Seam 3 Mail module provides simple API to use Java Mail API to send email message.
Assume you have already created a Maven based Java EE 6 application.
Add seam mail dependency to your pom.xml file.
Add basic mail configuration in your META-INF/seam-beans.xml.
<mail:MailConfig serverHost=""
username="<your gmail account>"
password="<your password>">
<ee:modifies />
In your Java codes, inject MailMessage
and Session
private transient Instance<MailMessage> mailMessage;
private transient Instance<Session> session;
is provided by Seam3 module, it is a fluid API to build message object and send message. Session
is from the standard Java Mail API.
MailMessage msg = mailMessage.get();
msg.subject("test subject")
.from("[email protected]")
.to("[email protected]")
Everything works well.
But if you try to send an email from jsf pages, the page will be blocked when the email is being sent.
EJB 3.1 provides a simple way to execute asynchronous action. You can simply create a @Stateless
EJB and put the logic in a @Asynchronous
method. But unfortunately when you try to use @Asynchronous and CDI together, it does not work.
JMS provides standard asynchronous processing capability for Java EE, Seam3 also includes a JMS module.
Seam 3 also provides a JMS module which simplify JMS and CDI integration, we can utilize JMS to process the asynchronous work.
Configure the JMS connection factory in your META-INF/seam-beans.xml.
<ee:modifies />
Create a standard JMS listener to handle JMS message.
public class MailProcessorMDB extends MessageListener {
@EJB MailProcessor processor;
public void send()...//
protected void onMessage(Message _msg) throws JMSException {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("call handleMessage...");
ObjectMessage objMessage = (ObjectMessage) _msg;
EmailMessage mailMessage = (EmailMessage) objMessage.getObject();
is a @Stateless
EJB which is use for sending mail.
When a message is arrived, the listener will call MailProcessor
to process email.
Use an interface to observe the CDI event and route it to the JMS queue.
public void mapStatusToQueue(@Observes @NoneBlocking EmailMessage message,
@JmsDestination(jndiName = "java:/queue/test") Queue q);
In the presentation layer, fire an event directly. The event object will be routed as the payload of JMS message automatically.;
I assume you have installed the latest Oracle JDK 7, JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final and Apache Maven 3.0.4.
Check out the complete codes from
git clone git://
Start JBoss AS with standalone full profile which includes JMS support.
<JBOSS_HOME>\bin\standalone.bat --server-config=standalone-full.xml
Deploy the application into the running JBoss AS.
mvn clean package jboss-as:deploy
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8080/seam3-mail-demo.