学 习hadoop,必不可少的就是写MapReduce程序,当然,对于简单的分析程序,我们只需一个MapReduce就能搞定,这里就不提单 MapReuce的情况了,网上例子很多,大家可以百度Google一下。对于比较复杂的分析程序,我们可能需要多个Job或者多个Map或者 Reduce进行分析计算。
- Configuration conf = new Configuration();
- //first Job
- Job job1 = new Job(conf,"job1");
- .....
- FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job1,InputPaht1);
- FileOutputFromat.setOutputPath(job1,Outpath1);
- job1.waitForCompletion(true);
- //second Mapreduce
- Job job2 = new Job(conf1,"job1");
- .....
- FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job2,Outpath1);
- FileOutputFromat.setOutputPath(job2,Outpath2);
- job2.waitForCompletion(true);
- //third Mapreduce
- Job job3 = new Job(conf1,"job1");
- .....
- FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job3,Outpath2);
- FileOutputFromat.setOutputPath(job3,Outpath3);
- job3.waitForCompletion(true);
- .....
1. 每次迭代,如果所有Job(task)重复创建,代价将非常高。
- //main function
- while (!converged && iteration <= maxIterations) {
- log.info("K-Means Iteration {}", iteration);
- // point the output to a new directory per iteration
- Path clustersOut = new Path(output, AbstractCluster.CLUSTERS_DIR + iteration);
- converged = runIteration(conf, input, clustersIn, clustersOut, measure.getClass().getName(), delta);
- // now point the input to the old output directory
- clustersIn = clustersOut;
- iteration++;
- }
- private static boolean runIteration(Configuration conf,
- Path input,
- Path clustersIn,
- Path clustersOut,
- String measureClass,
- String convergenceDelta)
- throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException {
- conf.set(KMeansConfigKeys.CLUSTER_PATH_KEY, clustersIn.toString());
- conf.set(KMeansConfigKeys.DISTANCE_MEASURE_KEY, measureClass);
- conf.set(KMeansConfigKeys.CLUSTER_CONVERGENCE_KEY, convergenceDelta);
- Job job = new Job(conf, "KMeans Driver running runIteration over clustersIn: " + clustersIn);
- job.setMapOutputKeyClass(Text.class);
- job.setMapOutputValueClass(ClusterObservations.class);
- job.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class);
- job.setOutputValueClass(Cluster.class);
- job.setInputFormatClass(SequenceFileInputFormat.class);
- job.setOutputFormatClass(SequenceFileOutputFormat.class);
- job.setMapperClass(KMeansMapper.class);
- job.setCombinerClass(KMeansCombiner.class);
- job.setReducerClass(KMeansReducer.class);
- FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, input);
- FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, clustersOut);
- job.setJarByClass(KMeansDriver.class);
- HadoopUtil.delete(conf, clustersOut);
- if (!job.waitForCompletion(true)) {
- throw new InterruptedException("K-Means Iteration failed processing " + clustersIn);
- }
- FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(clustersOut.toUri(), conf);
- return isConverged(clustersOut, conf, fs);
- }
- <span style="font-size:14px">Configuration job1conf = new Configuration();
- Job job1 = new Job(job1conf,"Job1");
- .........//job1 其他设置
- Configuration job2conf = new Configuration();
- Job job2 = new Job(job2conf,"Job2");
- .........//job2 其他设置
- Configuration job3conf = new Configuration();
- Job job3 = new Job(job3conf,"Job3");
- .........//job3 其他设置
- job3.addDepending(job1);//设置job3和job1的依赖关系
- job3.addDepending(job2);
- JobControl JC = new JobControl("123");
- JC.addJob(job1);//把三个job加入到jobcontorl中
- JC.addJob(job2);
- JC.addJob(job3);
- JC.run();</span>
- ...
- conf.setJobName("chain");
- conf.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class);
- conf.setOutputFormat(TextOutputFormat.class);
- JobConf mapper1Conf=new JobConf(false);
- JobConf mapper2Conf=new JobConf(false);
- JobConf redduce1Conf=new JobConf(false);
- JobConf mappe3Conf=new JobConf(false);
- ...
- ChainMapper.addMapper(conf,Mapper1.class,LongWritable.class,Text.class,Text.class,Text.class,true,mapper1Conf);
- ChainMapper.addMapper(conf,Mapper2.class,Text.class,Text.class,LongWritable.class,Text.class,false,mapper2Conf);
- ChainReducer.setReduce(conf,Reducer.class,LongWritable.class,Text.class,Text.class,Text.class,true,reduce1Conf);
- ChainReducer.addMapper(conf,Mapper3.class,Text.class,Text.class,LongWritable.class,Text.class,true,mapper3Conf);
- JobClient.runJob(conf);
- ....
