The Yahoo! Music API gives developers access to the Yahoo! Music catalog of artists, albums, tracks, videos and more. It provides numerous ways to browse the catalog: through charts, search, similarities, genres, and artists. Adding content to your site becomes simple when using our API and video player.
YQL makes it easy to use Music data
YQL (Yahoo! Query Language) is an expressive SQL-like language that lets you query, filter, and join data from Yahoo!, Facebook, Google, Twitter, and a variety of other Web services. With YQL, you can read, write, and shape data across the Internet (in both XML and JSON formats) through simple REST requests, eliminating the need to learn how to use different APIs.
The Yahoo! Music API utilizes the Yahoo! Query Language (YQL) as a mechanism to access Yahoo! Music data, returning data in XML and JSON formats.
The Music Video Player is a Flash-based player that can be embedded easily into your application. It can be customized and translated for multiple languages, provides some basic scripting methods, and generates several playback events your application can handle. Learn more about the Video Player.
Return metadata for Artists, Albums, Tracks, Videos, and more:
Most Popular Charts / New Releases / Category Charts:
Video Stations:
Currently, this Service is limited to 5000 queries per day per IP address.
Use of the Yahoo! Music API is governed by the Yahoo! Music API Terms of Use.
The Yahoo! Music API is discussed on the Music API developer forum. Join the conversation there to get help and touch base with other developers interested in the Yahoo! Music API.