Java Code Convention Rules

Java Code Convention Rules

Rules available in this category:


Rule 1: Avoid_assignment_in_if

Severity: Low
Rule: Avoid assignment within the if conditions
Reason: Avoid assignment within the if conditions

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

class Avoid_assignment_in_if_violation

public void method()
    boolean b;
    if(b = true)    // VIOLATION
        b = false;


Should be written as:

package com.rule;
class Avoid_assignment_in_if_correction

public void method()
    boolean b = true;

    if(b)       // CORRECTION
        b = false;


Rule 2: Always_declare_a_class_having_only_private_constructors_as_final

Severity: Low
Rule: If a class has only private constructors but is not declared as final, then some class could try to extend it.
Reason: If a class has only private constructors but is not declared as final, then some class could try to extend it.

Usage Example:

public class Test // VIOLATION
private Test() {}

Should be written as:

public final class Test // FIXED
private Test() {}

Reference: Not available.
Rule 3: Replace_enumeration_with_iterator

Severity: Medium
Rule: Iterators allow the caller to remove elements from the underlying collection during the iteration with well-defined semantics.
Reason: Iterators allow the caller to remove elements from the underlying collection during the iteration with well-defined semantics.

Usage Example:

import java.util.Enumeration;

public class MyEnum implements Enumeration // VIOLATION

public boolean hasMoreElements()
    // ...
    return true;

public Object nextElement()
    // ...
    return null;


Should be written as:

import java.util.Iterator;

public class MyEnum implements Iterator // FIXED

public boolean hasNext()
    return true;

public Object next()
    return null;

public void remove()


Rule 4: Combine_if_statements_using_boolean_short_circuit_operator

Severity: Low
Rule: Combining the if-statements improves code readibility.
Reason: Combining the if-statements improves code readibility.

Usage Example:

public class Test

public void fubar(boolean x, boolean y)
    if ( x )
        if ( y ) // VIOLATION


Should be written as:

public class Test

public void fubar(boolean x, boolean y)
    if ( x && y )


Reference: Not Available.
Rule 5: Avoid_using_fully_qualified_type_names

Severity: Low
Rule: Using simple type names instead of the fully qualified names improves code readibility.
Reason: Using simple type names instead of the fully qualified names improves code readibility.

Usage Example:

public class Test
public void method()
java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); // 2 VIOLATIONS

Should be written as:

import java.util.Date;

public class Test
public void method()
Date date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); // FIXED

Reference: Not available.
Rule 6: Avoid_static_imports

Severity: Low
Rule: Improper usage of static imports can make code difficult to read.
Reason: Improper usage of static imports can make code difficult to read.

Usage Example:

import static java.lang.Math.PI; //VIOLATION

public class Test
public double calculate(double radius)
double area= PI*Math.pow(radius, 2);
return area;

Should be written as:

public class Test
public double calculate(double radius)
double area= Math.PI*Math.pow(radius, 2); //FIXED
return area;

Reference: Not available.
Rule 7: Avoid_using_the_negation_operator_more_than_three_times

Severity: Low
Rule: This rule violates on any method that uses the negation operator more than three times.
Reason: This rule violates on any method that uses the negation operator more than three times.

Usage Example:

public class Test

public boolean method (boolean a, boolean b) // VIOLATION 
    if (!a)
        return (!a && !b);
        return !b;



Should be written as:

public class Test

public boolean method (boolean a, boolean b)  // FIXED
    if (a)
        return !b;
        return (! (a || b) );



Reference: Not available.
Rule 8: Avoid_negative_logic_in_if_else

Severity: Low
Rule: In order to improve code readability.
Reason: In order to improve code readability.

Usage Example:

public class Test

public int specialAdd(int i, int j) 
    if (i!= j) //VIOLATION
     return i+ j;
     return i;


Should be written as:

public class Test

public int specialAdd(int i, int j) 
    if (i== j) //FIXED
     return i;
     return i+ j;


Reference: Not available.
Rule 9: Always_place_class_or_interface_having_same_name_as_the_file_first

Severity: Low
Rule: It is a coding convention to make the first class in the file be the class with the same name as the file.
Reason: It is a coding convention to make the first class in the file be the class with the same name as the file.

Usage Example:

//with file name

class ClassOne



public class MyClass // VIOLATION



Should be written as:

//with file name

public class MyClass // FIXED



class ClassOne



Reference: Not available.
Rule 10: Always_cast_null_argument_for_varargs

Severity: Medium
Rule: The compiler can optionally flag suspicious varargs method invocations.
Reason: The compiler can optionally flag suspicious varargs method invocations.

Usage Example:

public class Test

void foo(Test... args)


void bar()
    foo(null); // VIOLATION 


Should be written as:

public class Test

void foo(Test... args)


void bar()
    foo((Test[])null); // CORRECTION


Reference: No references available.
Rule 11: Avoid_declaring_arrays_using_C-style_syntax

Severity: Low
Rule: Could cause confusion since its not the coding convention followed by Java programmers.
Reason: Could cause confusion since its not the coding convention followed by Java programmers.

Usage Example:

public class Test

public static void main ( String args[] ) // VIOLATION


Should be written as:

public class Test

public static void main ( String[] args ) // CORRECTION


Reference: No references available.
Rule 12: Place_finalize_method_between_public_and_protected_methods

Severity: Low
Rule: Placing finalize between public and protected methods make the code easier to read.
Reason: Placing finalize between public and protected methods make the code easier to read.

Usage Example:

public class MyClass

public void method1 () {}
protected void method2 () {}
protected void finalize () {} // VIOLATION


Should be written as:

public class MyClass

public void method () {}
protected void finalize () {} // CORRECTION
protected void method2 () {}


Reference: No references available.
Rule 13: Avoid_using_constant_interface_pattern

Severity: Medium
Rule: Implementing a constant interface causes this implementation detail to leak into the class's exported API.
Reason: Implementing a constant interface causes this implementation detail to leak into the class's exported API.

Usage Example:

public interface PhysicalConstants // VIOLATION

// Avogadro's number (1/mol)
static final double AVOGADROS_NUMBER = 6.02214199e23;

// Boltzmann constant (J/K)
static final double BOLTZMANN_CONSTANT = 1.3806503e-23;

// Mass of the electron (kg)
static final double ELECTRON_MASS = 9.10938188e-31;


Should be written as:

// Constant utility class
public class PhysicalConstants // CORRECTION

private PhysicalConstants() { } // Prevents instantiation
public static final double AVOGADROS_NUMBER = 6.02214199e23;
public static final double BOLTZMANN_CONSTANT = 1.3806503e-23;
public static final double ELECTRON_MASS = 9.10938188e-31;


Reference: Joshua Bloch: “Effective Java - Programming Language Guide”.
Addison Wesley, 2001, pp 69
Rule 14: Always_define_constants_in_an_interface

Severity: Medium
Rule: It is preferrable to logically group all constants in an interface.
Reason: It is preferrable to logically group all constants in an interface.

Usage Example:

public class MyClass

static final int MAX = 100;  // VIOLATION

 public int getMax () 
 return MAX;


Should be written as:

public class MyClass

public int getMax () 
  return Constants.MAX;


interface Constants
int MAX = 1000;

Reference: No references available.
Rule 15: Avoid_declaring_multiple_variables_of_different_types_in_same_statement

Severity: Low
Rule: Avoid declaring multiple variables of different types in a single declaration statement
Reason: Avoid declaring multiple variables of different types in a single declaration statement

Usage Example:

public class SinglePerLine

private int index, index1[]; // VIOLATION

public void method () 

int a, b[]; // VIOLATION
int c;
int d;



Should be written as:

public class SinglePerLine

private int index;  // CORRECTION
private int index1[]; // CORRECTION

public void method () 

int a; // CORRECTION
int b[]; // CORRECTION
int c;
int d;



Rule 16: Avoid_declaring_multiple_variables_in_same_statement

Severity: Low
Rule: Avoid declaring multiple variables in a single declaration statement.
Reason: Avoid declaring multiple variables in a single declaration statement.

Usage Example:

public class Test

String s1, s2; // VIOLATION;

public Test() {
s1 = “hello”;
s2 = “world”;

public boolean method() {
int i = 0, j = 0; // VIOLATION
return (i == j);

public String toString() {
return s1 + " " + s2;


Should be written as:

public class Test

String s1;
String s2; // CORRECTION

public Test() {
s1 = “hello”;
s2 = “world”;

public boolean method() {
int i = 0;

  int j = 0;  // CORRECTION

return (i == j);

public String toString() {
return s1 + " " + s2;


Rule 17: Declare_imports_in_alphabetical_order

Severity: Low
Rule: It is more presentable and less confusing if imports are declared in an alphabetical order.
Reason: It is more presentable and less confusing if imports are declared in an alphabetical order.

Usage Example:

import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Stack; // VIOLATION

public class MyClass


Should be written as:

import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.Vector; // CORRECTION

public class MyClass


Reference: No references available.
Rule 18: Avoid_confusing_if

Severity: Low
Rule: Avoid confusing if conditions.
Reason: Avoid confusing if conditions.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_confusing_if_violation

public void method()
    int x = getValue();

    if(x != 10)         // Violation.


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_confusing_if_correction

    int x = getValue();

    if(x == 10)     //Correction.


Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 19: Declare_class_final

Severity: Low
Rule: Declare class as final class.
Reason: Declare class as final class.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Declare_class_final_violation // Violation.

int a;

private Declare_class_final()
    a = 0;
private Declare_class_final(int a)
    this.a = a;


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

final public class Declare_class_final_correction //Correction

int a;

private Declare_class_final()
    a = 0;
private Declare_class_final(int a)
    this.a = a;


Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 20: Use_local_variable_instead_of_field

Severity: Low
Rule: Use local variable instead of declaring field.
Reason: Use local variable instead of declaring field.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Use_local_variable_instead_of_field_violation

int field1;
int field2;     // Violation.

public void method(int a)
    field1 = a + 10 ;

public void method1(int a)
    field1 = a + 20 ;
    field2 = a + 30 ;


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Use_local_variable_instead_of_field_correction

int field1;

public void method(int a)
    field1 = a + 10 ;

public void method1(int a)
    int field2;     //Correction.

    field1 = a + 20 ;
    field2 = a + 30 ;


Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 21: Do_not_declare_unnecessary_constructor

Severity: Low
Rule: Avoid declaring unnecessary constructor.
Reason: Avoid declaring unnecessary constructor.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Do_not_declare_unnecessary_constructor_violation // Violation.

public Do_not_declare_unnecessary_constructor_violation()



Should be written as:

Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 22: Do_not_call_next_in_hasNext

Severity: Medium
Rule: Do not call next() in hasNext() method.
Reason: Do not call next() in hasNext() method.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

class Do_not_call_next_in_hasNext implements Iterator

public void method()
    Iteratortest test = new Iteratortest();
    List list = new ArrayList();        
public boolean hasNext()
    boolean b = hasNext();
    if (b)
        currVal = next();       // Violation
    return b;
public Object next()
    return next();
public void remove()


Should be written as:

Reference: Reference Not Available.
Rule 23: Avoid_subclassing_java_lang_Thread

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid extending java.lang.Thread.
Reason: Avoid extending java.lang.Thread.

