众说周知,lucene是一个开源的强大的索引工具,但是它仅限于文本索引。基于内容的图像检索(CBIR)要求我们利用图像的一些基本特征(如颜色纹理形状以及sift,surf等等)搜索相似的图片,LIRE(Lucene Image Retrieval)是一款基于lucene的图像特征索引工具,它能帮助我们方便的对图像特征建立索引和搜索,作者也在不断加入新的特征供用户使用。如果你熟悉lucene,那么用LIRE提取特征建立索引是非常方便的。
LIRE官网: http://www.semanticmetadata.net/lire/
包和源码: http://code.google.com/p/lire/
基本使用示例: http://www.semanticmetadata.net/wiki/doku.php?id=start
API: http://www.itec.uni-klu.ac.at/lire/nightly/api/index.html
public interface LireFeature { public void extract(BufferedImage bimg); public byte[] getByteArrayRepresentation(); public void setByteArrayRepresentation(byte[] in); public void setByteArrayRepresentation(byte[] in, int offset, int length); public double[] getDoubleHistogram(); float getDistance(LireFeature feature); java.lang.String getStringRepresentation(); void setStringRepresentation(java.lang.String s); }
public Document createDocument(BufferedImage image, String identifier) throws FileNotFoundException;
public class SimpleResult implements Comparable<SimpleResult> { private float distance; private Document document; private int indexNumber = 0; public int compareTo(SimpleResult o) { int compareValue = (int) Math.signum(distance - ((SimpleResult) o).distance); if (compareValue==0 && !document.equals(o.document)) { return (int) Math.signum(indexNumber-o.indexNumber); } return compareValue; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { // it's not the same if it's not the same class. if (! (obj instanceof SimpleResult)) return false; // it's the same if the document is the same, regardless of the distance. else return (document.equals(((SimpleResult)obj).document) && indexNumber == ((SimpleResult)obj).indexNumber); } }
这里主要讲一下GenericFastImageSearcher类,很多特征都能通过它来搜索,它的成员变量maxHits为搜索结果的个数,TreeSet<SimpleResult> docs是排序的搜索结果,float maxDistance搜索结果中的最大距离。
protected float findSimilar(IndexReader reader, LireFeature lireFeature) throws IOException { maxDistance = -1f; overallMaxDistance = -1f; // clear result set ... docs.clear(); // Needed for check whether the document is deleted. Bits liveDocs = MultiFields.getLiveDocs(reader); Document d; float tmpDistance; int docs = reader.numDocs(); for (int i = 0; i < docs; i++) { if (reader.hasDeletions() && !liveDocs.get(i)) continue; // if it is deleted, just ignore it. d = reader.document(i); tmpDistance = getDistance(d, lireFeature); assert (tmpDistance >= 0); // calculate the overall max distance to normalize score afterwards if (overallMaxDistance < tmpDistance) { overallMaxDistance = tmpDistance; } // if it is the first document: if (maxDistance < 0) { maxDistance = tmpDistance; } // if the array is not full yet: if (this.docs.size() < maxHits) { this.docs.add(new SimpleResult(tmpDistance, d, i)); if (tmpDistance > maxDistance) maxDistance = tmpDistance; } else if (tmpDistance < maxDistance) { // if it is nearer to the sample than at least on of the current set: // remove the last one ... this.docs.remove(this.docs.last()); // add the new one ... this.docs.add(new SimpleResult(tmpDistance, d, i)); // and set our new distance border ... maxDistance = this.docs.last().getDistance(); } } return maxDistance; }从它的findSimilar方法可以看出,它的实现是线性检索的,也就是从头到尾遍历所有文档,并且维护一个maxHits大小的TreeSet,TreeSet里面放的是距离最小的maxHits个搜索结果。如果有不理解此过程的童鞋,可以参考一下“TOP N搜索算法”。
public ImageSearchHits search(BufferedImage image, IndexReader reader) throws IOException { logger.finer("Starting extraction."); LireFeature lireFeature = null; SimpleImageSearchHits searchHits = null; try { lireFeature = (LireFeature) descriptorClass.newInstance(); // Scaling image is especially with the correlogram features very important! BufferedImage bimg = image; if (Math.max(image.getHeight(), image.getWidth()) > GenericDocumentBuilder.MAX_IMAGE_DIMENSION) { bimg = ImageUtils.scaleImage(image, GenericDocumentBuilder.MAX_IMAGE_DIMENSION); } lireFeature.extract(bimg); logger.fine("Extraction from image finished"); float maxDistance = findSimilar(reader, lireFeature); searchHits = new SimpleImageSearchHits(this.docs, maxDistance); } catch (InstantiationException e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error instantiating class for generic image searcher: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error instantiating class for generic image searcher: " + e.getMessage()); } return searchHits; }search方法返回的是ImageSearchHits,它就是ArrayList<SimpleResult> results;并且利用findSimilar遍历时最大的distance做了个归一化操作, result.setDistance(1f - result.getDistance() / maxDistance);作用就是将距离变成了相似度(0到1),并且数值越大就越相似。
以上就是我粗略看的一些部分,可以看出lire的搜索过程其实是线性搜索的,由于具体的特征表示没来的及看,不知道它到底有没有利用lucene的倒排优势(对于高维数据还真不知道怎么利用倒排表)。对于大规模的数据速度估计够呛,好在lire的作者也意识到了这一点, http://www.semanticmetadata.net/2013/03/20/large-image-data-sets-with-lire-some-new-numbers/作者表示正在把LSH算法(Locality sensitive hashing)集成进去,LSH对于这种高维数据的相似检索速度可以说是质的飞跃。