原文: | http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2013/10/shell-scripting-best-practices.html#BP11 |
翻译: | aven |
移植性的注意:自从主要编写shell脚本在安装了Bash 4.2的系统上运行,我从来不担心可移植性,你也不需要担心!下面的列表都是使用Bash 4.2(和其他现代化的shell)编写的。如果你要编写一个可移植的脚本,有些点可能不适用。无需多说,在你按照这个列表改变之后,你应该进行充足的测试。
#!/bin/bash set -e usage() { } my_function() { } main() { } main "$@"
# Processes a file. # $1 - the name of the input file # $2 - the name of the output file process_file(){ }
# Processes a file. # $1 - the name of the input file # $2 - the name of the output file process_file(){ local -r input_file="$1"; shift local -r output_file="$1"; shift }
declare -r -i port_number=8080 declare -r -a my_array=( apple orange ) my_function() { local -r name=apple }
# create a file containing a space in its name touch "foo bar" declare -r my_file="foo bar" # try rm-ing the file without quoting the variable rm $my_file # it fails because rm sees two arguments: "foo" and "bar" # rm: cannot remove `foo': No such file or directory # rm: cannot remove `bar': No such file or directory # need to quote the variable rm "$my_file" # file globbing example: mesg="my pattern is *.txt" echo $mesg # this is not quoted so *.txt will undergo expansion # will print "my pattern is foo.txt bar.txt" # need to quote it for correct output echo "$msg"
# using a string to hold a collection declare -r hosts="host1 host2 host3" for host in $hosts # not quoting $hosts here, since we want word splitting do echo "$host" done # use an array instead! declare -r -a host_array=( host1 host2 host3 ) for host in "${host_array[@]}" do echo "$host" done
不要使用$*。参考我之前的文章 Difference between $*, $@, “$*” and “$@”。这里是一个例子:
main() { # print each argument for i in "$@" do echo "$i" done } # pass all arguments to main main "$@"
declare -i port_number=8080 # JAVA_HOME and CLASSPATH are environment variables "$JAVA_HOME"/bin/java -cp "$CLASSPATH" app.Main "$port_number"
declare -r my_file="/var/tmp/blah" # instead of dirname, use: declare -r file_dir="{my_file%/*}" # instead of basename, use: declare -r file_base="{my_file##*/}" # instead of sed 's/blah/hello', use: declare -r new_file="${my_file/blah/hello}" # instead of bc <<< "2+2", use: echo $(( 2+2 )) # instead of grepping a pattern in a string, use: [[ $line =~ .*blah$ ]] # instead of cut -d:, use an array: IFS=: read -a arr <<< "one:two:three"
# instead of cat file | command # use command < file
仅当你想要输出文本到stdout、stderr、文件等。如果你想要发送文本到另外一个命令,不要使用echo通过管道发送。使用一个here-string替换。注意here-string不是可移植的(但是大多数现代shell支持它们)。所以使用一个注释,如果编写一个可移植的脚本。(参考我之前的文章:Useless Use of Echo。)
# instead of echo text | command # use command <<< text # for portability, use a heredoc command << END text END
从grep到awk或sed的管道是没必要的。自从awk和sed都能grep,你就不必再用管道来grep了。(参考我之前的文章:Useless Use of Grep)
# instead of grep pattern file | awk '{print $1}' # use awk '/pattern/{print $1}' # instead of grep pattern file | sed 's/foo/bar/g' # use sed -n '/pattern/{s/foo/bar/p}' file
# instead of command | sort | uniq # use command | sort -u # instead of command | grep pattern | wc -l # use command | grep -c pattern
ls的问题是以新的行输出文件名,所以如果你的文件名包含一个换行字符,你将不能正确的解析它。如果ls能够输出没有分隔符的文件名就更好了,不幸的是,它不能。除了ls,使用文件扩展或者一个能输出没有分隔符的替换命令,比如find -print0.
shopt -s nullglob shopt -s extglob # get all files with a .yyyymmdd.txt suffix declare -a dated_files=( *.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].txt ) # get all non-zip files declare -a non_zip_files=( !(*.zip) )
为了正确处理包含空白字符和换行符的文件名, 你需要使用无分隔输出,每一行以NUL (00
)分隔而不是换行符。大多数程序支持这个。例如,find -pirnt0 输出以null字符结尾的文件名,还有xargs -0读取以null字符分隔的参数。
# instead of find . -type f -mtime +5 | xargs rm -f # use find . -type f -mtime +5 -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f # looping over files find . -type f -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d $'' filename; do echo "$filename" done
# ugly escaping required when using nested backticks a=`command1 \`command2\`` # $(...) is cleaner b=$(command1 $(command2))
# using temp files command1 > file1 command2 > file2 diff file1 file2 rm file1 file2 # using process substitution diff <(command1) <(command2)
# set up a trap to delete the temp dir when the script exits unset temp_dir trap '[[ -d "$temp_dir" ]] && rm -rf "$temp_dir"' EXIT # create the temp dir declare -r temp_dir=$(mktemp -dt myapp.XXXXXX) # write to the temp dir command > "$temp_dir"/foo
使用[[ ... ]]而不是[ ... ],因为它更安全,并且提供更丰富的特性。对于算术条件使用(( ... )),因为它运行你使用更相似的数学操作符比如<和>,而不是-lt和-gt. 注意,如果你想要为可移植设计,你必须保留旧的方式[ ... ].这是一些例子:
[[ $foo == "foo" ]] && echo "match" # don't need to quote variable inside [[ [[ $foo == "a" && $bar == "a" ]] && echo "match" declare -i num=5 (( num < 10 )) && echo "match" # don't need the $ on $num in ((
# don't use exit status grep -q pattern file if (( $? == 0 )) then echo "pattern was found" fi # use the command as the condition if grep -q pattern file then echo "pattern was found" fi
echo "An error message" >&2