Usage Example:

public class Test

public static void main( String[] args ) 
    (new DontExtendThread ()).start();

public static class DontExtendThread extends Thread // VIOLATION
    public void run() 
        System.out.println( "run method"  );


Should be written as:

public class Test

public static void main( String[] args ) 
    new Thread(new DontExtendThread ()).start();

public static class DontExtendThread implements Runnable // CORRECTION
    public void run() 
        System.out.println( "run method"  );


Reference: No references available.
Rule 24: Avoid_duplicate_string_literals

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid duplicate string literals.
Reason: Avoid duplicate string literals.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_duplicate_string_literals

public void foo(Vector v, String s)
    if (s.equals("AppPerfect"))
        //do something
    int iSize = v.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
        if (((String)v.get(i)).equals("AppPerfect"))


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_duplicate_string_literals

private static final String APPPERFECT = "AppPerfect";
public void foo(Vector v, String s)
    if (s.equals(Avoid_duplicate_string_literals.APPPERFECT))
        //do something
    int iSize = v.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
        if (((String)v.get(i)).equals(Avoid_duplicate_string_literals.APPPERFECT))


Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 25: Avoid_string_literals_except_in_constant_declarations

Severity: Medium
Rule: Hard-coded constant strings in the code are error-prone and hard to maintain.
Reason: Hard-coded constant strings in the code are error-prone and hard to maintain.

Usage Example:

public class Test
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println(“Hello World!“); //VIOLATION

Should be written as:

public class Test
static final String WELCOME_MESSAGE= “Hello World!“;

public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println(WELCOME_MESSAGE); //FIXED

Reference: No references available.
Rule 26: Questionable_constant_field_name

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid questionable use of constant field name.
Reason: Avoid questionable use of constant field name.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Questionable_constant_field_name_violation

public int NUMBER = 10;     // Violation.

public void method()



Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Suspicious_constant_field_name_correction

public int number = 10;     //Correction.

public void method()



Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 27: Avoid_call_to_deprecated_methods_of_thread

Severity: Medium
Rule: Do not call deprecated method Thread.stop(), Thread.suspend() and Thread.resume().
Reason: Do not call deprecated method Thread.stop(), Thread.suspend() and Thread.resume().

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

class Avoid_call_to_deprecated_methods_of_thread_violation extends Thread

public void run()
    if (condition)
        thread.suspend();   //Violation


Should be written as:

Do not call deprecated method of thread.

Rule 28: Always_override_equals

Severity: Low
Rule: Always override equals method in bean classes.
Reason: Always override equals method in bean classes.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Always_override_equals_violation_Bean // VIOLATION


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Always_override_equals_correction_Bean

public boolean equals(Object obj) // CORRECTION
    return super.equals(obj);


Reference: No reference available.
Rule 29: Avoid_continue_statements

Severity: Low
Rule: Avoid using continue statements.
Reason: Avoid using continue statements.

Usage Example:

public class AvoidContinueStatements
public static void main(String[] args)
int[] nums= new int[10];
for (int i= 0; i< 10; i++)
System.out.println(“Enter a positive number: “);
int num= getNumFromInput();
if (num> 0)
nums[i]= num;
continue; // VIOLATION
System.out.println(“Invalid number”);

Should be written as:

public class AvoidContinueStatements
public static void main(String[] args)
int[] nums= new int[10];
for (int i= 0; i< 10; i++)
System.out.println(“Enter a positive number: “);
int num= getNumFromInput();
if (num> 0)
nums[i]= num;

         System.out.println("Invalid number");


Reference: No references available.
Rule 30: Specify_locale_for_SimpleDateFormat

Severity: Medium
Rule: Specify locale for SimpleDateFormat.
Reason: Specify locale for SimpleDateFormat.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Specify_locale_for_SimpleDateFormat_violation

public void testEquals()
    final SimpleDateFormat sdfObj = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss z");           // Violation.


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Specify_locale_for_SimpleDateFormat_correction

public void testEquals()
    final Locale locale = Locale.FRENCH;

    final SimpleDateFormat sn1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss z",locale);       //Correction.



Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 31: Avoid_throw_in_finally

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid throwing exceptions from finally block.
Reason: Avoid throwing exceptions from finally block.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;


public class Avoid_throw_in_finally_violation

public void method(File f) throws CustomException
    FileInputStream fis = null;
        fis = new FileInputStream(f);
    catch (Exception e)
        // ignore
            catch (IOException e)
                throw new CustomException(e); // VIOLATION

class CustomException extends Exception
    Exception origException;
    CustomException(Exception orig)
        origException = orig;


Should be written as:

package com.rule;


public class Avoid_throw_in_finally_violation

public void method(File f) throws CustomException
    FileInputStream fis = null;
        fis = new FileInputStream(f);
    catch (Exception e)
        // ignore
            catch (IOException e)
                // log exception


Reference: No reference available.
Rule 32: Do_not_hide_class_fields_with_local_variables

Severity: High
Rule: Avoid hiding class fields with local variables
Reason: Avoid hiding class fields with local variables

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Do_not_hide_class_fields_with_local_variables_violation
    String data;
    int val;
        public void method(String data_loc)
            int val;        //VOILATION

Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Do_not_hide_class_fields_with_local_variables_violation
    String data;
    int val;
        public void method(String data_loc)
            int val_loc; //CORRECTION

Reference: Reference Not Available.
Rule 33: Do_not_hide_catch_blocks

Severity: High
Rule: Do not hide catch blocks.
Reason: Do not hide catch blocks.

Usage Example:

public class Test

public void aMethod()
        throw new;
    catch ( e)
    catch ( e) // VIOLATION


Should be written as:

Reference: No references available.
Rule 34: Avoid_catching_NullPointerException

Severity: High
Rule: Avoid catching NullPointerException.
Reason: Avoid catching NullPointerException.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

class Avoid_Catching_Null_Pointer_Exception

public void method()
        //some code here
    catch (NullPointerException e) //Violation



Should be written as:

Reference: This rule has no references.
Rule 35: Define_default_public_constructor_for_Externalizable_class

Severity: Medium
Rule: The Externalizable class should have a public default constructor defined.
Reason: The Externalizable class should have a public default constructor defined.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;


public class Define_default_public_constructor_for_Externalizable_class_violation implements Externalizable // VIOLATION

Define_default_public_constructor_for_Externalizable_class_violation() // non-public default constructor

public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException

public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException


Should be written as:

package com.rule;


public class Define_default_public_constructor_for_Externalizable_class_correction implements Externalizable

public Define_default_public_constructor_for_Externalizable_class_correction() // CORRECTION

public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException

public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException


Rule 36: Missing_constructor

Severity: Medium
Rule: Define constructor for non-abstract classes.
Reason: Define constructor for non-abstract classes.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Missing_constructor_violation // Violation.


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Missing_constructor_correction

public Missing_constructor_correction()     //Correction.



Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 37: Avoid_break_with_label

Severity: Low
Rule: Avoid break with label.
Reason: Avoid break with label.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;
class AvoidBreakWithLabel_Violation

public void method(boolean flag)
    outer: while(flag)
        inner: while(flag)
                break outer; // Violation


Should be written as:

package com.rule;
class AvoidBreakWithLabel_Correction

public void method(boolean flag)
        if(subMethod(flag)) // Correction

public boolean subMethod(boolean flag)
            return false;
    return true;


Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 38: Use_all_three_parts_of_for

Severity: Low
Rule: Specify initialization, condition and increment while using for statement.
Reason: Specify initialization, condition and increment while using for statement.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;
public class Use_all_three_parts_of_for_violation

public void method()
    for (int i=0; i<10;) // VIOLATION
        // Statements


Should be written as:

package com.rule;
public class Use_all_three_parts_of_for_correction

public void method()
    for (int i=0; i<10; i++) // CORRECTION
        // Statements


Rule 39: Avoid_empty_zip_file_entry

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid empty zip file entry.
Reason: Avoid empty zip file entry.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_empty_zip_file_entry_violation

public void testEquals()
    String outFilename = "";
    ZipOutputStream outZip = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outFilename));
    String filename="file1.txt"

    outZip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(filename));

    outZip.closeEntry();    //Violation.


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_empty_zip_file_entry_correction

public void testEquals()
    String outFilename = "";
    ZipOutputStream outZip = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outFilename));

    String filename="file1.txt"
    outZip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(filename));

    int len = 0;
    while ((len = > 0)
out.write(buf, 0, len);     //Correction.




Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 40: Avoid_empty_jar_file_entry

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid empty jar file entry.
Reason: Avoid empty jar file entry.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_empty_jar_file_entry_violation

public void testEquals()
    String outFilename = "";
    JarOutputStream outZip = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outFilename));
    String filename="file1.txt"

    outZip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(filename));

    outZip.closeEntry();    //Violation.


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_empty_jar_file_entry_correction

public void testEquals()
    String outFilename = "";
    JarOutputStream outZip = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outFilename));

    String filename="file1.txt"
    outZip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(filename));

    int len = 0;
    while ((len = > 0)
out.write(buf, 0, len);     //Correction.




Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 41: Use_break_for_each_case

Severity: Medium
Rule: Use break for each case for better readability
Reason: Use break for each case for better readability

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

class Use_break_for_each_case_violation

public void method(int i)
     case 1:
        // some code
     case 2:
        // some code            // VIOLATION
     case 3:
        // some code
     case 4:
     case 5:
        // some code


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

class Use_break_for_each_case_correction

public void method(int i)
     case 1: //same action for multiple cases
     case 2:
        // some code
     break;                 // CORRECTION
     case 3:
        // some code
            // throw some exception here
     case 4:
        // some code
     return i;
     case 5:
        // some code
     continue; // switch needs to be inside a loop
     case 6:
        // some code


Reference: Reference Not Available.
Rule 42: Avoid_using_array_initializers

Severity: Low
Rule: Initializing arrays element-by-element can make the code easier to read.
Reason: Initializing arrays element-by-element can make the code easier to read.

