a) 明确宏观行为。数据库是用来做什么的?比如,管理雇员的信息。
b) 确定entities。对于一系列的行为,确定所管理信息所涉及到的主题范围。这将变成table。比如,雇用员工,指定具体部门,确定技能等级。
c) 确定relationships。分析行为,确定tables之间有何种关系。比如,部门与雇员之间存在一种关系。给这种关系命名。
d) 细化行为。从宏观行为开始,现在仔细检查这些行为,看有哪些行为能转为微观行为。比如,管理雇员的信息可细化为:
· 增加新员工
· 修改存在员工信息
· 删除调走的员工
e) 确定业务规则。分析业务规则,确定你要采取哪种。比如,可能有这样一种规则,一个部门有且只能有一个部门领导。这些规则将被设计到数据库的结构中。
● 招聘员工
● 解雇员工
● 管理员工个人信息
● 管理公司所需的技能信息
● 管理哪位员工有哪些技能
● 管理部门信息
● 管理办事处信息
● 增加或删除一个员工
● 增加或删除一个办事处
● 列出一个部门中的所有员工
● 增加一项技能
● 增加一个员工的一项技能
● 确定一个员工的技能
● 确定一个员工每项技能的等级
● 确定所有拥有相同等级的某项技能的员工
● 修改员工的技能等级
● 现在有5个办事处;最多允许扩展到10个。
● 员工可以改变部门或办事处
● 每个部门有一个部门领导
● 每个办事处至多有3个电话号码
● 每个电话号码有一个或多个扩展
● 员工被招进时,每一种技能的专业等级都被确定。
● 每位员工拥有3到20个技能
● 某位员工可能被安排在一个办事处,也可能不安排办事处。
a) 确定支持数据
b) 列出所要跟踪的所有数据。描述table(主题)的数据回答这些问题:谁,什么,哪里,何时,以及为什么
c) 为每个table建立数据
d) 列出每个table目前看起来合适的可用数据
e) 为每个relationship设置数据
f) 如果有,为每个relationship列出适用的数据
你所确定的支持数据将会成为table中的字段名。比如,下列数据将适用于表Employee,表Skill,表Expert In。
Employee |
Skill |
Expert In |
ID |
ID |
Level |
Last Name |
Name |
Date acquired |
First Name |
Description |
Department |
Office |
Address |
1. 列出数据
2. 为每个表确定至少一个键。每个表必须有一个主键。
3. 确定relationships的键。relationships的键是连接两个表的键。
4. 检查支持数据列表中的计算数据。计算数据通常不保存在数据库中。
5. 将数据放在第一遍的标准化格式中:
6. 从tables及relationships除去重复的数据。
7. 以你所除去数据创建一个或更多的tables及relationships。
8. 将数据放在第二遍的标准化格式中:
9. 用多于一个以上的键确定tables及relationships。
10. 除去只依赖于键一部分的数据。
11. 以你所除去数据创建一个或更多的tables及relationships。
12. 将数据放在第三遍的标准化格式中:
13. 除去那些依赖于tables或relationships中其他数据,并且不是键的数据。
14. 以你所除去数据创建一个或更多的tables及relationships。
主键是一张表中唯一区分各行的一组字段。Employee表的主键是Employee ID字段。Works In relationship中的主键包括Office Code及Employee ID字段。给数据库中每一relationship给出一个键,从其所连接的每一个table中抽取其键产生。
RelationShip |
Key |
Office |
*Office code |
Office address |
Phone number |
Works in |
*Office code |
*Employee ID |
Department |
*Department ID |
Department name |
Heads |
*Department ID |
*Employee ID |
Assoc with |
*Department ID |
*EmployeeID |
Skill |
*Skill ID |
Skill name |
Skill description |
Expert In |
*Skill ID |
*Employee ID |
Skill level |
Date acquired |
Employee |
*Employee ID |
Last Name |
First Name |
Social security number |
Employee street |
Employee city |
Employee state |
Employee phone |
Date of birth |
● 除去重复的组
● 要测试第一遍标准化格式,除去重复的组,并将它们放进他们各自的一张表中。
● 在下面的例子中,Phone Number可以重复。(一个工作人员可以有多于一个的电话号码。)将重复的组除去,创建一个名为Telephone的新表。在Telephone与Office创建一个名为Associated With的relationship。
● 除去那些不依赖于整个键的数据。
● 只看那些有一个以上键的tables及relationships。要测试第二遍标准化格式,除去那些不依赖于整个键的任何数据(组成键的所有字段)。
● 在此例中,原Employee表有一个由两个字段组成的键。一些数据不依赖于整个键;例如,department name只依赖于其中一个键(Department ID)。因此,Department ID,其他Employee数据并不依赖于它,应移至一个名为Department的新表中,并为Employee及Department建立一个名为Assigned To的relationship。
● 除去那些不直接依赖于键的数据。
● 要测试第三遍标准化格式,除去那些不是直接依赖于键,而是依赖于其他数据的数据。
● 在此例中,原Employee表有依赖于其键(Employee ID)的数据。然而,office location及office phone依赖于其他字段,即Office Code。它们不直接依赖于Employee ID键。将这组数据,包括Office Code,移至一个名为Office的新表中,并为Employee及Office建立一个名为Works In的relationship。
一对多 在一对多关系中,“一”中的主键放在“多”中。此例中,外部键放在Employee表中。
一对一 在一对一关系中,外部键可以放进任一表中。如果必须要放在某一边,而不能放在另一边,应该放在必须的一边。此例中,外部键(Head ID)在Department表中,因为这是必需的。
多对多 在多对多关系中,用两个外部键来创建一个新表。已存的旧表通过这个新表来发生联系。
● 你能找到一个路径来等到你所需要的所有信息吗?
