Line Graph with Dual-scaled Axes using SVG and ...

Line Graph with Dual-scaled Axes using SVG and ..._第1张图片

		<title>Line Graph with Dual-scaled Axes using SVG and d3.js</title>
		<script src=""></script>
			/* tell the SVG path to be a thin blue line without any area fill */
			path {
				stroke-width: 1;
				fill: none;
			.data1 {
				stroke: steelblue;

			.data2 {
				stroke: orange;

			.axis {
			  shape-rendering: crispEdges;

			.x.axis line {
			  stroke: lightgrey;

			.x.axis .minor {
			  stroke-opacity: .5;

			.x.axis path {
			  display: none;
			.x.axis text {
				font-size: 14;

			.y.axis line, .y.axis path {
			  fill: none;
			  stroke: #000;

			.y.axis text {
				font-size: 14;

			.y.axisRight text {
				fill: orange;
			.y.axisLeft text {
				fill: steelblue;

	<div id="graph" class="aGraph" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0; float:left;"></div>

		/* implementation heavily influenced by */
		/* some arguments AGAINST the use of dual-scaled axes line graphs can be found at */
		// define dimensions of graph
		var m = [80, 80, 80, 80]; // margins
		var w = 900 - m[1] - m[3];	// width
		var h = 400 - m[0] - m[2]; // height
		// create a simple data array that we'll plot with a line (this array represents only the Y values, X will just be the index location)
		var data1 = [3, 6, 2, 7, 5, 2, 0, 3, 8, 9, 2, 5, 9, 3, 6, 3, 6, 2, 7, 5, 2, 1, 3, 8, 9, 2, 5, 9, 2, 7];
		var data2 = [543, 367, 215, 56, 65, 62, 87, 156, 287, 398, 523, 685, 652, 674, 639, 619, 589, 558, 605, 574, 564, 496, 525, 476, 432, 458, 421, 387, 375, 368];

		// X scale will fit all values from data[] within pixels 0-w
		var x = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, data1.length]).range([0, w]);
		// Y scale will fit values from 0-10 within pixels h-0 (Note the inverted domain for the y-scale: bigger is up!)
		var y1 = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 10]).range([h, 0]); // in real world the domain would be dynamically calculated from the data
		var y2 = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 700]).range([h, 0]);  // in real world the domain would be dynamically calculated from the data
			// automatically determining max range can work something like this
			// var y = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, d3.max(data)]).range([h, 0]);

		// create a line function that can convert data[] into x and y points
		var line1 = d3.svg.line()
			// assign the X function to plot our line as we wish
			.x(function(d,i) { 
				// verbose logging to show what's actually being done
				console.log('Plotting X1 value for data point: ' + d + ' using index: ' + i + ' to be at: ' + x(i) + ' using our xScale.');
				// return the X coordinate where we want to plot this datapoint
				return x(i); 
			.y(function(d) { 
				// verbose logging to show what's actually being done
				console.log('Plotting Y1 value for data point: ' + d + ' to be at: ' + y1(d) + " using our y1Scale.");
				// return the Y coordinate where we want to plot this datapoint
				return y1(d); 
		// create a line function that can convert data[] into x and y points
		var line2 = d3.svg.line()
			// assign the X function to plot our line as we wish
			.x(function(d,i) { 
				// verbose logging to show what's actually being done
				console.log('Plotting X2 value for data point: ' + d + ' using index: ' + i + ' to be at: ' + x(i) + ' using our xScale.');
				// return the X coordinate where we want to plot this datapoint
				return x(i); 
			.y(function(d) { 
				// verbose logging to show what's actually being done
				console.log('Plotting Y2 value for data point: ' + d + ' to be at: ' + y2(d) + " using our y2Scale.");
				// return the Y coordinate where we want to plot this datapoint
				return y2(d); 

			// Add an SVG element with the desired dimensions and margin.
			var graph ="#graph").append("svg:svg")
			      .attr("width", w + m[1] + m[3])
			      .attr("height", h + m[0] + m[2])
			      .attr("transform", "translate(" + m[3] + "," + m[0] + ")");

			// create yAxis
		    var xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(x).tickSize(-h).tickSubdivide(true);
			// Add the x-axis.
			      .attr("class", "x axis")
			      .attr("transform", "translate(0," + h + ")")

			// create left yAxis
			var yAxisLeft = d3.svg.axis().scale(y1).ticks(4).orient("left");
			// Add the y-axis to the left
			      .attr("class", "y axis axisLeft")
			      .attr("transform", "translate(-15,0)")

	  		// create right yAxis
	  		var yAxisRight = d3.svg.axis().scale(y2).ticks(6).orient("right");
  			// Add the y-axis to the right
  			      .attr("class", "y axis axisRight")
  			      .attr("transform", "translate(" + (w+15) + ",0)")
			// add lines
			// do this AFTER the axes above so that the line is above the tick-lines
  			graph.append("svg:path").attr("d", line1(data1)).attr("class", "data1");
  			graph.append("svg:path").attr("d", line2(data2)).attr("class", "data2");



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