Usage Example:

public class Test
public static void main(String[] args)
int[] a= {1, 2, 3}; //VIOLATION

Should be written as:

public class Test
public static void main(String[] args)
int[] a= new int[3]; //FIXED
a[0]= 1;
a[1]= 2;
a[2]= 3;

Reference: Not available.
Rule 43: Use_static_fields_methods_with_class

Severity: Medium
Rule: Static fields and methods are an attribute of the class, not an instance of the class. To improve clarity, refer to them using the class name instead of the instance variable name.
Reason: Static fields and methods are an attribute of the class, not an instance of the class. To improve clarity, refer to them using the class name instead of the instance variable name.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;
class Use_static_fields_methods_with_class_violation

public void setValue(Object obj)
    Base3 b = new Base3();
    b.obj = obj; // Violation

class Base3

public static Object obj;


Should be written as:

package com.rule;
class Use_static_fields_methods_with_class_violation

public void setValue(Object obj)
    Base3.obj = obj; // Correction

class Base3

public static Object obj;


Rule 44: Check_instanceOf_in_equals

Severity: Medium
Rule: Use 'instanceof' in equals method.
Reason: Use 'instanceof' in equals method.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

class Check_instanceOf_in_equals_violation

private static Derived2 d = new Derived2();

public boolean isEqual(Object b)
    return d.equals(b);

public static final int TEN = 10;

public static void main(String[] args)
    Base2 b1 = new Base2();
    Derived2 d1 = new Derived2();


class Base2

private int k=0;

public boolean equals(Object b) // VIOLATION
    boolean result = false;
    Base2 b1 =(Base2)b;
    result = b1.k == k;
    return result;

public final void setK(int i)
     k = i;


class Derived2 extends Base2

public boolean equals(Object b) // VIOLATION
    boolean result = false;
    result = super.equals(b);
    return result;


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

class Check_instanceOf_in_equals_correction

private static Derived1 d = new Derived1();

public boolean isEqual(Object b)
    return d.equals(b);

public static final int TEN = 10;

public static void main(String[] args)
    Base1 b1 = new Base1();
    Derived1 d1 = new Derived1();


class Base1

private int k=0;

public boolean equals(Object b)
    boolean result = false;
    if(b instanceof  Base1) // CORRECTION
        Base1 b1 =(Base1)b;
        result = b1.k == k;
    return result;

public final void setK(int i)
     k = i;


class Derived1 extends Base1

public boolean equals(Object b)
    boolean result = false;
    if(b instanceof  Derived1) // CORRECTION
        result = super.equals(b);
    return result;


Reference: Joshua Bloch: “Effective Java - Programming Language Guide”.
Addison Wesley,
Rule 45: Check_for_equality_using_getClass

Severity: Medium
Rule: Use getClass() in equals implementation.
Reason: Use getClass() in equals implementation.

Usage Example:

public class UseGetClass

public int k;

public boolean equals ( Object o )      // VIOLATION
    if ( o instanceof UseGetClass )
        UseGetClass temp = (UseGetClass)o;
        return temp.k == k; 
    return false;


Should be written as:

public class UseGetClass

public int k;

public boolean equals ( Object o )      
    if ( getClass() != o.getClass() )   // CORRECTION
        return false;
    else if ( o instanceof UseGetClass )
        UseGetClass temp = (UseGetClass)o;
        return temp.k == k; 
    return false;


Reference: Peter Haggar: “Practical Java - Programming Language Guide”.
Peter Haggar: “Practical Java - Programming Language Guide”. Addison Wesley, 2000, pp.44 -47
Rule 46: Avoid_empty_block_in_case

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid empty block in case statements.
Reason: Avoid empty block in case statements.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;
public class Avoid_empty_block_in_case_violation

public void method()
    switch (0)
        case 0 : // VIOLATION
        case 1 :
            // STATEMENTS


Should be written as:

package com.rule;
public class Avoid_empty_block_in_case_correction

public void method()
    switch (0)
        case 0 : // CORRECTION
        case 1 :
            // STATEMENTS


Reference: Reference Not Available.
Rule 47: Define_constructors_before_methods

Severity: Low
Rule: Always define all the constructors before defining any methods.
Reason: Always define all the constructors before defining any methods.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Define_constructors_before_methods_violation

public void method()

public Define_constructors_before_methods_violation() // VIOLATION


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Define_constructors_before_methods_correction

public Define_constructors_before_methods_violation() // CORRECTION

public void method()


Rule 48: Alway_call_super_clone

Severity: High
Rule: Always call super.clone() from the clone method defined in your class.
Reason: Always call super.clone() from the clone method defined in your class.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Alway_call_super_clone_violation implements Cloneable

ArrayList alValues;

protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
    Alway_call_super_clone_violation obj = new Alway_call_super_clone_violation();  // VIOLATION
    obj.alValues = new ArrayList(alValues);
    return obj;


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Alway_call_super_clone_correction implements Cloneable

ArrayList alValues;

protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
    Alway_call_super_clone_correction obj = (Alway_call_super_clone_correction) super.clone();      // CORRECTION
    obj.alValues = new ArrayList(alValues);
    return obj;


Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 49: Clone_method_not_implementing_Cloneable

Severity: High
Rule: A class containing the clone method must implement the Cloneable interface.
Reason: A class containing the clone method must implement the Cloneable interface.

Usage Example:

class A // VIOLATION
private int x;
public A(int i)


x = i;

public Object clone() 
    throws CloneNotSupportedException 

return super.clone();

public class CloneDemo2
public static void main(String args[])

    throws CloneNotSupportedException 

A obj1 = new A(37);
A obj2 = (A)obj1.clone();

Should be written as:

class A implements Cloneable
private int x;
public A(int i)


x = i;

public Object clone() 
    throws CloneNotSupportedException 

return super.clone();

public class CloneDemo2
public static void main(String args[])

    throws CloneNotSupportedException 

A obj1 = new A(37);
A obj2 = (A)obj1.clone();

Rule 50: Cloneable_class_not_implementing_clone_method

Severity: High
Rule: Class implements Cloneable but does not define or use the clone method.
Reason: Class implements Cloneable but does not define or use the clone method.

Usage Example:

public class Test implements Cloneable // VIOLATION



Should be written as:

public class Test implements Cloneable

public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException // FIXED
    return super.clone();


Reference: Not Available.
Rule 51: Always_comment_main_method

Severity: High
Rule: Always comment main method after debugging is over.
Reason: Always comment main method after debugging is over.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Always_comment_main_method_violation

public static void main(String[] args)  // Violation.
    // Some Code


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Always_comment_main_method_correction

public static void main(String[] args)      //Correction.
    // Some Code



Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 52: Declare_package_with_intial

Severity: Low
Rule: Specify package for the class and make sure that it starts with com. or org.
Reason: Specify package for the class and make sure that it starts with com. or org.

Usage Example:

package rule; // VIOLATION

class Declare_package_with_intial_violation

public void method()


Should be written as:

package com.rule; // CORRECTION

class Declare_package_with_intial_correction

public void method()


Reference: Reference Not Available.
Rule 53: Avoid_unqualified_access_to_fields

Severity: Medium
Rule: Explicitly refer instance fields using “this” reference.
Reason: Explicitly refer instance fields using “this” reference.

Usage Example:

public class Test extends A

int field1;

public void aMethod()
    field1 = 2; // VIOLATION
    field2 = "hello"; // VIOLATION


class A

String field2;


Should be written as:

public class Test extends A

int field1;

public void aMethod()
    this.field1 = 2;
    this.field2 = "hello";


class A

String field2;


Reference: No references available.
Rule 54: Do_not_overload_finalize

Severity: Medium
Rule: Do not overload finalize method.
Reason: Do not overload finalize method.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Do_not_overload_finalize_violation

public void finalize(int a)// Violation


Should be written as:

Do not overload finalize().

Rule 55: Return_empty_Collection

Severity: Medium
Rule: Return empty collection instead of returning null value from method.
Reason: Return empty collection instead of returning null value from method.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Return_empty_Collection_violation

public List method()
    return null; // VIOLATION


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

public class Return_empty_Collection_correction

public List method()
    return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; // CORRECTION


Rule 56: Avoid_returning_null_instead_of_Enumeration

Severity: Medium
Rule: Returning null could result in null pointer exceptions.
Reason: Returning null could result in null pointer exceptions.

Usage Example:

import java.util.*;

public class NE

private Vector elements;

public void addElement( Integer element ) 
    if ( elements == null ) 
        elements = new Vector(10);
    elements.add( element );

public Enumeration getelements() 
    if ( elements == null ) 
        return null;        // VIOLATION    
    return elements.elements();

public static  void main(  String [] args ) throws Exception  
    NE ne = new NE();
    Enumeration enum = example.getelements(); 
    while ( enum.hasMoreElements() ) 
        System.out.println( enum.nextElement() );


Should be written as:

import java.util.*;

public class NE

private Vector elements;

public void addElement( Integer element ) 
    if ( elements == null ) 
        elements = new Vector(10);
    elements.add( element );

public Enumeration getelements() 
    return elements != null ? elements.elements() : 
    new Enumeration 
        public boolean hasMoreElements()
            return false;

        public Object nextElement()
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

public static  void main(  String [] args ) throws Exception  
    NE ne = new NE();
    Enumeration enum = ne.getelements(); 
    while ( enum.hasMoreElements() ) 
        System.out.println( enum.nextElement() );


Reference: No references available.
Rule 57: Avoid_returning_null_instead_of_Iterator

Severity: Medium
Rule: Returning null could result in null pointer exceptions.
Reason: Returning null could result in null pointer exceptions.

Usage Example:

import java.util.*;

public class NE

private List elements;

public void addElement( Integer element ) 
    if ( elements == null ) 
        elements = new ArrayList(10);
    elements.add( element );

public Iterator getElements() 
    if ( elements == null ) 
        return null;    // VIOLATION
    return elements.iterator();

public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception
    NE ne = new NE();
    Iterator iter = example.getElements(); 
    while ( iter.hasNext() ) 
        System.out.println( );  


Should be written as:

import java.util.*;

public class NE
private List elements;

public void addElement( Integer element )

if ( elements == null ) 
    elements = new ArrayList(10);
elements.add( element );


public Iterator getElements()

return ( elements != null ) ? elements.iterator() :
new Iterator() {
    public boolean hasNext() 
        return false;

    public Object next() 
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void remove() 
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();


public static void main( String[] args )

NE ne = new NE();
Iterator iter = ne.getElements(); 
while ( iter.hasNext() )
    System.out.println( );



Reference: No references available.
Rule 58: Avoid_subclassing_RuntimeException

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid extending RuntimeException.
Reason: Avoid extending RuntimeException.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

class Avoid_subclassing_RuntimeException_violation extends RuntimeException // VIOLATION



Should be written as:

class Avoid_subclassing_RuntimeException_correction extends Exception // CORRECTION



Rule 59: Avoid_duplicate_import_statements

Severity: Low
Rule: Do not import the same type or package again.
Reason: Do not import the same type or package again.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

import java.awt.event.;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.awt.event.
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.ArrayList; // VIOLATION
import java.util.Enumeration;

public class Avoid_duplicate_import_statements_violation implements ActionListener

public Enumeration method()
    ArrayList al = new ArrayList(1);
    return Collections.enumeration(al);

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

import java.awt.event.;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener; // IGNORED
import java.util.ArrayList;
//import java.awt.event.
import java.util.Collections;
//import java.util.ArrayList; // CORRECTION
import java.util.Enumeration;

public class Avoid_duplicate_import_statements_correction implements ActionListener

public Enumeration method()
    ArrayList al = new ArrayList(1);
    return Collections.enumeration(al);

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)


Reference: No reference available.
Rule 60: Avoid_numeric_literals

Severity: Medium
Rule: Code is generally easier to read and maintain if magic numbers (hard coded numeric literals) are replaced with descriptively named static final fields.
Reason: Code is generally easier to read and maintain if magic numbers (hard coded numeric literals) are replaced with descriptively named static final fields.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

import java.util.ArrayList;

class Avoid_numeric_literals_violation

public void method()
    int k = 9;          // VIOLATION
    ArrayList al = new ArrayList(10);       // VIOLATION

    k = al.size();


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

import java.util.ArrayList;

class Avoid_numeric_literals_correction

public static final int INITVALUE = 9;
public static final int INITIALSIZE = 10;

public void method()
    int k = INITVALUE;      // CORRECTION
    ArrayList al = new ArrayList(INITIALSIZE);      // CORRECTION

    k = al.size();


Rule 61: Reduce_scope_of_local_variable

Severity: High
Rule: Reduce scope of local variable so that it is only visible in the scope where it is used.
Reason: Reduce scope of local variable so that it is only visible in the scope where it is used.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Reduce_scope_of_local_variable_violation

private void method(int i)
    int var = 0; //Violation
            case 1:
                var = foo();
            case 2:
                //code not using 'var'


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Reduce_scope_of_local_variable_correction

private void method(int i)
            case 1:
                int var = foo(); //Correction
            case 2:
                //code not using 'var'


Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 62: Use_similar_import_style

Severity: Low
Rule: Use same style while importing.
Reason: Use same style while importing.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

import java.awt.;
import java.util.ArrayList; // VIOLATION
import java.util.Collections; // VIOLATION
import java.awt.event.
import java.util.Enumeration; // VIOLATION

public class Use_similar_import_style_violation extends Frame implements ActionListener

public Enumeration method()
    ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
    return Collections.enumeration(al);

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

import java.awt.;
import java.util.
import java.awt.event.*;

public class Use_similar_import_style_correction extends Frame implements ActionListener

public Enumeration method()
    ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
    return Collections.enumeration(al);

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)


Reference: No references available.
Rule 63: Avoid_using_do_while_loops

Severity: Low
Rule: Since the condition is specified at the end of the loop, it makes the code difficult to read.
Reason: Since the condition is specified at the end of the loop, it makes the code difficult to read.

Usage Example:

public class MyClass

public static void main (String[] args) 
  String name= null;
    System.out.println("Please enter a name:");
name= getNameFromInput();
     } while (name== null); 


Should be written as:

public class MyClass

public static void main (String[] args) 
  String name= null;
    while (name== null)  // CORRECTION
System.out.println("Please enter a name:");
name= getNameFromInput();


Reference: No references available.
Rule 64: Always_use_braces_with_if_or_else

Severity: Medium
Rule: Use Braces around all statements when they are part of a control structure, such as a if-else statement.
Reason: Use Braces around all statements when they are part of a control structure, such as a if-else statement.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

class Always_use_braces_with_if_or_else_violation

public int update(int i)
    final int TEN = 10;

    if(i<TEN)       // VIOLATION
        i = TEN;

    return i;


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

class Always_use_braces_with_if_or_else_correction

public int update(int i)
    final int TEN = 10;

    {               // CORRECTION
        i = TEN;

    return i;


Rule 65: Avoid_hardcoded_absolute_pathname

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid hardcoded absolute pathnames while creating file objects.
Reason: Avoid hardcoded absolute pathnames while creating file objects.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;


class Avoid_hardcoded_absolute_pathname_violation

public void method ()
    File f = new File("C://InputFile.txt");     // VIOLATION

    File f1 = new File("C://SomeDirectory","InputFile.txt");        // VIOLATION

    File f2 = new File("//InputFile.txt");      // VIOLATION

    File f3 = new File("InputFile.txt");    

        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));
        String str;

        // Some Code ....

    }catch (IOException e)


Should be written as:

Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 66: Avoid_changing_method_arguments

Severity: High
Rule: Avoid changing method arguments.
Reason: Avoid changing method arguments.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_changing_method_arguments_violation

public void  foo(int num)
    for(int i = num-1; num-- >=0; )//Violation


class Reference

int var =9;


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_changing_method_arguments_correction

public void  foo(int num)
    int iSize = num;  //Correction
    for(int i = iSize-1; iSize-- >=0;)


class Reference

int var =9;


Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 67: Method_next_should_throw_NoSuchElementException

Severity: Low
Rule: next() method of the class implementing java.util.Iterator should throw a NoSuchElementException.
Reason: next() method of the class implementing java.util.Iterator should throw a NoSuchElementException.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;
import java.util.Iterator;

public class Method_next_should_throw_NoSuchElementException_violation implements java.util.Iterator

public Object next() // Violation
    return (arr.length > curr ? arr[curr] : null);


Should be written as:

package com.rule;
import java.util.Iterator;

public class Method_next_should_throw_NoSuchElementException_correction implements java.util.Iterator

public Object next() 
    if(arr.length > curr)
          return arr[curr];
        throw new NoSuchElementException();// Correction


Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 68: Avoid_using_increment_or_decrement_operators_in_nested_expressions

Severity: Low
Rule: Compounding increment or decrement operators into method calls or mathematical operations make the code difficult to read.
Reason: Compounding increment or decrement operators into method calls or mathematical operations make the code difficult to read.

Usage Example:

public class MyClass

public void aMethod()
    int a = 0;
    anotherMethod(++a); // VIOLATION

public void anotherMethod( int a )


Should be written as:

public class MyClass

public void aMethod()
    int a = 0;
    anotherMethod(a); // CORRECTION

public void anotherMethod( int a )


Reference: No references available.
Rule 69: Define_package

Severity: Low
Rule: Specify package for the class.
Reason: Specify package for the class.

Usage Example:

import java.util.ArrayList; // VIOLATION
class Define_package_violation

private static final int SIZE = 10;
private ArrayList al = new ArrayList(SIZE);

public int method()
    return al.size();


Should be written as:

package com.rule; // CORRECTION

import java.util.ArrayList;

class Define_package_correction

private static final int SIZE = 10;
private ArrayList al = new ArrayList(SIZE);

public int method()
    return al.size();


Rule 70: Always_place_main_method_last

Severity: Low
Rule: Placing the main method last is one of the usual conventions followed across projects.
Reason: Placing the main method last is one of the usual conventions followed across projects.

Usage Example:

public class MyClass

public static void main (String args[])  // VIOLATION
System.out.println("Hello, world.");

 public void foo () 



Should be written as:

public class MyClass

public void foo () 


public static void main (String args[]) // CORRECTION
  System.out.println("Hello, world.");


Reference: No references available.
Rule 71: Avoid_Storing_Array_Directly

Severity: High
Rule: Constructors and methods receiving arrays should clone objects and store the copy
Reason: Constructors and methods receiving arrays should clone objects and store the copy

Usage Example:

package com.rule;
public class Array_Is_Stored_Directly_Violation

String [] localArray;
String [] localCity;
 public static void main(String args[])
    String [] names = {"abc","xyz"};
    String [] city = {"mno","pqr"};

    Array_Is_Stored_Directly_Violation objRule = new Array_Is_Stored_Directly_Violation();

public void ArrayCopyFunction (String [] paramArray)
    this.localArray = paramArray;   // Violation.
public void ArrayCopyFunction1 (String [] paramArray,String [] city)
    String [] myArray;

    this.localCity=city;        // Violation.
    myArray = city;         // Violation.

    for(int i = 0 ; i < paramArray.length ; i++)
        localArray[i] = paramArray[i];


Should be written as:

Reference: Reference Not Available.
Rule 72: Avoid_trailing_return_in_methods_not_returning_values

Severity: Low
Rule: There should not be trailing return statements in methods not returning any values.
Reason: There should not be trailing return statements in methods not returning any values.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_trailing_return_in_methods_not_returning_values_violation

public void method()
    // statements
    return; // Violation


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_trailing_return_in_methods_not_returning_values_correction

public void method()
    // statements
    // Correction


Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 73: Declare_logger_static_final

Severity: Low
Rule: Declare logger as static final.
Reason: Declare logger as static final.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class Declare_logger_static_final_violation

Logger log = Logger.getLogger("MyLogger");      // Violation

public void method()




Should be written as:

package com.rule;

import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class Declare_logger_static_final_violation

static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("MyLogger"); //Correction

public void method()




Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 74: Declare_jakarta_logger_private_static_final

Severity: Low
Rule: Declare jakarta logger private static final.
Reason: Declare jakarta logger private static final.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class Declare_jakarta_logger_private_static_final_violation

Logger log = Logger.getLogger("MyLogger");      // Violation

public void method()




Should be written as:

package com.rule;

import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class Declare_jakarta_logger_private_static_final_violation

private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("MyLogger"); //Correction

public void method()




Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 75: Avoid_more_than_one_logger

Severity: Low
Rule: Avoid more than one logger.
Reason: Avoid more than one logger.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class Avoid_more_than_one_logger_violation // Violation

final static Logger log1 = Logger.getLogger("MyLogger");    
final static Logger log2 = Logger.getLogger("MyNewLogger");

public void method()




Should be written as:

Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 76: Avoid_more_than_one_class_per_file

Severity: Low
Rule: Avoid more than one class per file.
Reason: Avoid more than one class per file.

Usage Example:

public class Class1

class myClass // VIOLATION

Should be written as:

place the classes in two seperates files.

Reference: No references available.
Rule 77: Organize_methods_by_name

Severity: Low
Rule: Makes code easier to read and decreases the chances of possible bugs.
Reason: Makes code easier to read and decreases the chances of possible bugs.

Usage Example:

public class MyClass

void foo () {}
void bar () {}
void foo (int a) { // VIOLATION


Should be written as:

public class MyClass

void foo () {}
void foo (int a) { // CORRECTION
void bar () {}


Reference: No references available.
Rule 78: Avoid_unnecessary_final_method

Severity: Low
Rule: Avoid unnecessary final methods.
Reason: Avoid unnecessary final methods.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;
final public class AvoidUnnecessaryFinalMethod_Violation

final public void method()  // Violated
    int i;


Should be written as:

package com.rule;
final public class AvoidUnnecessaryFinalMethod_Correction

 public void method()  // O.K
    int i;


Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 79: Avoid_Unnecessary_IfElse_Or_Ternary

Severity: Low
Rule: Avoid unnecessary if-else or ternary expressions.
Reason: Avoid unnecessary if-else or ternary expressions.

Usage Example:

class Avoid_Unnecessary_IfElse_Or_Ternary_Violation

public boolean isEvenNumber(int iNumber)
    if ((iNumber/2)*2 == iNumber)   //Violation
        return true;
        return false;

private void checkSign(int i)
    boolean bPositive;
    if (i < 0)                  //Violation
        bPositive = false;
        bPositive = true;

    boolean bNegative = (i < 0) ? true : false; //Violation


Should be written as:

class Avoid_Unnecessary_IfElse_Or_Ternary_Correction

public boolean isEvenNumber(int iNumber)
    return (iNumber/2)*2 == iNumber;  //Correction

private void checkSign(int i)
    boolean bPositive;
    bPositive = !(i < 0);       //Correction

    boolean bNegative = (i < 0); //Correction


Rule 80: Do_not_use_non_final_static_fields_during_initialization

Severity: Medium
Rule: Do not use 'non final' 'static' fields during initialization.
Reason: Do not use 'non final' 'static' fields during initialization.

Usage Example:

package com;
class Do_not_use_non_final_static_fields_during_initialization_Violation

static int max = 10;
int var = max;  // Violation


Should be written as:

package com;
class Do_not_use_non_final_static_fields_during_initialization_Correction

static final int max = 10;  // Fixed
int var = max;  // Fixed


Reference: Reference Not Available.
Rule 81: Space_after_typecast

Severity: Low
Rule: By convention, there should be a space after the type.
Reason: By convention, there should be a space after the type.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;

public class Space_after_typecast_violation

public void method(ArrayList alNames)
    int size_alNames = alNames.size();
    for (Iterator iter = alNames.iterator(); size_alNames-- > 0;)
        String name = (String);  // VIOlATION


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;

public class Space_after_typecast_correction

public void method(ArrayList alNames)
    int size_alNames = alNames.size();
    for (Iterator iter = alNames.iterator(); size_alNames-- > 0;)
        String name = (String); // CORRECTION


Reference: No reference available.
Rule 82: Use_chained_constructors

Severity: Medium
Rule: The class with multiple constructors should use constructor chaining
Reason: The class with multiple constructors should use constructor chaining

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Use_chained_constructors_violation

private int ID;
private String name;

public Use_chained_constructors_violation()
    this(-1, null);

public Use_chained_constructors_violation(String nm) // VIOLATION
    ID = -1;
    name = nm;

public Use_chained_constructors_violation(int id, String nm) // VIOLATION
    ID = id;
    name = nm;


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Use_chained_constructors_correction

private int ID;
private String name;

public Use_chained_constructors_correction()
    this(-1, null);

public Use_chained_constructors_correction(String nm)
    this(-1, nm);   // CORRECTION

public Use_chained_constructors_correction(int id, String nm)
    ID = id;
    name = nm;


Reference: No reference available.
Rule 83: Avoid_return_in_finally

Severity: Medium
Rule: Do not use return in finally block.
Reason: Do not use return in finally block.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_return_in_finally_violation

public int method(String str)
        return Integer.parseInt(str);
    catch (NumberFormatException e)
    { }
        return -1; // VIOLATION


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_return_in_finally_correction

public int method(String str)
    int val = -1;
        val = Integer.parseInt(str);
    catch (NumberFormatException e)
    { }

    return val;     // CORRECTION


Rule 84: Avoid_declaring_constructors_public_for_non_public_classes

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid declaring constructors public for classes having private or package access.
Reason: Avoid declaring constructors public for classes having private or package access.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;
class Avoid_declaring_constructors_public_for_non_public_classes_Violation

public Avoid_declaring_constructors_public_for_non_public_classes_Violation  // Violation


Should be written as:

package com.rule;
class Avoid_declaring_constructors_public_for_non_public_classes_Correction

Avoid_declaring_constructors_public_for_non_public_classes_Correction// Correction


Reference: References not available.
Rule 85: Provide_default_case_with_switch

Severity: Medium
Rule: Add a default case to every switch statement.
Reason: Add a default case to every switch statement.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

class Provide_default_case_with_switch_violation

public void method()
    final int ONE = 1;
    final int TWO = 2;
    int i=9;    
    switch(i)           // VIOLATION
        case ONE:
        case TWO:


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

class Provide_default_case_with_switch_correction

public void method()
    final int ONE = 1;
    final int TWO = 2;
    int i=9;
        case ONE:
        case TWO:
        default:        // CORRECTION


Rule 86: Avoid_star_import

Severity: Low
Rule: Do not use “” in “import” statements
Reason: Do not use “
” in “import” statements

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

import java.util.*; // VIOLATION
class Avoid_star_import_violation

private final int TEN = 10;
private ArrayList al = new ArrayList(TEN);

public int method()
    return al.size();


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

import java.util.ArrayList; // CORRECTION
class Avoid_star_import_correction

private final int TEN = 10;
private ArrayList al = new ArrayList(TEN);

public int method()
    return al.size();


Rule 87: Avoid_ambigious_method_invocation_from_inner_class

Severity: Medium
Rule: Without specifying the qualifier, the method invocation could lead to confusion.
Reason: Without specifying the qualifier, the method invocation could lead to confusion.

Usage Example:

public class Test

public void fubar()

class Inner extends A
    public void innerMethod()
        fubar(); // VIOLATION


class A

public void fubar()



Should be written as:

public class Test

public void fubar()

class Inner extends A
    public void innerMethod()
        super.fubar(); // FIXED


class A

public void fubar()



Reference: Not Available.
Rule 88: Redeclare_class_as_interface_with_only_abstract_methods_and_static_final_fields

Severity: Medium
Rule: Redeclare a class as an interface if the class has only “static final” fields and abstract methods.
Reason: Redeclare a class as an interface if the class has only “static final” fields and abstract methods.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public abstract class Redeclare_class_as_interface_with_only_abstract_methods_and_static_final_fields // Violation

static final int field=0;
abstract void method(); 


Should be written as:

package com.rule;
public interface Redeclare_class_as_interface_with_only_abstract_methods_and_static_final_fields //

static final int field=0;
abstract void method(); 


Reference: “Nigel Warren, Philip Bishop: “Java in Practice - Design Styles and Idioms
for Effective Java”. Addison-Wesley, 1999. pp.26-29
Rule 89: Use_for_loops_instead_of_while_loops

Severity: Low
Rule: Use 'for' loops instead of 'while' loops.
Reason: Use 'for' loops instead of 'while' loops.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;
public class Use_for_loops_instead_of_while_loops_Violation

public void func()
    int i =10;
    while(i<15)// Violation


Should be written as:

package com.rule;
public class Use_for_loops_instead_of_while_loops_Correction

public void func()
    for(int i = 10; i<15; i++)// Correction


Reference: No reference available.
Rule 90: Use_while_loop_instead_of_for_loop

Severity: Low
Rule: Use 'while' loop instead of 'for' loop.
Reason: Use 'while' loop instead of 'for' loop.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Use_while_loop_instead_of_for_loop_violation

public void method()
    int i = 0 ;
    for( ; i < 10 ;)    //Violation.
        // Do Something.



Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Use_while_loop_instead_of_for_loop_correction

public void method()
    int i = 0 ;
    while(i < 10)   //Correction.
        // Do Something.



Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 91: Declare_finalize_method_protected

Severity: Medium
Rule: Declare finalize method protected.
Reason: Declare finalize method protected.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Declare_finalize_method_protected_violation

public void finalize() throws Throwable         //Violation.



Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Declare_finalize_method_protected_correction

protected void finalize() throws Throwable          //Correction.



Reference: No reference available.
Rule 92: Avoid_subclassing_Error_or_Throwable

Severity: Medium
Rule: Do not subclass java.lang.Error or java.lang.Throwable
Reason: Do not subclass java.lang.Error or java.lang.Throwable

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_subclassing_Error_or_Throwable_violation

class Avoid_subclassing_Error_or_Throwable_THROWABLE_violation extends Throwable        // VIOLATION


class Avoid_subclassing_Error_or_Throwable_ERROR_violation extends OutOfMemoryError // VIOLATION

class Avoid_subclassing_Error_or_Throwable_EXCEPTION_violation extends Exception

Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_subclassing_Error_or_Throwable_correction

class Avoid_subclassing_Error_or_Throwable_THROWABLE_correction extends Exception       // CORRECTION


class Avoid_subclassing_Error_or_Throwable_ERROR_correction extends Exception // CORRECTION

class Avoid_subclassing_Error_or_Throwable_EXCEPTION_correction extends Exception

Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 93: Do_not_hide_class_fields_with_method_parameters

Severity: High
Rule: Avoid hiding class fields with method Parameters
Reason: Avoid hiding class fields with method Parameters

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Do_not_hide_class_fields_with_local_variables_violation

String data;
    public void method(String data) // VIOLATION
    {          ;


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Do_not_hide_class_fields_with_local_variables_violation

String data;
    public void method(String data_loc) // CORRECTION
    {          ;


Reference: Reference Not Available.
Rule 94: Do_not_use_deprecated_APIs

Severity: High
Rule: Avoid using the APIs that are marked as deprecated.
Reason: Avoid using the APIs that are marked as deprecated.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

import java.awt.Component;

public class Do_not_use_deprecated_APIs_violation

public void method(Component cmp)
    cmp.resize(100, 100);               // VIOLATION