● 设计是否满足了你的需要?
● 所有需要的数据都可用吗?
SQL Anywhere支持的数据类型包括:
整数(int, integer, smallint)
小数(decimal, numeric)
浮点数(float, double)
字符型(char, varchar, long varchar)
二进制数据类型(binary, long binary)
日期/时间类型(date, time, timestamp)
关于数据类型的内容,请参见“SQL Anywhere数据类型”一节。字段的数据类型影响字段的最大尺寸。例如,如果你指定SMALLINT,此字段可以容纳32,767的整数。INTEGER可以容纳2,147,483,647的整数。对CHAR来讲,字段的最大值必须指定。
关于每一数据类型的完整描述,见“SQL Anywhere数据类型”。
如果一个字段值是必填的,你就将此字段定义为NOT NULL。否则,字段值可以为NULL值,即可以有空值。SQL中的默认值是允许空值;你应该显示地将字段定义为NOT NULL,除非你有好理由将其设为允许空值。
关于NULL值的完整描述,请见“NULL value”。有关其对比用法,见“Search conditions”。
有关有效条件的更多信息,见“Search conditions”。有关如何为表及字段指定约束,见“Ensuring Data Integrity”。
例子数据库中有一个名为department的表,字段是dept_id, dept_name, dept_head_id。其定义如下:
Fields |
Type |
Size |
Null/Not Null |
Constraint |
Dept_id |
Integer |
-- |
Not null |
None |
Dept_name |
Char |
40 |
Not null |
None |
Dept_head_id |
Integer |
-- |
Not null |
None |
注意每一字段都被指定为“not null”。这种情况下,表中每一记录的所有字段的数据都必填。
There are five major steps in the design process.
$ For information about implementing the database design, see the chapter "Working with Database Objects".
ACME Corporation is a small company with offices in five locations. Currently, 75 employees work for ACME. The company is preparing for rapid growth and has identified nine departments, each with its own department head.
To help in its search for new employees, the personnel department has identified 68 skills that it believes the company will need in its future employee base. When an employee is hired, the employee's level of expertise for each skill is identified.
Some of the high-level activities for ACME Corporation are:
We can identify the subject areas (tables) and relationships that will hold the information and create a diagram based on the description and high-level activities.
We use boxes to show tables and diamonds to show relationships. We can also identify which relationships are one-to-many, one-to-one, and many-to-many.
This is a rough E-R diagram. It will be refined throughout the chapter.
The lower-level activities below are based on the high-level activities listed above:
These lower-level activities can be used to identify if any new tables or relationships are needed.
Business rules often identify one-to-many, one-to-one, and many-to-many relationships.
The kind of business rules that may be relevant include the following:
The supporting data you identify will become the names of the columns in the table. For example, the data below might apply to the Employee table, the Skill table, and the Expert In table:
Employee | Skill | Expert In |
Employee ID | Skill ID | Skill level |
Employee first name | Skill name | Date skill was acquired |
Employee last name | Description of skill | |
Employee department | |
Employee office | |
Employee address | |
If you make a diagram of this data, it will look like this:
Normalization is a series of tests you use to eliminate redundancy in the data and make sure the data is associated with the correct table or relationship. There are five tests. In this section, we will talk about the three tests that are usually used.
For more information about the normalization tests, see a book on database design.
Normal forms are the tests you usually use to normalize data. When your data passes the first test, it is considered to be in first normal form, when it passes the second test, it is in second normal form, and when it passes the third test, it is in third normal form.
Before you begin to normalize (test your data), simply list the data and identify a unique primary key for each table. The key can be made up of one piece of data (column) or several (a concatenated key).
The primary key is the set of columns that uniquely identifies rows in a table. The primary key for the Employee table is the Employee ID column. The primary key for the Works In relationship consists of the Office Code and Employee ID columns. Give a key to each relationship in your database by taking the key from each of the tables it connects. In the example, the keys identified with an asterisk are the keys for the relationship:
Relationship | Key |
Office | *Office code |
Office address |
Phone number |
Works in | *Office code |
*Employee ID |
Department | *Department ID |
Department name |
Heads | *Department ID |
*Employee ID |
Assoc with | *Department ID |
*Employee ID |
Skill | *Skill ID |
Skill name |
Skill description |
Expert in | *Skill ID |
*Employee ID |
Skill level |
Date acquired |
Employee | *Employee ID |
Employee last name |
Employee first name |
Social security number |
Employee street |
Employee city |
Employee state |
Employee phone |
Date of birth |
When you finish the normalization process, your design is almost complete. All you need to do is resolve the relationships.
Some of your relationships may carry data. This situation often occurs in many-to-many relationships.
When this is the case, change the relationship to a table. The key to the new table remains the same as it was for the relationship.
In order to implement relationships that do not carry data, you need to define foreign keys. A foreign key is a column or set of columns that contains primary key values from another table. The foreign key allows you to access data from more than one table at one time.
There are some basic rules that help you decide where to put the keys:
One to many In a one-to-many relationship, the primary key in the one is carried in the many. In this example, the foreign key goes into the Employee table.
One to one In a one-to-one relationship, the foreign key can go into either table. If it is mandatory on one side, but not on the other, it should go on the mandatory side. In this example, the foreign key (Head ID) is in the Department table because it is mandatory there.
Many to many In a many-to-many relationship, a new table is created with two foreign keys. The existing tables are now related to each other through this new table.
Before you implement your design, you need to make sure it supports your needs. Examine the activities you identified at the start of the design process and make sure you can access all the data the activities require:
If you can answer yes to all the questions above, you are ready to implement your design.
The final design of the example looks like this: