#!/usr/bin/python2.7 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from optparse import OptionParser import commands,sys,jastme,re from datetime import datetime """ Nagios plugin to report the mysql R/W Ratio author jastme """ parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog -w <warning threshold> -c <critical threshold> [ -h ]\n\nBefore use the script,please execute 'grant usage on *.* to monitor@'' identified by 'monitor';\nflush privileges",version="%prog ") parser.add_option("-w", "--warning",action="store", type="string", dest="warn_threshold", help="Warning threshold in percentage") parser.add_option("-c", "--critical",action="store", type="string", dest="crit_threshold", help="Critical threshold in percentage") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() class Monitor: def __init__(self,username,password,hostname,port): """ you can call sam var here """ self.username = username self.password = password self.port = port self.hostname = hostname def __Qcache_hits(self,): R=commands.getoutput(''' mysql -u%s -p%s -h%s -P%s -e "show global status like 'Qcache_hits'" | grep -Po "\d+" ''' %(self.username,self.password,self.hostname,self.port)) return R def __Com_select(self): R=commands.getoutput(''' mysql -u%s -p%s -h%s -P%s -e "show global status like 'Com_select'" | grep -Po "\d+" ''' %(self.username,self.password,self.hostname,self.port)) return R def __Com_insert(self): R=commands.getoutput(''' mysql -u%s -p%s -h%s -P%s -e "show global status like 'Com_insert'" | grep -Po "\d+" ''' %(self.username,self.password,self.hostname,self.port)) return R def __Com_update(self): R=commands.getoutput(''' mysql -u%s -p%s -h%s -P%s -e "show global status like 'Com_update'" | grep -Po "\d+" ''' %(self.username,self.password,self.hostname,self.port)) return R def __Com_delete(self): R=commands.getoutput(''' mysql -u%s -p%s -h%s -P%s -e "show global status like 'Com_delete'" | grep -Po "\d+" ''' %(self.username,self.password,self.hostname,self.port)) return R def __Com_replace(self): R=commands.getoutput(''' mysql -u%s -p%s -h%s -P%s -e "show global status like 'Com_replace'" | grep -Po "\d+" ''' %(self.username,self.password,self.hostname,self.port)) return R def __doit(self): _Qcache_hits = int(re.findall(r"\d+",self.__Qcache_hits())[0]) _Com_select = int(re.findall(r"\d+",self.__Com_select())[0]) _Com_insert = int(re.findall(r"\d+",self.__Com_insert())[0]) _Com_update = int(re.findall(r"\d+",self.__Com_update())[0]) _Com_delete = int(re.findall(r"\d+",self.__Com_delete())[0]) _Com_replace = int(re.findall(r"\d+",self.__Com_replace())[0]) R = ( _Com_select + _Qcache_hits) / ( _Com_insert + _Com_update + _Com_delete + _Com_replace ) * 100 return R def Result(self): R = self.__doit() print "R/W Ratio is %d | R/W Ratio=%d" %(R,R) if __name__ == "__main__": username = "monitor" password = str(jastme.decrypt(119,u'NALBOBJBCBHAGBOA')) hostname = "" port = "3369" Monitor(username,password,hostname,port).Result()