Ext.define("Ark.combo.ComboTree", { extend: "Ext.form.field.Picker", alias : 'widget.arkComboTree', requires: ["Ext.tree.Panel"], hiddenValue: '', initComponent: function() { var self = this; Ext.apply(self, { fieldLabel: self.fieldLabel, labelWidth: self.labelWidth }); var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.TreeStore', { proxy: { type: 'ajax', url: self.storeUrl , extraParams: self.extraParams || {} }, sorters: [{ property: 'leaf', direction: 'ASC' }, { property: 'text', direction: 'ASC' }], root: { id: self.rootId, text: self.rootText } }); if(self.treeNodeParams) { for(var i=0; i<self.treeNodeParams.length; i++) { var param = self.treeNodeParams[i]; store.getProxy().extraParams[param.name] = param.value; } } store.on('load', function() { self.initValue(); }); store.load(); this.store = store; self.callParent(); }, createPicker: function() { var self = this; self.picker = new Ext.tree.Panel({ height: 300, autoScroll: true, floating: true, focusOnToFront: false, shadow: true, ownerCt: this.ownerCt, useArrows: true, store: this.store, rootVisible: false }); self.picker.on({ checkchange: function(record, checked) { var checkModel = self.checkModel; if (checkModel == 'double') { var root = self.picker.getRootNode(); root.cascadeBy(function(node) { if (node.get('text') != record.get('text')) { node.set('checked', false); } }); if (record.get('leaf') && checked) { self.setRawValue(record.get('id')); // 隐藏值 self.setValue(record.get('text'), true); // 显示值 } else { record.set('checked', false); self.setRawValue(''); // 隐藏值 self.setValue('', true); // 显示值 } } else { var cascade = self.cascade; if (checked == true) { if (cascade == 'both' || cascade == 'child' || cascade == 'parent') { if (cascade == 'child' || cascade == 'both') { if (!record.get("leaf") && checked) record.cascadeBy(function(record) { record.set('checked', true); }); } if (cascade == 'parent' || cascade == 'both') { pNode = record.parentNode; for (; pNode != null; pNode = pNode.parentNode) { pNode.set("checked", true); } } } } else if (checked == false) { if (cascade == 'both' || cascade == 'child' || cascade == 'parent') { if (cascade == 'child' || cascade == 'both') { if (!record.get("leaf") && !checked) record.cascadeBy(function(record) { record.set('checked', false); }); } } } var records = self.picker.getView().getChecked(), names = [], values = []; Ext.Array.each(records, function(rec) { names.push(rec.get('text')); values.push(rec.get('id')); }); // self.setRawValue(values.join(',')); // 隐藏值,这种方式不对,改成使用hiddenValue替代 self.setHiddenValue(values.join(',')); // 隐藏值 self.setValue(names.join(','), true); // 显示值 } }, itemclick: function(tree, record, item, index, e, options) { var checkModel = self.checkModel; if (checkModel == 'single') { if (record.get('leaf')) { self.setHiddenValue(record.get('id')); // 隐藏值 //self.setRawValue(record.get('id')); // 隐藏值 self.setValue(record.get('text'), true); // 显示值 } else { self.setHiddenValue(''); // 隐藏值 //self.setRawValue(''); // 隐藏值 self.setValue('', true); // 显示值 } } } }); return self.picker; }, getSubmitValue: function() {// return this.hiddenValue; }, getSubmitData: function() { var data = {}; data[this.name] = this.hiddenValue; data[this.textFieldName || (this.name + "Name")] = this.getValue(); return data; }, needInitValue: false, _initValue: '', initValue: function() { if(!this.needInitValue) { return; } var store = this.store; var names = []; var initValue = this._initValue.split(','); for(var i=0; i<initValue.length; i++) { var record = store.getNodeById(initValue[i]); console.log('======record'); if (record) { if (this.checkModel == 'single') { if(this.picker) {// TODO 此处代码有问题 this.picker.getSelectionModel().select(record); } } else { store.getNodeById(initValue[i]).data.checked = true; } names.push(store.getNodeById(initValue[i]).data.text); } } this.setHiddenValue(this._initValue); this.setValue(names.join(','), true); // 显示值 this._initValue = ''; this.needInitValue = false; }, setValue: function(value, isCustom) { console.log('====setValue:'+value+',isCustom:'+isCustom+'=====>'); if(!isCustom) { this.setExtValue(value); this.initValue(); } else { this.callParent(arguments); } }, setExtValue: function(values) { if(!values) { return; } this._initValue = values; this.needInitValue = true; }, setHiddenValue: function(hiddenValue) { console.log('====hiddenValue=====>' + hiddenValue); this.hiddenValue = hiddenValue; if(this.ownerCt) { if(this.cascadeChilds) { for(var i=0; i<this.cascadeChilds.length; i++) { var cascadeChild = this.cascadeChilds[i]; //alert("级联下拉框必须设置级联子下拉框属性:cascadeChild"); var cascadeParamName = cascadeChild.paramName || 'parentId'; //this.listeners = Ext.apply({ // "select": function (combo, record, index) { // } //}, this.listeners); var child = this.ownerCt.getComponent(cascadeChild.itemId); child.getStore().getProxy().extraParams[cascadeParamName] = this.hiddenValue; child.getStore().reload(); } } } }, alignPicker: function() { var me = this, picker, isAbove, aboveSfx = '-above'; if (this.isExpanded) { picker = me.getPicker(); if (me.matchFieldWidth) { picker.setWidth(me.bodyEl.getWidth()); } if (picker.isFloating()) { picker.alignTo(me.inputEl, "", me.pickerOffset); // ""->tl isAbove = picker.el.getY() < me.inputEl.getY(); me.bodyEl[isAbove ? 'addCls': 'removeCls'](me.openCls + aboveSfx); picker.el[isAbove ? 'addCls': 'removeCls'](picker.baseCls + aboveSfx); } } } });
Ext.define('Plat.dept.org.role.RuleConditionWin', { extend: 'Ext.window.Window', requires: ['Ark.combo.ComboTree'], listeners: { afterrender: function() { assignDeptIds.setExtValue('id_1,id_2'); } }, items:[{ xtype: 'arkComboTree', name : 'assignDeptIds', textFieldName: 'assignDeptNames',// 不设置,默认为 this.name+'Name' storeUrl : PlatGlobal.contextpath + '/ark/org/orgnization/queryOrgWithChildrenById.do?withCheck=true', //'/ark/plat/dept/org/role/data.json', //cascade : 'child',//级联方式:1.child子级联;2.parent,父级联,3,both全部级联 //checkModel:'single',//当json数据为不带checked的数据时只配置为single,带checked配置为double为单选,不配置为多选 // width : 270, rootId : '1', rootText : 'DRP', extraParams : { parentId: 'SCENE_NODE_TYPE', withCheck: true } }] }); // 级联使用示例 { xtype: 'arkComboTree', fieldLabel : '场景图层', name : 'sceneLayerId', editable: false, checkModel:'single', storeUrl : PlatGlobal.contextpath + '/ark/plat/paper/paperlayout/queryAllSceneLayer.do', //'/ark/plat/dept/org/role/data.json', //cascade : 'child',//级联方式:1.child子级联;2.parent,父级联,3,both全部级联 //checkModel:'single',//当json数据为不带checked的数据时只配置为single,带checked配置为double为单选,不配置为多选 // width : 270, rootId : '1', rootText : 'DRP', treeNodeParameter : '', // 级联配置 cascadeChilds: [{ itemId: 'sourceSceneElement',// 对应下面这个combox的itemId paramName: 'sceneLayerId'// 发送后台的参数名称 }, { itemId: 'targetSceneElement', paramName: 'sceneLayerId' }] },{ xtype : 'enumCombo', editable: false, fieldLabel : '源场景元素', name : 'sourceSceneElement', itemId: 'sourceSceneElement',// 必须,级联下拉框中父下拉框需要根据这个itemId找到该下拉框 dataUrl: PlatGlobal.contextpath + '/ark/plat/paper/paperlayout/querySceneElements.do', displayField: "name", valueField: "id", allowBlank : false }
[{ "text": "To Do", "cls": "folder", "expanded": true, "children": [{ "text": "Go jogging", "leaf": true },{ "text": "Take a nap", "leaf": true },{ "text": "Climb Everest", "leaf": true }] },{ "text": "Grocery List", "cls": "folder", "children": [{ "text": "Bananas", "leaf": true },{ "text": "Milk", "leaf": true },{ "text": "Cereal", "leaf": true },{ "text": "Energy foods", "cls": "folder", "children": [{ "text": "Coffee", "leaf": true },{ "text": "Red Bull", "leaf": true }] }] },{ "text": "Remodel Project", "cls": "folder", "children": [{ "text": "Finish the budget", "leaf": true },{ "text": "Call contractors", "leaf": true },{ "text": "Choose design", "leaf": true }] }]
[{ "text": "To Do", "cls": "folder", "expanded": true, "children": [{ "text": "Go jogging", "leaf": true, "checked": true },{ "text": "Take a nap", "leaf": true, "checked": false },{ "text": "Climb Everest", "leaf": true, "checked": false }] },{ "text": "Grocery List", "cls": "folder", "children": [{ "text": "Bananas", "leaf": true, "checked": false },{ "text": "Milk", "leaf": true, "checked": false },{ "text": "Cereal", "leaf": true, "checked": false },{ "text": "Energy foods", "cls": "folder", "children": [{ "text": "Coffee", "leaf": true, "checked": false },{ "text": "Red Bull", "leaf": true, "checked": false }] }] },{ "text": "Remodel Project", "cls": "folder", "children": [{ "text": "Finish the budget", "leaf": true, "checked": false },{ "text": "Call contractors", "leaf": true, "checked": false },{ "text": "Choose design", "leaf": true, "checked": false }] }]