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

import java.awt.Component;

public class Do_not_use_deprecated_APIs_correction

public void method(Component cmp)
    cmp.setSize(100, 100);              // CORRECTION


Rule 95: Use_StringTokenizer_for_string_parsing

Severity: Low
Rule: Use 'StringTokenizer' instead of 'indexOf ()' or 'substring ()' for String parsing.
Reason: Use 'StringTokenizer' instead of 'indexOf ()' or 'substring ()' for String parsing.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Use_StringTokenizer_for_string_parsing_violation

void parseString (String list)
    int prev = 0;
    int ind = list.indexOf (',');
    while (ind != -1)
        String item = list.substring (prev, ind);
        prev = ind + 1;
        ind = list.indexOf(',', prev); // VIOLATION
    processWord(list.substring (prev));

private void processWord(String str)


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

import java.util.StringTokenizer;

public class Use_StringTokenizer_for_string_parsing_correction

void parseString2(String list)
    StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(list, ","); // CORRECTION
    while (tok.hasMoreElements())
        String item = (String) tok.nextElement();

private void processWord(String str)


Reference: No Reference Available.
Rule 96: Declare_for_loops_with_increment_statement

Severity: Medium
Rule: Declare “for” loops with an increment statement.
Reason: Declare “for” loops with an increment statement.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Declare_for_loops_with_increment_statement_violation

private String string;

public void method()

    int len = string.length();

    for (int i = 0; ; )     // VIOLATION
    if (i == len)


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Declare_for_loops_with_increment_statement_correction
private String string=“string”;

public void method()

    int len = string.length();
    for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++)      // CORRECTION


Rule 97: Always_keep_default_as_last_case_in_switch_statement

Severity: Low
Rule: Always keep default as last case in switch statement.
Reason: Always keep default as last case in switch statement.

Usage Example:;
public class AlwaysKeep_default_as_last_case_in_switch_statement_Violation

public  void method()
  int i = 1;
  switch (i) 
case 1:  System.out.println(i); break;
 default :  System.out.println("Hey, I am default!"); // Violation
case 2: System.out.println(i); break;


Should be written as:;
public class AlwaysKeep_default_as_last_case_in_switch_statement_Correction

public  void method()
  int i = 1;
  switch (i)
case 1:  System.out.println(i); break;
case 2: System.out.println(i); break;
        default :  System.out.println("Hey, I am default!"); // Correction


Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 98: Avoid_continue_with_label

Severity: Low
Rule: Avoid continue with label.
Reason: Avoid continue with label.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;
public class AvoidContinueWithLabel_Violation
boolean found = false;
public void search(String search, String substring)
outer: for (int i = 0; i < search.length(); i++)
int n = substring.length();
int j = i;
int k = 0;
inner: while (n– != 0)
if (search.charAt(j++) != substring.charAt(k++))
continue outer;// Violation
found = true;



Should be written as:

package com.rule;
class AvoidContinueWithLabel_Correction
public boolean search(String search, String substring)
for (int i = 0; i < search.length(); i++)
int n = substring.length();
int j = i;
int k = 0;
while (n– != 0)
if (search.charAt(j++) != substring.charAt(k++))
return true;// Correction

Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 99: Do_not_use_public_static_final_array_fields

Severity: High
Rule: Do not use public static final array fields .
Reason: Do not use public static final array fields .

Usage Example:

package com.rule;
public class Do_not_use_public_static_final_array_fields_Violation

public static final String  arr[] = new String[10]; // Violation


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Arrays;

public class Do_not_use_public_static_final_array_fields_Correction

private static final String arr[] = new String[10];
public static final List = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(arr));    //Correction


Rule 100: Avoid_final_modifier_for_Collection

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid final modifier for Collection
Reason: Avoid final modifier for Collection

Usage Example:

class Avoid_final_modifier_for_Collection_violation

public void method ()
    final Hashtable numbers = new Hashtable();      // VIOLATION

final List list = new ArrayList(); // VIOLATION

Should be written as:

class Avoid_final_modifier_for_Collection_violation

public void method ()
    Hashtable numbers = new Hashtable();        // FIXED

List list = new ArrayList(); // FIXED

Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 101: Define_serialVersionUID

Severity: High
Rule: Always define serialVersionUID in all Serializable classes.
Reason: Always define serialVersionUID in all Serializable classes.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

import java.awt.Component;

public class Define_serialVersionUID_violation implements Serializable // VIOLATION

public class Define_serialVersionUID_violation_INNER implements Serializable    // VIOLATION

public void method()
    Component cmp = new Component(){    // VIOLATION
        Object customData;


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

import java.awt.Component;

public class Define_serialVersionUID_correction implements Serializable

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1234567890L;   // CORRECTION

public class Define_serialVersionUID_correction_INNER implements Serializable
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1234567890L;   // CORRECTION

public void method()
    Component cmp = new Component() {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1234567890L;   // CORRECTION
        Object customData;


Rule 102: Avoid_throwing_NullPointerException

Severity: High
Rule: Avoid throwing a NullPointerException.
Reason: Avoid throwing a NullPointerException.

Usage Example:

package com.rule

class Avoid_Throwing_Null_Pointer_Exception

public void method()
    //some code here
    throw new NullPointerException();       


Should be written as:


Reference: Reference Not Available.
Rule 103: Use_main_only_as_entry_point_method

Severity: Medium
Rule: Do not use method name as “main” for any methods other than the entry point method.
Reason: Do not use method name as “main” for any methods other than the entry point method.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Use_main_only_as_entry_point_method_violation

class Use_main_only_as_entry_point_method_INNER_violation
    public void main(String[] args)         // VIOLATION
        System.out.println("Use_main_only_as_entry_point_method_INNER.main(args): ");

static class Use_main_only_as_entry_point_method_INNER2_violation
    public static void main(String[] args) // not a violation
        System.out.println("Use_main_only_as_entry_point_method_INNER2.main(args): ");

private static void main(String[] args)     // VIOLATION
    System.out.println("Use_main_only_as_entry_point_method.main(args): ");

private static void main(String arg)        // VIOLATION
    System.out.println("Use_main_only_as_entry_point_method.main(arg): ");

public void main()                          // VIOLATION
    System.out.println("Use_main_only_as_entry_point_method.main(): ");


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Use_main_only_as_entry_point_method_correction

class Use_main_only_as_entry_point_method_INNER_correction
    public void inner_main(String[] args)           // CORRECTION
        System.out.println("Use_main_only_as_entry_point_method_INNER.main(args): ");

static class Use_main_only_as_entry_point_method_INNER2
    public static void main(String[] args)
        System.out.println("Use_main_only_as_entry_point_method_INNER2.main(args): ");

private static void private_main(String[] args)     // CORRECTION
    System.out.println("Use_main_only_as_entry_point_method.main(args): ");

private static void main_single_arg(String arg)     // CORRECTION
    System.out.println("Use_main_only_as_entry_point_method.main(arg): ");

public void main_no_args()                          // CORRECTION
    System.out.println("Use_main_only_as_entry_point_method.main(): ");


Rule 104: Use_if_instead_of_switch

Severity: Medium
Rule: Using switch statements for few cases (usually two) is cumbersome and unclear.
Reason: Using switch statements for few cases (usually two) is cumbersome and unclear.

Usage Example:

public class Test

private void foo()
    int i = 3;
    switch ( i ) // VIOLATION
        case 1:
            System.out.println("Is One");
            System.out.println("Is Not One");


Should be written as:

public class Test

private void foo()
    int i = 3;
    if ( i == 1 ) // CORRECTION
        System.out.println("Is One");
        System.out.println("Is Not One");


Reference: No references available.
Rule 105: Avoid_transient_for_non_serializable_classes

Severity: Low
Rule: Avoid transient modifier for non serializable classes.
Reason: Avoid transient modifier for non serializable classes.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_transient_for_non_serializable_classes_violation

transient int var = 98;  // Violation


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_transient_for_non_serializable_classes_correction

int var = 98;  // Correction


Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 106: Provide_subclasses_of_Thread_a_run_method

Severity: High
Rule: Provide subclasses of Thread a run method”
Reason: Provide subclasses of Thread a run method”

Usage Example:

package com.rule;
public class Provide_subclasses_of_Thread_a_run_method_Violation extends Thread // Violates

public void foo()


Should be written as:

package com.rule;
public class Provide_subclasses_of_Thread_a_run_method_Correction extends Thread // Fixed

public void run()
    public void foo()

Rule 107: Always_place_constants_on_one_side

Severity: Low
Rule: null
Reason: null

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Always_place_constants_on_one_side_violation

private int count = 100;
public void restoreDefault()
    if(2000 < getCount()) // Violation


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Always_place_constants_on_one_side_correction

private int count = 100;
public void restoreDefault()
    if( getCount() > 2000) // Correction


Rule 108: Avoid_nested_assignments

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid nested assignments for better readability
Reason: Avoid nested assignments for better readability

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

class Avoid_nested_assignments_violation

void method(int b, int c, int r)
    int d, a;
    d = (a = b + c) + r;    // VIOLATION


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

class Avoid_nested_assignments_correction

void method(int b, int c, int r)
    int d, a;
    a = b + c;      // CORRECTION
    d = a + r;      // CORRECTION



Rule 109: Return_zero_length_array

Severity: Medium
Rule: Return zero length array from methods instead of returning null.
Reason: Return zero length array from methods instead of returning null.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Return_zero_length_array_violation

public String[] parse(String str)
    if(str == null)
        return null; // VIOLATION
    String[] values = new String[(str.length() / 2) + 1];
    int i=0;
    int start = 0;
        values[i] = str.substring(start, start+2);
        start = i*2;
    values[i] = str.substring(start);
    return values;


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Return_zero_length_array_correction

public String[] parse(String str)
    if(str == null)
        return new String[0]; // CORRECTION
    String[] values = new String[(str.length() / 2) + 1];
    int i=0;
    int start = 0;
        values[i] = str.substring(start, start+2);
        start = i*2;
    values[i] = str.substring(start);
    return values;


Rule 110: Do_not_call_constructor_in_clone_method

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid calling constructor of the class inside clone method.
Reason: Avoid calling constructor of the class inside clone method.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Do_not_call_constructor_in_clone_method_violation implements Cloneable

ArrayList alValues;

protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
    Do_not_call_constructor_in_clone_method_violation obj = new Do_not_call_constructor_in_clone_method_violation();    // VIOLATION
    obj.alValues = new ArrayList(alValues);
    return obj;


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Do_not_call_constructor_in_clone_method_correction implements Cloneable

ArrayList alValues;

protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
    Do_not_call_constructor_in_clone_method_correction obj = (Do_not_call_constructor_in_clone_method_correction) super.clone();        // CORRECTION
    obj.alValues = new ArrayList(alValues);
    return obj;


Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 111: Avoid_nested_ternary_expressions

Severity: Low
Rule: Avoid nested ternary expressions.
Reason: Avoid nested ternary expressions.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_nested_ternary_expressions_violation

public int min(int a, int b)
    return  (a < b ? (a < 0 ? 0 : a) : b);  // Violation


Should be written as:

Avoid nested ternary expressions.

Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 112: Avoid_unnecessary_modifiers

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid using modifiers public, final and static for the fields of an interface.
Reason: Avoid using modifiers public, final and static for the fields of an interface.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public interface Avoid_unnecessary_modifiers_violation

public static final int VALUE = 3;      // VIOLATION


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public interface Avoid_unnecessary_modifiers_correction

int VALUE = 3;      // CORRECTION


Reference: Reference Not Available.
Rule 113: Put_Declaration_at_begining_of_Block

Severity: Medium
Rule: Put declarations only at the beginning of blocks.
Reason: Put declarations only at the beginning of blocks.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;
class Put_Declaration_at_begining_of_Block_Violation

public void callMethod()
    int j;
    String str = "anyname";  // Violation

public void foo(int l)


Should be written as:

package com.rule;
class Put_Declaration_at_begining_of_Block_Correction

public void callMethod()
    int j;
    String str = "anyname";  // Correction

public void foo(int k)


Rule 114: Avoid_unnecessary_else

Severity: Low
Rule: Avoid unnecessary else.
Reason: Avoid unnecessary else.

Usage Example:

public class Avoid_unnecessary_else_violation

public void search(Node nd, String name)
        return ;
    else  // Violation
        search(nd.left, name);
        search(nd.right, name);

class Node

String data;
Node left;
Node right;


Should be written as:

public class Avoid_unnecessary_else_correction

public void search(Node nd, String name)
        return ;
    }// Corrected by writing the  code inside else  without else
    search(nd.left, name);
    search(nd.right, name);

class Node

String data;
Node left;
Node right;


Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 115: Do_not_use_JDBC_in_bean_class

Severity: Low
Rule: Avoid JDBC code in bean clases.
Reason: Avoid JDBC code in bean clases.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;

public class Do_not_use_JDBC_in_bean_class_violation_Bean

Connection conn; // VIOLATION

public void method(String url) throws Exception
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
    String qry = "select * from Employees where join_date=?";
    PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(qry); // VIOLATION


Should be written as:

Avoid using JDBC related code in bean classes.

Reference: No reference avaiable.
Rule 116: Declare_static_class_constructor_private

Severity: Medium
Rule: Declare static class constructor private.
Reason: Declare static class constructor private.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Declare_static_class_constructor_private_violation //Voilation

public static double RATE_INTEREST = 9.5;
public static int getInterest(int iPrinciple, int iDays)


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Declare_static_class_constructor_private_correction

public static double RATE_INTEREST = 9.5;
private Declare_static_class_constructor_private_correction() //Correction
public static int getInterest(int iPrinciple, int iDays)


Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 117: Avoid_generic_exception_catching

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid catching generic Exception.
Reason: Avoid catching generic Exception.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;


class Avoid_generic_exception_catching_violation

public void method()
    int PORT = 5000;

        Socket sock = new Socket("localhost", PORT);
    catch(Exception e)      // VIOLATION


Should be written as:

package com.rule;


class Avoid_generic_exception_catching_correction

public void method()
    int PORT = 5000;

        Socket sock = new Socket("localhost", PORT);
    catch(UnknownHostException uhe)     // CORRECTION
    catch(IOException ioe)      // CORRECTION
    catch(SecurityException se)     // CORRECTION


Rule 118: Do_not_call_wait_or_notify_from_unsynchronized_method

Severity: High
Rule: Avoid calling wait() and notify() from an unsynchronized method .
Reason: Avoid calling wait() and notify() from an unsynchronized method .

Usage Example:

package com.rule;
public class Do_not_call_wait_or_notify_from_unsynchronized_method_Violation

public void method()
        wait ();  // VIOLATION
        notify(); // VIOLATION
    catch (InterruptedException e) 
      // ...


Should be written as:

package com.rule;
public class Do_not_call_wait_or_notify_from_unsynchronized_method_Correction

public void method()
    // Fixed by removing wait and notify method.


Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 119: Always_use_braces_with_loop

Severity: Medium
Rule: Use Braces around all statements when they are part of a control structure, such as for, or while statement.
Reason: Use Braces around all statements when they are part of a control structure, such as for, or while statement.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

class Always_use_braces_with_loop_violation

public void method1()
    final int TEN = 10;
    int k = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < TEN; i++)    // VIOLATION
    k ++;
    int j = 0;
    while(j  <  TEN)    // VIOLATION


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

class Always_use_braces_with_for_loop_correction

public void method1()
    final int TEN = 10;
    int k = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < TEN; i++)
    {                           //CORRECTION
    k ++;
    int j = 0;
    while(j  <  TEN)        
    {                       //CORRECTION


Rule 120: Avoid_too_many_nested_blocks

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid writing code which has too many nested blocks.
Reason: Avoid writing code which has too many nested blocks.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_too_many_nested_blocks_violation

public boolean method(int key)
    for(int j=0; j < 10; j++)
            switch (key)                                            // not counted
                case 1 :                                            // cases are not counted separately
                case 2 :                                            // instead case groups are counted
                    if(j%2 > 0)
                                int k=0;
                                        if(j/k == 1)
                                            for(int l=0; l<5; l++)
                                                if(l>1)             // VIOLATION
                                                    return true;
                                } while(true);
                        catch(Exception e)

                default :
    return false;


Should be written as:

Try to break up the code in few methods and call them from this method.

Reference: No reference available.
Rule 121: Throw_subclass_of_exception

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid using 'throws' Exception; Always use a subclass of 'Exception'.
Reason: Avoid using 'throws' Exception; Always use a subclass of 'Exception'.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;
class Throw_subclass_of_exception_violation

public void method() throws Exception       // VIOLATION


Should be written as:

package com.rule;
class Throw_subclass_of_exception_correction

public void method() throws CustomException     // CORRECTION

class CustomException extends Exception



Rule 122: Avoid_throwing_java_lang_Error

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid throwing unchecked exceptions.
Reason: Avoid throwing unchecked exceptions.

Usage Example:

public class MyClass

public void aMethod()
    throw new Error("Error Occurred"); // VIOLATION


Should be written as:

public class MyClass

public void aMethod() throws MyException
    throw new MyException("Error Occurred"); // CORRECTION


class MyException extends Exception

public Exception( String s )


Reference: No references available.
Rule 123: Avoid_throwing_java_lang_Throwable

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid throwing java.lang.Throwable.
Reason: Avoid throwing java.lang.Throwable.

Usage Example:

public class MyClass

public void aMethod() throws Throwable
    throw new Throwable("Error Occurred"); // VIOLATION


Should be written as:

public class MyClass

public void aMethod() throws MyException
    throw new MyException("Error Occurred"); // CORRECTION


class MyException extends Exception

public Exception( String s )


Reference: No references available.
Rule 124: Express_long_integer_constants_using_L_instead_of_l

Severity: Low
Rule: Express Long Integer constants with 'L' instead of 'l'.
Reason: Express Long Integer constants with 'L' instead of 'l'.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;
class ExpressLongIntegerConstantsUsing_L_instead_of_l_Violation

public final long eleven = 11l; // Violation


Should be written as:

package com.rule;
class ExpressLongIntegerConstantsUsing_L_instead_of_l_Correction

public final long eleven = 11L; // Correction


Rule 125: Make_bean_class_serializable

Severity: Medium
Rule: Bean classes should be declared Serializable.
Reason: Bean classes should be declared Serializable.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Make_bean_class_serializable_violation_Bean // VIOLATION


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Make_bean_class_serializable_correction_Bean implements Serializable // CORRECTION

Rule 126: Initialize_all_static_fields_explicitly

Severity: Medium
Rule: Explicitly initialize all static field variable.
Reason: Explicitly initialize all static field variable.

Usage Example:

package com;
class Initialize_all_static_fields_explicitly_Violation

static int max ;  // Violation
public void foo()
    Initialize_all_static_fields_explicitly_Violation.max = 10;


Should be written as:

package com;
class Initialize_all_static_fields_explicitly_Correction

static int max  = 10;// Correction


Reference: Reference Not Available.
Rule 127: Always_override_equals_alongwith_hashCode

Severity: Low
Rule: A class that overrides 'Object.hashCode()' should also override 'Object.equals()'.
Reason: A class that overrides 'Object.hashCode()' should also override 'Object.equals()'.

Usage Example:

public class Always_override_equals_alongwith_hashCode_violation // VIOLATION

public int hashCode()
    return super.hashCode();


Should be written as:

public class Always_override_equals_alongwith_hashCode_correction // CORRECTION

public int hashCode()
    return super.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object obj)
    return super.equals(obj);


Rule 128: Avoid_array_declarators_after_variable_name

Severity: Medium
Rule: Array declarator brackets should appear after the data type and not after the variable name.
Reason: Array declarator brackets should appear after the data type and not after the variable name.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

class Avoid_array_declarators_after_variable_name

int intArr[]; //VIOLATION
public static void main(String sArr1[]) //VOILATION
    String[] sArr2 = new String[]{"temp"};
    int i = 0;
    for (String sCategories[] = {"A","B","C"}; i < sCategories.length; i++) //VIOLATION


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

class Avoid_array_declarators_after_variable_name_correction

int[] intArr; //CORRECTION
public static void main(String[] sArr1) //CORRECTION
    String[] sArr2 = new String[]{"temp"};
    int i = 0;
    for (String[] sCategories = {"A","B","C"}; i < sCategories.length; i++) ////CORRECTION


Reference: Reference Not Available
Rule 129: Avoid_using_lables_in_switch

Severity: Medium
Rule: Do not use labels inside switch statement block
Reason: Do not use labels inside switch statement block

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_using_lables_in_switch_violation

public void method(int key)
    switch (key)
        case 1:
            // handle 1

        case 2:
            // handle 2
            // break;

        case3:                          // VIOLATION
            // handle 2 + 3

        case 4:
        customLabel:                    // VIOLATION
            for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                        continue customLabel;
            // handle 4

        default :
            break customLabel2;


Should be written as:

Remove the unwanted lables and correct any typing mistakes.

Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 130: Avoid_long_method_chain

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid long method chain.
Reason: Avoid long method chain.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_long_method_chain_violation

public static void main(String args[])
Avoid_long_method_chain_violation a =new Avoid_long_method_chain_violation();       
    a.meth1().meth2().meth3().meth4();  // Violation;


Should be written as:

Avoid long method chain.

Reference: No reference
Rule 131: Do_not_use_JDBC_in_servlet_class

Severity: Low
Rule: Do not use JDBC code in servlet class.
Reason: Do not use JDBC code in servlet class.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;

public class Do_not_use_JDBC_in_servlet_class

Connection conn;

public void method(String url) throws Exception
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);// Violation
    String qry = "select * from Employees where join_date=?";
    PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(qry); // Violation


Should be written as:

Avoid using JDBC code directly inside servlet class.

Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 132: Catch_exception_derived_from_exception

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid catching exception not derived from java.lang.Exception
Reason: Avoid catching exception not derived from java.lang.Exception

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

class Catch_exception_derived_from_exception_violation

public int method()
    int ZERO = 0;
    int TEN = 10;
    int result;

        result = TEN/ZERO;
    catch(Throwable th) // VIOLATION
        result = TEN;
    return result;


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

class Catch_exception_derived_from_exception_correction

public int method()
    int ZERO = 0;
    int TEN = 10;
    int result;

        result = TEN/ZERO;
    catch(ArithmeticException ae)   // CORRECTION
        result = TEN;
    return result;


Reference: Reference Not Available.
Rule 133: Avoid_methods_with_same_name_as_classname

Severity: Low
Rule: Do not define methods with same name as that of the class or interface.
Reason: Do not define methods with same name as that of the class or interface.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_methods_with_same_name_as_classname_violation

public Avoid_methods_with_same_name_as_classname_violation()

public void Avoid_methods_with_same_name_as_classname_violation()       // VIOLATION

public void Avoid_methods_with_same_name_as_classname_violation()


Should be written as:

Change the name of the method.

Rule 134: Always_declare_serialVersionUID_static_final_long

Severity: High
Rule: Always declare serialVersionUID as final static long.
Reason: Always declare serialVersionUID as final static long.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Always_declare_serialVersionUID_static_final_long_violation implements Serializable

private  long serialVersionUID = 123456789L;  //Violation


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Always_declare_serialVersionUID_static_final_long_correction implements Serializable

private static final long serialVersionUID = 123456789L;  //Correction


Rule 135: Always_override_hashCode_alongwith_equals

Severity: Low
Rule: A class that overrides 'Object.equals()' should also override 'Object.hashCode()'.
Reason: A class that overrides 'Object.equals()' should also override 'Object.hashCode()'.

Usage Example:

public class Always_override_hashCode_alongwith_equals_violation // VIOLATION

public boolean equals(Object obj)
    return super.equals(obj);


Should be written as:

public class Always_override_hashCode_alongwith_equals_correction // CORRECTION

public boolean equals(Object obj)
    return super.equals(obj);
public int hashCode()
    return super.hashCode();


Rule 136: Always_override_toString_method

Severity: Medium
Rule: Always override toString() method.
Reason: Always override toString() method.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Always_override_toString_method_violation // Violation


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Always_override_toString_method_correction

public String toString()// Correction


Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 137: Avoid_more_than_one_return

Severity: Medium
Rule: Never use more than one return statement in the body of a non-void method.
Reason: Never use more than one return statement in the body of a non-void method.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

class Avoid_more_than_one_return_violation

public int method()
    Object obj = null;
    int i =0;

    if (obj == null)
        return i++;     // VIOLATION
    return i--;     // VIOLATION


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

class Avoid_more_than_one_return_correction

public int method()
    Object obj = null;
    int i =0;

    if (obj == null)
    return i;       // CORRECTION


Reference: Reference Not Available.
Rule 138: Avoid_creating_local_variable_for_return

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid creating local variable for returning value from a method.
Reason: Avoid creating local variable for returning value from a method.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_creating_local_variable_for_return_violation

public int method()
    int i = doProcess();

    return  i;  // Violation.


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_creating_local_variable_for_return_correction

public int method()
    return  doProcess();        //Correction.


Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 139: Declare_for_loops_with_condition_statement

Severity: Medium
Rule: If possible avoid empty for condition.
Reason: If possible avoid empty for condition.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Declare_for_loops_with_condition_statement_violation
private String string;

public void method()

    int len = string.length();
    for (int i = 0; ; i++)      // VIOLATION
    if (i == len)


Should be written as:

package com.rule;
public class Declare_for_loops_with_condition_statement_correction

private String string;

public void method()

    int len = string.length();
    for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++)      // CORRECTION
    if (i == len)


Rule 140: Avoid_unnecessary_comparison_with_null

Severity: Low
Rule: Avoid unnecessary comparison of references with null.
Reason: Avoid unnecessary comparison of references with null.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_unnecessary_comparison_with_null_violation

private void foo()
    String s = null;

    if (s == null) // Violation

    MyObj x = new MyObj();
    if (x == null)  // Violation


Should be written as:

Avoid such unnecessary comparisons.

Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 141: Avoid_empty_initializer_blocks

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid empty initializer blocks in your class.
Reason: Avoid empty initializer blocks in your class.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;
public class Avoid_empty_initializer_blocks_violation



Should be written as:

package com.rule;
public class Avoid_empty_initializer_blocks_violation



Reference: Reference Not Available.
Rule 142: Avoid_Non_Static_Initializer_Blocks

Severity: High
Rule: Avoid non static initializer blocks in your class.
Reason: Avoid non static initializer blocks in your class.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

class Avoid_Non_Static_Initializer_Blocks

Static int iCounter = 0;
int iVal = 0;
int iSr = 0;

{                   // Violation    
    iSr = ++iCounter;

Avoid_Non_Static_Initializer_Blocks(int i)
    iVal = i;


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

class Avoid_Non_Static_Initializer_Blocks

Static int iCounter = 0;
int iVal = 0;
int iSr = 0;

Avoid_Non_Static_Initializer_Blocks(int i)
    iVal = i;
    assignSr(); //correction

private static void assignSr()
    iSr = ++iCounter;


Rule 143: Enforce_listener_method_signature

Severity: Medium
Rule: Enfource the standards for the listener methods of bean class.
Reason: Enfource the standards for the listener methods of bean class.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;

public class Enforce_listener_method_signature_violation_Bean

public void addKeyListener(KeyAdapter kl) // VIOLATION
public void removeKeyListener(Object kl) // VIOLATION


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;

public class Enforce_listener_method_signature_correction_Bean

public void addKeyListener(KeyListener kl) // CORRECTION
public void removeKeyListener(KeyListener kl) // CORRECTION


Reference: No references available.
Rule 144: Initialize_All_Local_Variables_At_Declaration

Severity: Low
Rule: All local variables should be initialized in their declaration statement.
Reason: All local variables should be initialized in their declaration statement.

Usage Example:

public class Initialize_LocalVariables_At_Declaration

public void foo()
    int sum; //VOILATION
    final int[] nums = new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4};

    sum = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++)
        sum += nums[i];


Should be written as:

public class Initialize_LocalVariables_At_Declaration

public void foo()
    int sum = 0; //CORRECTION
    final int[] nums = new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4};

    sum = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++)
        sum += nums[i];


Rule 145: Avoid_abstract_method_call_in_abstract_class_constructor

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid calling abstract method from a constructor of an abstract class
Reason: Avoid calling abstract method from a constructor of an abstract class

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

abstract class Avoid_abstract_method_call_in_abstract_class_constructor_violation

public Avoid_abstract_method_call_in_abstract_class_constructor_violation()

public abstract void method();


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

abstract class Avoid_abstract_method_call_in_abstract_class_constructor_violation

public Avoid_abstract_method_call_in_abstract_class_constructor_violation()

public abstract void method();


Reference: Nigel Warren, Philip Bishop: “Java in Practice - Design Styles and Idioms for Effective Java”. Addison-Wesley, 1999.
Rule 146: Always_use_notifyAll

Severity: Medium
Rule: Use java.lang.Object.notifyAll() instead of java.lang.Object.notify().
Reason: Use java.lang.Object.notifyAll() instead of java.lang.Object.notify().

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

class Always_use_notifyAll_violation

public void method()
    Object obj = null;
    obj.notify();   // VIOLATION


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

class Always_use_notifyAll_correction

public void method()
    Object obj = null;
    obj.notifyAll();    // CORRECTION


Rule 147: Do_not_change_for_loop_control_variable

Severity: Low
Rule: Do not change value of for loop control variable inside the body of the for loop.
Reason: Do not change value of for loop control variable inside the body of the for loop.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Do_not_change_for_loop_control_variable_violation

public void meth(int iLength)
    int[] arr = new int[iLength];
    for(int i = 0;  i<iLength ;  i++)  // Violation


Should be written as:

Avoid modifying the loop control variable.

Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 148: Avoid_importing_java_lang

Severity: Low
Rule: Avoid importing any classes from the package 'java.lang'.
Reason: Avoid importing any classes from the package 'java.lang'.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

import java.lang.Integer; // VIOLATION
import java.util.ArrayList;

class Avoid_importing_java_lang_violation

private final Integer SIZE = new Integer(10);
private ArrayList al = new ArrayList(SIZE);

public void method()
    if(al != null)
        al = null;


Should be written as:

package com.rule;
//import java.lang.Integer; // CORRECTION
import java.util.ArrayList;

class Avoid_importing_java_lang_correction

private final Integer SIZE = new Integer(10);
private ArrayList al = new ArrayList(SIZE);

public void method()
    if(al != null)
        al = null;


Rule 149: Avoid_assignment_to_non_final_static_in_instance_method

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid assignment to non final static field in instance method.
Reason: Avoid assignment to non final static field in instance method.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_assignment_to_non_final_static_in_instance_method_violation

static int x;

public void method(int y)
    x = y;      // Violation.


Should be written as:

Reference: Reference not available.
Rule 150: Avoid_null_argument_in_equals

Severity: Medium
Rule: Avoid passing null argument in equals() method.
Reason: Avoid passing null argument in equals() method.

Usage Example:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_null_argument_in_equals_violation

public void foo(String str)
    if(str.equals(null)) //Violation


Should be written as:

package com.rule;

public class Avoid_null_argument_in_equals_correction

public void foo(String str)
    if(str == nul)) //Correction


Reference: Reference not available.

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