watir-webdriver checking table size rows and columns count




I am starting the process of converting my WATIR scripts to use WATIR webdriver. There a couple of table methods I was using in my WATIR scripts to check the size (rows and columns) of a HTML table.

myTable.row_count myTable.column_count 

These methods don't exist in webdriver so I am looking for a good way of doing the same check.

For rows this seems to give the same result as the row_count method


For column count of the table I've tried converting the table to an array of strings and getting the length of the first row, but the conversion to the string array is taking a while.

myCols = myTable.strings[0].length 

Can anyone suggest a better/ quicker method of getting the table size?



A1:Assuming the first row has the correct number of cells:

