Supporting Python 3(支持python3)——结构调整和重命名


标准库The standard library

为了一致性和使用起来更容易,Python的标准库在Python 3已经被调整结构了。所有的模块名现在符合Python代码的风格引导,PEP 8[1];并且一些模块被合并了。

2to3包含的固定器可以处理所有的这些,所以这个章节更多的是引起你是否需要不用2to3转换同时支持Python 2和Python 3的兴趣。

The six module[2] has support for most of the standard library reorganization. You can import the reorganized modules from six.moves:

>>> from six.moves import cStringIO

In Python 2 this will be equivalent to:

>>> from cStringIO import StringIO

While in Python 3 this will be equivalent to:

>>> from io import StringIO

If you want to support Python 2 and Python 3 without conversion and you don’t want to use the six module, this is also very easy. You just try to import from one location, catch the error and then import from the other location. It doesn’t matter of you put the Python 3 location first or last, both works equally well:

>>> try:...     from io import StringIO... except ImportError:...     from cStringIO import StringIO

This table contains the renamings and reorganizations of the standard library, except for the urllib, urllib2 and urlparse reorganization, which has a separate table:

Python 2 name Python 3 name six name
anydbm dbm
BaseHTTPServer http.server BaseHTTPServer
__builtin__ builtins builtins
CGIHTTPServer http.server CGIHTTPServer
ConfigParser configparser configparser
copy_reg copyreg copyreg
cPickle pickle cPickle
cProfile profile
cStringIO.StringIO io.StringIO cStringIO
Cookie http.cookies http_cookies
cookielib http.cookiejar http_cookiejar
dbhash dbm.bsd
dbm dbm.ndbm
dumbdb dbm.dumb
Dialog tkinter.dialog tkinter_dialog
DocXMLRPCServer xmlrpc.server
FileDialog tkinter.FileDialog tkinter_filedialog
FixTk tkinter._fix
gdbm dbm.gnu
htmlentitydefs html.entities html_entities
HTMLParser html.parser html_parser
httplib http.client http_client
markupbase _markupbase
Queue queue queue
repr reprlib reprlib
robotparser urllib.robotparser urllib_robotparser
ScrolledText tkinter.scolledtext tkinter_scrolledtext
SimpleDialog tkinter.simpledialog tkinter_simpledialog
SimpleHTTPServer http.server SimpleHTTPServer
SimpleXMLRPCServer xmlrpc.server
StringIO.StringIO io.StringIO
SocketServer socketserver socketserver
test.test_support tkinter
Tkinter tkinter tkinter
Tix tkinter.tix tkinter_tix
Tkconstants tkinter.constants tkinter_constants
tkColorChooser tkinter.colorchooser tkinter_colorchooser
tkCommonDialog tkinter.commondialog tkinter_commondialog
Tkdnd tkinter.dnd tkinter_dnd
tkFileDialog tkinter.filedialog tkinter_tkfiledialog
tkFont tkinter.font tkinter_font
tkMessageBox tkinter.messagebox tkinter_messagebox
tkSimpleDialog tkinter.simpledialog tkinter_tksimpledialog
turtle tkinter.turtle
UserList collections
UserString collections
whichdb dbm
_winreg winreg winreg
xmlrpclib xmlrpc.client

urllib, urllib2 and urlparse

The three modules urllib, urllib2 and urlparse has been reorganized into three new modules, urllib.request, urllib.parse andurllib.error. Since there is no six support for these renames you have to use the try/except technique above.

Python 2 name Moved to
urllib._urlopener urllib.request
urllib.ContentTooShortError urllib.error
urllib.FancyURLOpener urllib.request
urllib.pathname2url urllib.request
urllib.quote urllib.parse
urllib.quote_plus urllib.parse
urllib.splitattr urllib.parse
urllib.splithost urllib.parse
urllib.splitnport urllib.parse
urllib.splitpasswd urllib.parse
urllib.splitport urllib.parse
urllib.splitquery urllib.parse
urllib.splittag urllib.parse
urllib.splittype urllib.parse
urllib.splituser urllib.parse
urllib.splitvalue urllib.parse
urllib.unquote urllib.parse
urllib.unquote_plus urllib.parse
urllib.urlcleanup urllib.request
urllib.urlencode urllib.parse
urllib.urlopen urllib.request
urllib.URLOpener urllib.request
urllib.urlretrieve urllib.request
urllib2.AbstractBasicAuthHandler urllib.request
urllib2.AbstractDigestAuthHandler urllib.request
urllib2.BaseHandler urllib.request
urllib2.build_opener urllib.request
urllib2.CacheFTPHandler urllib.request
urllib2.FileHandler urllib.request
urllib2.FTPHandler urllib.request
urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler urllib.request
urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor urllib.request
urllib2.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler urllib.request
urllib2.HTTPDigestAuthHandler urllib.request
urllib2.HTTPError urllib.request
urllib2.HTTPHandler urllib.request
urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgr urllib.request
urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm urllib.request
urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler urllib.request
urllib2.HTTPSHandler urllib.request
urllib2.install_opener urllib.request
urllib2.OpenerDirector urllib.request
urllib2.ProxyBasicAuthHandler urllib.request
urllib2.ProxyDigestAuthHandler urllib.request
urllib2.ProxyHandler urllib.request
urllib2.Request urllib.request
urllib2.UnknownHandler urllib.request
urllib2.URLError urllib.request
urllib2.urlopen urllib.request
urlparse.parse_qs urllib.parse
urlparse.parse_qsl urllib.parse
urlparse.urldefrag urllib.parse
urlparse.urljoin urllib.parse
urlparse.urlparse urllib.parse
urlparse.urlsplit urllib.parse
urlparse.urlunparse urllib.parse
urlparse.urlunsplit urllib.parse

Removed modules

Some of the standard library modules have been dropped. One is UserDict, but some of the classes have replacements that are almost, but not quite completely compatible. See Replacing UserDict for more information on that.

Most of the other modules that have been dropped are modules that have long been supplanted by other, improved modules, or modules that are specific to platforms that is no longer supported. Fittingly, and exception to this rule is the exception module. It contains a hierarchy of exceptions, but all of them are also built-ins, so you never need to import anything from the exceptionmodule. It has therefore been removed from Python 3 completely.

Except for the modules specific for Solaris, IRIX and Mac OS 9, this is the list of modules that has been removed in Python 3:

Module name Comment
bsddb185 Supplanted by bsddb3
bsddb3 Available on the CheeseShop
dl Supplanted by ctypes
exception See above
htmllib Supplanted html.parser
linuxaudiodev Supplanted by ossaudiodev
md5 Supplanted by hashlib
mimetools Supplanted by email
MimeWriter Supplanted by email
mimify Supplanted by email
multifile Supplanted by email
popen2 Supplanted by subprocess
rfc822 Supplanted by email
sha Supplanted by hashlib
sre Supplanted by re
stat Supplanted by os.stat()
thread Supplanted by threading

Moved builtins

There are also a couple of builtin functions that have been moved to standard library modules. You handle them in a similar way, by trying to import them from the Python 3 location and if this fails you just do nothing:

>>> try:...     from imp import reload... except ImportError:...     pass

The moved builtins are:

Python 2 name Python 3 name six name
intern() sys.intern()
reduce() functools.reduce() reduce
reload() imp.reload() reload_module

string module removals

Several functions have existed both in the string module and as methods on the str type and instances. These have now been removed from thestring module. You can use them either on string instances or from thestr type itself. So what in Python 2 could be written:

>>> import string>>> string.upper('Dinsdale!')'DINSDALE!'

Should now be written in one of the following ways:

>>> 'Dinsdale!'.upper()'DINSDALE!'>>> str.upper('Dinsdale!')'DINSDALE!'

The first way of doing it is the most common one, but moving to the second way can be done with a simple search and replace.

The removed functions are capitalize(), center(), count(),expandtabs(), find(), index(), join(), ljust(),lower(), lstrip(), maketrans(), replace(), rfind(),rindex(), rjust(), rsplit(), rstrip(), split(),strip(), swapcase(), translate(), upper() and zfill().

In addition the functions atof(), atoi() and atol() has been removed, and have been replaced with passing the string value into thefloat and int constructors. Since these functions have been deprecated since Python 2.0 it’s highly unlikely that you actually use them.

Function and method attribute renamings

Many of the special attribute names on functions and methods were named before it was decided that Python should use the “double underscore” method for special names used by Python. They   have been renamed in Python 3.

The easiest way of handling this if you are not using 2to3 is to define a variable with the attribute name depending on the Python version and usinggetattr to access the attribute. This doesn’t work in the case of the renaming of im_class, though, so there you need a function to fetch the result:

>>> import sys>>> if sys.version_info < (3,):...     defaults_attr = 'func_defaults'...     get_method_class = lambda x: x.im_class... else:...     defaults_attr = '__defaults__'...     get_method_class = lambda x: x.__self__.__class__>>> class Test(object):...     def hasdefaults(a=1, b=2):...         pass>>> method = Test().hasdefaults>>> getattr(method, defaults_attr)(1, 2)>>> get_method_class(method)<class 'Test'>

Six has  defined functions to retrieve the most common attribute names:

Python 2 name Python 3 name six function
func_closure __closure__
func_doc __doc__
func_globals __globals__
func_name __name__
func_defaults __defaults__ get_function_defaults()
func_code __code__ get_function_code()
func_dict __dict__
im_func __func__ get_method_function()
im_self __self__ get_method_self()
im_class __self__.__class__






引导页Supporting Python 3:(支持Python3):深入指南

目录Supporting Python 3(支持Python 3)——目录
