ucgui LCD driver

LCD_CONTROLLER的值 include 说明
 #include "LCDNull.c"

Empty driver

This driver does no perform any function. It can be used for measurement purpose.

-1 #include "LCDDummy.c"

Empty driver

This driver does no perform any function, but it can be 

used for 2 purposes:

 a) Satisfy all externals so an application can be  compiled and linked in target hardware even if the driver is not already available

b) Template for a starting point for a new driver.



#include "LCDMem.c"


#include "LCDMemC.c"



400~499 #include "LCDColorOnMono.c"
500~599 #include "LCD501.c"
700~799 #include "LCD07X1.c"
1300~1399 #include "LCDLin.c"

#include "LCDPage1bpp.c"

#include "LCDPage1bpp_1.c"

1600~1699 #include "LCD159A.c"
1700~1799 #include "LCD15E05.c"
1800~1899 #include "LCD1611.c"
3200~3299 #include "LCDLin32.c"
6900~6999 #include "LCDSLin.c"
8700~8799 #include "LCDFujitsu.c"
6300~6399 #include "LCD6331.c"
66400~66499 #include "LCD6642X.c"


#if   !defined(WIN32) | defined(LCD_SIMCONTROLLER)
  #if   (LCD_CONTROLLER   == -2)
    #include "LCDNull.c"  /* Empty driver, no output to LCD */
  #elif (LCD_CONTROLLER   == -1)
    #include "LCDDummy.c" /* Empty driver, no output to LCD */
  #elif (LCD_CONTROLLER   == 0)
    #if   ((LCD_BITSPERPIXEL == 1) | (LCD_BITSPERPIXEL == 2))
      #include "LCDMem.c"
    #elif ((LCD_BITSPERPIXEL == 3) | (LCD_BITSPERPIXEL == 6))
      #include "LCDMemC.c"
      #error LCD Config error !
  #elif (LCD_CONTROLLER / 100 == 4)
    #include "LCDColorOnMono.c"
  #elif (LCD_CONTROLLER / 100 == 5)
    #include "LCD501.c"
  #elif (LCD_CONTROLLER / 100 == 7)
    #include "LCD07X1.c"
  #elif (LCD_CONTROLLER / 100 == 13)
    #include "LCDLin.c"
  #elif (LCD_CONTROLLER / 100 == 15)
    #include "LCDPage1bpp.c"
    #include "LCDPage1bpp_1.c"
  #elif (LCD_CONTROLLER / 100 == 16)
    #include "LCD159A.c"
  #elif (LCD_CONTROLLER / 100 == 17)
    #include "LCD15E05.c"
  #elif (LCD_CONTROLLER / 100 == 18)
    #include "LCD1611.c"
  #elif (LCD_CONTROLLER / 100 == 32)
    #include "LCDLin32.c"
  #elif (LCD_CONTROLLER / 100 == 69)
    #include "LCDSLin.c"
  #elif (LCD_CONTROLLER / 100 == 87)
    #include "LCDFujitsu.c"
  #elif (LCD_CONTROLLER / 100 == 63)
    #include "LCD6331.c"
  #elif (LCD_CONTROLLER / 100 == 664)
    #include "LCD6642X.c"
    #error LCD Config error !
  #include "LCDWin.c"