- private NutchTool currentTool = null;
- ....
- private Map<String, Object> runTool(Class<? extends NutchTool> toolClass,
- Map<String, Object> args) throws Exception {
- currentTool = (NutchTool) ReflectionUtils.newInstance(toolClass,
- getConf());
- return currentTool.run(args);
- }
- ...
- @Override
- public Map<String, Object> run(Map<String, Object> args) throws Exception {
- results.clear();
- status.clear();
- String crawlId = (String) args.get(Nutch.ARG_CRAWL);
- if (crawlId != null) {
- getConf().set(Nutch.CRAWL_ID_KEY, crawlId);
- }
- String seedDir = null;
- String seedList = (String) args.get(Nutch.ARG_SEEDLIST);
- if (seedList != null) { // takes precedence
- String[] seeds = seedList.split("\\s+");
- // create tmp. dir
- String tmpSeedDir = getConf().get("hadoop.tmp.dir") + "/seed-"
- + System.currentTimeMillis();
- FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(getConf());
- Path p = new Path(tmpSeedDir);
- fs.mkdirs(p);
- Path seedOut = new Path(p, "urls");
- OutputStream os = fs.create(seedOut);
- for (String s : seeds) {
- os.write(s.getBytes());
- os.write('\n');
- }
- os.flush();
- os.close();
- cleanSeedDir = true;
- seedDir = tmpSeedDir;
- } else {
- seedDir = (String) args.get(Nutch.ARG_SEEDDIR);
- }
- Integer depth = (Integer) args.get(Nutch.ARG_DEPTH);
- if (depth == null)
- depth = 1;
- boolean parse = getConf().getBoolean(FetcherJob.PARSE_KEY, false);
- String solrUrl = (String) args.get(Nutch.ARG_SOLR);
- int onePhase = 3;
- if (!parse)
- onePhase++;
- float totalPhases = depth * onePhase;
- if (seedDir != null)
- totalPhases++;
- float phase = 0;
- Map<String, Object> jobRes = null;
- LinkedHashMap<String, Object> subTools = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
- status.put(Nutch.STAT_JOBS, subTools);
- results.put(Nutch.STAT_JOBS, subTools);
- // inject phase
- if (seedDir != null) {
- status.put(Nutch.STAT_PHASE, "inject");
- jobRes = runTool(InjectorJob.class, args);
- if (jobRes != null) {
- subTools.put("inject", jobRes);
- }
- status.put(Nutch.STAT_PROGRESS, ++phase / totalPhases);
- if (cleanSeedDir && tmpSeedDir != null) {
- LOG.info(" - cleaning tmp seed list in " + tmpSeedDir);
- FileSystem.get(getConf()).delete(new Path(tmpSeedDir), true);
- }
- }
- if (shouldStop) {
- return results;
- }
- // run "depth" cycles
- for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
- status.put(Nutch.STAT_PHASE, "generate " + i);
- jobRes = runTool(GeneratorJob.class, args);
- if (jobRes != null) {
- subTools.put("generate " + i, jobRes);
- }
- status.put(Nutch.STAT_PROGRESS, ++phase / totalPhases);
- if (shouldStop) {
- return results;
- }
- status.put(Nutch.STAT_PHASE, "fetch " + i);
- jobRes = runTool(FetcherJob.class, args);
- if (jobRes != null) {
- subTools.put("fetch " + i, jobRes);
- }
- status.put(Nutch.STAT_PROGRESS, ++phase / totalPhases);
- if (shouldStop) {
- return results;
- }
- if (!parse) {
- status.put(Nutch.STAT_PHASE, "parse " + i);
- jobRes = runTool(ParserJob.class, args);
- if (jobRes != null) {
- subTools.put("parse " + i, jobRes);
- }
- status.put(Nutch.STAT_PROGRESS, ++phase / totalPhases);
- if (shouldStop) {
- return results;
- }
- }
- status.put(Nutch.STAT_PHASE, "updatedb " + i);
- jobRes = runTool(DbUpdaterJob.class, args);
- if (jobRes != null) {
- subTools.put("updatedb " + i, jobRes);
- }
- status.put(Nutch.STAT_PROGRESS, ++phase / totalPhases);
- if (shouldStop) {
- return results;
- }
- }
- if (solrUrl != null) {
- status.put(Nutch.STAT_PHASE, "index");
- jobRes = runTool(SolrIndexerJob.class, args);
- if (jobRes != null) {
- subTools.put("index", jobRes);
- }
- }
- return results;
- }