Android System Property


root@android:/ # getprop                                                       
[alsa.mixer.capture.headset]: [Capture]
[alsa.mixer.capture.master]: [Capture]
[alsa.mixer.playback.headset]: [Headphone]
[alsa.mixer.playback.master]: [Playback]
[alsa.mixer.playback.speaker]: [Playback]
[athr.gps.conf]: [/data/app/ing/Orion.ini]
[athr.gps.hookspath]: [/system/etc]
[back_camera_name]: [ov]
[back_camera_orient]: [0]
[dalvik.vm.dexopt-flags]: [m=y]
[dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit]: [48m]
[dalvik.vm.heapsize]: [256m]
[dalvik.vm.heapstartsize]: [5m]
[dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file]: [/data/anr/traces.txt]
[debug.egl.hw]: [1]
[debug.sf.hw]: [1]
[debug.sf.showfps]: [0]
     * Returns the value of a particular system property or {@code null} if no
     * such property exists.
    public static String getProperty(String propertyName) {
        return getProperty(propertyName, null);
     * Returns the value of a particular system property. The {@code
     * defaultValue} will be returned if no such property has been found.
    public static String getProperty(String prop, String defaultValue) {
        if (prop.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        return getProperties().getProperty(prop, defaultValue);
     * Returns the system properties. Note that this is not a copy, so that
     * changes made to the returned Properties object will be reflected in
     * subsequent calls to getProperty and getProperties.
     * @return the system properties.
    public static Properties getProperties() {
        if (systemProperties == null) {
        return systemProperties;
     * Get the value for the given key.
     * @return if the key isn't found, return def if it isn't null, or an empty string otherwise
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the key exceeds 32 characters
    public static String get(String key, String def) {
        if (key.length() > PROP_NAME_MAX) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("key.length > " + PROP_NAME_MAX);
        return native_get(key, def);
     * Set the value for the given key.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the key exceeds 32 characters
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value exceeds 92 characters
    public static void set(String key, String val) {
        if (key.length() > PROP_NAME_MAX) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("key.length > " + PROP_NAME_MAX);
        if (val != null && val.length() > PROP_VALUE_MAX) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("val.length > " +
        native_set(key, val);
    但需要注意的是,此方法我只在系统源码中可以使用,在eclipse中引用不到SystemProperties,所以我们还是美发轻易获取到getprop中的系统属性;但对于源码开发来说,此方法真的比较方便,还提供了get(key, def),getInt(),getLong(),getboolean()方法,直接可以获取你想要的返回类型。

3,在java代码中执行shell命令,Runtime.getRuntime().exec("getprop propertyName"),这是我目前在eclipse中处理获取系统属性的方法,各位大如有其他好的方法,本人求科普,求分享。。

Process du = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("getprop gps.exist");    
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(du.getInputStream()));
    String gpsvalue = in.readLine();

