android maven构建项目


测试环境是否成功:javac    , mvn -version


3.配置mavan的setting.xml ;



4.下载解压,cd 到解压文件的根目录,mvn clean install


6.构建maven android项目:注意add archetypes:



hoho 这样就可以了 !

Plugin Documentation

Goals available for this plugin:

Goal Description
android:apk Creates the apk file. By default signs it with debug keystore.
Change that by setting configuration parameter <sign><debug>false</debug></sign>.
android:apklib Creates the apklib file.
apklib files do not generate deployable artifacts.
android:clean No description.
android:deploy Deploys the built apk file, or another specified apk, to a connected device.
Automatically performed when running mvn integration-test (or mvn install) on a project with instrumentation tests.
android:deploy-dependencies Deploys all directly declared dependencies of <type>apk</type> in this project's pom.
Usually used in a project with instrumentation tests, to deploy the apk to test onto the device before running the deploying and running the instrumentation tests apk.
Automatically performed when running mvn integration-test (or mvn install) on a project with instrumentation tests.
android:devices DevicesMojo lists all attached devices and emulators found with the android debug bridge. It uses the same naming convention for the emulator as used in other places in the Android Maven Plugin and adds the status of the device in the list. TODO The goal is very simple and could be enhanced for better display, a verbose option to display and to take the android.device paramter into account.
android:dex Converts compiled Java classes to the Android dex format.
android:emma After compiled Java classes use emma tool
android:emulator-start EmulatorStartMojo can start the Android Emulator with a specified Android Virtual Device (avd).
android:emulator-stop EmulatorStartMojo can stop the Android Emulator with a specified Android Virtual Device (avd).
android:emulator-stop-all EmulatorStopeAllMojo will stop all attached devices.
android:generate-sources Generates based on resources specified by the resources configuration parameter. Generates java files based on aidl files.
android:help Display help information on android-maven-plugin.
  mvn android:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name>
to display parameter details.
android:instrument Runs the instrumentation apk on device.
android:internal-integration-test Internal. Do not use.
Called automatically when the lifecycle reaches phase integration-test. Figures out whether to call goals in this phase; and if so, calls android:instrument.
android:internal-pre-integration-test Internal. Do not use.
Called automatically when the lifecycle reaches phase pre-integration-test. Figures out whether to call goals in this phase; and if so, calls android:deploy-dependencies andandroid:deploy.
android:lint LintMojo can run the lint command against the project. Implements parsing parameters from pom or command line arguments and sets useful defaults as well. Warning, if you use android.lint.enableClasspath and/or android.lint.enableLibraries the behavior of this goal will vary depending on the phase where this goal is executed. See android.lint.classpath/lintClassPath and android.lint.libraries/lintLibraries for more details.
android:manifest-update Updates various version attributes present in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
android:monkey Can execute tests using UI/Application Exerciser Monkey.
Implements parsing parameters from pom or command line arguments and sets useful defaults as well. This goal will invoke Android Monkey exerciser. If the application crashes during the exercise, this goal can fail the build. 
A typical usage of this goal can be found at Quality tools for Android project.
android:ndk-build No description.
android:proguard Processes both application and dependency classes using the ProGuard byte code obfuscator, minimzer, and optimizer. For more information, see
android:pull Copy file or directory from all the attached (or specified) devices/emulators.
android:push Copy file to all the attached (or specified) devices/emulators.
android:redeploy Redeploys the built apk file, or another specified apk, to a connected device. This simply tries to undeploy the APK and re-deploy it.
android:run Runs the first Activity shown in the top-level launcher as determined by its Intent filters.

Android provides a component-based architecture, which means that there is no "main" function which serves as an entry point to the APK. There's an homogeneous collection of Activity(es), Service(s), Receiver(s), etc.

The Android top-level launcher (whose purpose is to allow users to launch other applications) uses the Intent resolution mechanism to determine which Activity(es) to show to the end user. Such activities are identified by at least:

  • Action type: android.intent.action.MAIN
  • Category: android.intent.category.LAUNCHER

And are declared in AndroidManifest.xml as such:

<activity android:name=".ExampleActivity">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

This Mojo will try to to launch the first activity of this kind found in AndroidManifest.xml. In case multiple activities satisfy the requirements listed above only the first declared one is run. In case there are no "Launcher activities" declared in the manifest or no activities declared at all, this goal aborts throwing an error.

The device parameter is taken into consideration so potentially the Activity found is started on all attached devices. The application will NOT be deployed and running will silently fail if the application is not deployed.

android:uiautomator Can execute tests using ui uiautomator.
Implements parsing parameters from pom or command line arguments and sets useful defaults as well. This goal is meant to execute a special java project dedicated to UI testing via UIAutomator. It will build the jar of the project, dex it and send it to dalvik cache of a rooted device or to an emulator. If you use a rooted device, refer to this thread on stack over flow. 

The tests are executed via ui automator. A surefire compatible test report can be generated and its location will be logged during build. 

To use this goal, you will need to place the uiautomator.jar file (part of the Android SDK >= 16) on a nexus repository. 

A typical usage of this goal can be found at Quality tools for Android project.
android:undeploy Undeploys the built apk file, or another specified apk, from a connected device.
android:unpack Unpack libraries code and dependencies into target. This can be useful for using the proguard maven plugin to provide the input jars. Although it is encouraged to use the proguard mojo of the android maven plugin.
android:zipalign ZipalignMojo can run the zipalign command against the apk. Implements parsing parameters from pom or command line arguments and sets useful defaults as well.

System Requirements

The following specifies the minimum requirements to run this Maven plugin:

Maven [3.0.3,)
JDK 1.6
Memory No minimum requirement.
Disk Space No minimum requirement.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:

<project> ... <build> <!-- To define the plugin version in your parent POM --> <pluginManagement> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>android-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>3.5.3</version> </plugin> ... </plugins> </pluginManagement> <!-- To use the plugin goals in your POM or parent POM --> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>android-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>3.5.3</version> </plugin> ... </plugins> </build> ... </project>

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