
来源Weekend readers\' pictures: Gap | Life and style | The Guardian

Izzy Winnard: “Our dog Alfie likes to poke his head through a gap in our wall to watch passersby”


Izzy Winnard:“我家的狗Alfie喜欢把头从墙上的洞里伸出来,观赏行人。”

Phil Pool: “I knocked my teeth out cycling, and 25 years later they are still being fixed, hence the current gap"


Phil Pool:“25年前我骑车时摔没了牙齿,至今还在修补着。”

Judith Katz: “The age gap between my ­daughters is illustrated by the size of the gaps in their comfort blankets”


Judith Katz:“我女儿的年龄差距可以从她们儿童布巾的孔洞大小上看出来。”

Mike Welch: “Taken during Mardi Gras in Dominica. The younger man wishes the gap was between the woman and him rather than her husband”


Mike Welch:“摄于多米尼加的忏悔星期二(狂欢节)。年轻的男子宁可希望这位女士能与自己留出空挡,粘到她老公身上去。”

Mark Granier: "I found this missing pane in a window in Dublin's medieval Christchurch Cathedral"


Mark Granier:“摄于都柏林,我在建于中世纪的基督大教堂里看到这扇少了一块玻璃的窗。”

Jill Ritchie: "Berlin, the week the wall came down. Two East German guards were as curious about us as we were about them"


Jill Ritchie:“柏林,正是柏林墙倒下的那周。两个东德警卫好奇地打量我们,我们也报以同样的好奇。”

Jonathan Brett: "Looking up at a gap between buildings in the old quarter of Barcelona using a fisheye lens"


Jonathan Brett:“在巴塞罗那一个老街区,抬头看到古老建筑之间的缝隙,通过鱼眼镜头拍摄。”

Michael MacDonald: "The strong sunlight filtering through the narrow gap in the trees caused this very strange colour effect"


Michael MacDonald:“强烈的阳光透过树的间隙照射过来,形成了诡异的色彩效果。”

Patrick Green: "The slow attempt of a garden snail to cross the gap. I was there to capture the journey close-up"


Patrick Green:“园中的蜗牛慢慢爬过缺口。我有幸近距离拍下这段旅程。”

Gina Harkell: "Gap between goalposts on Hackney marshes"


Gina Harkell: “哈克尼的湿地,球门柱之间的空挡。”

Hazel Darwin-Edwards: "I spent so long watching this lizard that eventually she trusted me enough to poke her head back into the sun"


Hazel Darwin-Edwards:“我花了好大功夫关注这只蜥蜴,她终于肯信任我,把头伸到太阳底下。”







