排序篇 - 希尔排序的实现





注:增量序列来自公式:9 * pow(4, j) - 9 * pow(2, j) + 1 和 pow(4, j) - 3 * pow(2, j) + 1


 * shell sort functions implements file.
 * @author chenxin
 * @see http://www.webssky.com 
#include <stdlib.h>
//#include <stdio.h>
#include "jsort.h"

 * shell sort algorithm.
 * @param *arr the pointer of the array to sort.
 * @param len the length of the array. 
void shell_sort( void *a, size_t len, size_t size, compare_fn_t comp ) {
	int gaps[] = {
		1, 5,
		19, 41,
		109, 209, 505, 929,
		2161, 8929,
		16001, 36289, 64769,
		146305, 260609, 587521,					//1000th
		1045505, 2354689, 4188161, 9427969,	
		16764929, 37730305, 67084289,
		150958081, 268386305, 603906049,
		1073643521, 2147483647};
	register int k = 0;
	while ( gaps[k] < len ) k++ ;
	register int i, j, gap;
	unsichar_t *__ichar_p = ( unsichar_t * ) a ;
	register unsichar_t *tmp = ( unsichar_t * ) malloc( size );
	register unsichar_t *prev;
	while ( k-- > 0 ) {
		gap = gaps[k];
		for ( i = gap; i < len; i++ ) {
			copy_value_to( __ichar_p + i * size, tmp, size );
			//printf("gap=%d, tmp=%d\n", gap, *(int*)tmp);
			for ( j = i; 
				j >= gap && comp( tmp, \
					( prev = __ichar_p + ( j - gap ) * size ) ) < 0; j -= gap ) {
				copy_value_to( prev, __ichar_p + j * size, size );
			if ( j < i )
				copy_value_to( tmp, __ichar_p + j * size, size );
	//free the heap memory
	free( tmp );

jsort.h头文件代码在“排序篇 - 插入排序的实现”中可以找到。


public static final int[] GAPS = new int[] {
		1, 5,
		19, 41,
		109, 209, 505, 929,
		2161, 8929,
		16001, 36289, 64769,
		146305, 260609, 587521,					//1000th
		1045505, 2354689, 4188161, 9427969,
		16764929, 37730305, 67084289,
		150958081, 268386305, 603906049,
		1073643521, 2147483647};

	 * shell sort algorithm. <br />
	 * @param arr an array of Comparable items.
	public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void shellSort( T[] arr ) {
		int j, k = 0, gap;
		for ( ; GAPS[k] < arr.length; k++ ) ;
		while ( k-- > 0 ) {
			gap = GAPS[k];
			for ( int i = gap; i < arr.length; i++ ) {
				T tmp = arr[ i ];
				for ( j = i; 
					j >= gap && tmp.compareTo( arr[ j - gap ] ) < 0; j -= gap ) {
					arr[ j ] = arr[ j - gap ];
				if ( j < i ) arr[ j ] = tmp;

