安装Zend Guard Loader

ZendOptimizer已经不支持php 5.3.x了,本文将介绍如何在php 5.3.x中安装:Zend Guard Loader

下载Zend Guard Loader

Zend 官网:http://www.zend.com/en/products/guard/downloads


安装Zend Guard Loader



Zend Guard Loader installation instructions

1. Extract the Zend Loader package.

2. Locate and extract the ZendGuardLoader.so (Linux) or ZendLoader.dll (Windows) that corresponds to your php version.

3. Add the following line to your php.ini file for loading the ZendGuardLoader:
   Linux and Mac OS X:      zend_extension=<full_path_to_ZendGuardLoader.so>
   Windows non-thread safe: zend_extension=<full_path_to_ZendLoader.dll>
4. Add an aditional line to your php.ini for enabling ZendGuardLoader
  ; Enables loading encoded scripts. The default value is On
5. Optional: following lines can be added your php.ini file for ZendGuardLoader configuration:

   ; Disable license checks (for performance reasons)
   ; The Obfuscation level supported by Zend Guard Loader. The levels are detailed in the official Zend Guard Documentation. 0 - no obfuscation is enabled
   ; Path to where licensed Zend products should look for the product license. For more information on how to create a license file, see the Zend Guard User Guide

6. If you use Zend debugger as well, please make sure to load it after the Zend guard Loader

7. If you use ioncube loader, please make sure to load it before Zend guard Loader

8. Restart your Web server.

安装Zend Guard Loader


cp /opt/ZendGuardLoader.so /usr/lib64/php/modules/


chmod 775 /usr/lib64/php/modules/ZendGuardLoader.so


vim /etc/php.d/zendgl.ini


service httpd restart

重启后,使用:php -v 命令查看是否成功&使用phpinfo,如果能看到类似,说明就成功了:



yum install setroubleshoot*

service restart auditd

cat /var/log/messages | grep setroubleshoot

Jan 27 17:01:42 localhost setroubleshoot:
SELinux is preventing /usr/sbin/httpd from using the execstack access on a process. 
For complete SELinux messages. run sealert -l a89898c7-12e5-4e3e-a186-df18818df43f

#提示我们可以运行sealert -l a89898c7-12e5-4e3e-a186-df18818df43f查看详细信息
sealert -l a89898c7-12e5-4e3e-a186-df18818df43f

安装Zend Guard Loader


setsebool -P httpd_execmem 1


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