge :%s/\s\+$//ge " Highlight a particular csv column (put in .vimrc) function! CSVH(x) execute 'match Keyword /^\([^,]*,\)\{'.a:x.'}\zs[^,]*/' execute 'normal ^'.a:x.'f,' endfunction command! -nargs=1 Csv :call CSVH(<args>) " call with :Csv 5 : highlight fifth column ---------------------------------------- zf1G : fold everything before this line *N* " folding : hide sections to allow easier comparisons zf} : fold paragraph using motion v}zf : fold paragraph using visual zf'a : fold to mark zo : open fold zc : re-close fold :help folding zfG : fold everything after this line *N* ---------------------------------------- " displaying "non-asciis" :set list :h listchars ---------------------------------------- " How to paste "normal commands" w/o entering insert mode :norm qqy$jq ---------------------------------------- " manipulating file names :h filename-modifiers : help :w % : write to current file name :w %:r.cfm : change file extention to .cfm :!echo %:p : full path & file name :!echo %:p:h : full path only :!echo %:t : filename only :reg % : display filename <C-R>% : insert filename (insert mode) "%p : insert filename (normal mode) /<C-R>% : Search for file name in text ---------------------------------------- " delete without destroying default buffer contents "_d : what you've ALWAYS wanted "_dw : eg delete word (use blackhole) ---------------------------------------- " pull full path name into paste buffer for attachment to email etc nnoremap <F2> :let @*=expand("%:p")<cr> :unix nnoremap <F2> :let @*=substitute(expand("%:p"), "/", "\\", "g")<cr> :win32 ---------------------------------------- " Simple Shell script to rename files w/o leaving vim $ vim :r! ls *.c :%s/\(.*\).c/mv & \1.bla :w !sh :q! ---------------------------------------- " count words/lines in a text file g<C-G> # counts words :echo line("'b")-line("'a") # count lines between markers a and b *N* :'a,'bs/^//n # count lines between markers a and b :'a,'bs/somestring//gn # count occurences of a string ---------------------------------------- " example of setting your own highlighting :syn match DoubleSpace " " :hi def DoubleSpace guibg=#e0e0e0 ---------------------------------------- " reproduce previous line word by word imap ] @@@<ESC>hhkyWjl?@@@<CR>P/@@@<CR>3s nmap ] i@@@<ESC>hhkyWjl?@@@<CR>P/@@@<CR>3s " Programming keys depending on file type :autocmd bufenter *.tex map <F1> :!latex %<CR> :autocmd bufenter *.tex map <F2> :!xdvi -hush %<.dvi&<CR> ---------------------------------------- " reading Ms-Word documents, requires antiword :autocmd BufReadPre *.doc set ro :autocmd BufReadPre *.doc set hlsearch! :autocmd BufReadPost *.doc %!antiword "%" ---------------------------------------- " a folding method vim: filetype=help foldmethod=marker foldmarker=<<<,>>> A really big section closed with a tag <<< --- remember folds can be nested --- Closing tag >>> ---------------------------------------- " Return to last edit position (You want this!) *N* autocmd BufReadPost * \ if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | \ exe "normal! g`\"" | \ endif ---------------------------------------- " store text that is to be changed or deleted in register a "act< : Change Till < *N* ---------------------------------------- # using gVIM with Cygwin on a Windows PC if has('win32') source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim behave mswin set shell=c:\\cygwin\\bin\\bash.exe shellcmdflag=-c shellxquote=\" endif ---------------------------------------- " Just Another Vim Hacker JAVH vim -c ":%s%s*%Cyrnfr)fcbafbe[Oenz(Zbbyranne%|:%s)[[()])-)Ig|norm Vg?" ---------------------------------------- __END__ ---------------------------------------- "Read Vimtips into a new vim buffer (needs w3m.sourceforge.net) :tabe | :r ! w3m -dump http://zzapper.co.uk/vimtips.html *N* ---------------------------------------- updated version at http://www.zzapper.co.uk/vimtips.html ---------------------------------------- Please email any errors, tips etc to [email protected] " Information Sources ---------------------------------------- www.vim.org Vim Wiki *** VERY GOOD *** *N* Vim Use VIM newsgroup *N* comp.editors groups.yahoo.com/group/vim "VIM" specific newsgroup VIM Webring Vim Book Searchable VIM Doc VimTips PDF Version (PRINTABLE!) ---------------------------------------- " : commands to neutralise < for HTML display and publish " use yy@" to execute following commands :w!|sav! vimtips.html|:/^__BEGIN__/,/^__END__/s#<#\<#g|:w!|:!vimtipsftp