How can you reference Spring beans from Tapestry 4? In earlier versions of Tapestry,
the most common method was to extend the BaseEngine class. However, in Tapestry 4 the BaseEngine class is deprecated, and we now need to extend SpringBeanFactoryHolder.
(Basic knowledge of Java, Tapestry, and Spring assumed.)
Step 1: Hivemind Configuration
Note: You can skip this step by downloading tapestry-spring.jar from and placing it on your classpath.
Continue reading, if you're interested in how it works...
Tapestry uses Hivemind, behind the scenes, for dependency-injection. Hivemind's XML configuration is similar to Spring. The easiest way to contribute to the whole Hivemind registry is by creating hivemodule.xml in your WEB-INF directory.
Here is what you need in this project to provide a new implementation of the DefaultSpringBeanFactoryHolder:
程序代码: |
<?xml version="1.0"?> <module id="diaphragma.tapspr" version="1.0.0"> <implementation service-id="hivemind.lib.DefaultSpringBeanFactoryHolder"> <invoke-factory> <construct autowire-services="false" class="diaphragma.tapspr.XSpringBeanFactoryHolderImpl"> <event-listener service-id="hivemind.ShutdownCoordinator" /> <set-object property="context" value="service:tapestry.globals.WebContext" /> </construct> </invoke-factory> </implementation> </module> |
Next job is to create It look like this:
程序代码: |
package diaphragma.tapspr; import; import; import org.apache.hivemind.lib.impl.SpringBeanFactoryHolderImpl; import org.apache.tapestry.web.WebContext; import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory; import org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext; public class XSpringBeanFactoryHolderImpl extends SpringBeanFactoryHolderImpl implements RegistryShutdownListener { private WebContext context; public XSpringBeanFactoryHolderImpl() { } public void setContext(WebContext webcontext) { context = webcontext; } public WebContext getContext() { return context; } public BeanFactory getBeanFactory() { if(super.getBeanFactory() == null) super.setBeanFactory(XWebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(getContext())); return super.getBeanFactory(); } public void registryDidShutdown() { ((ConfigurableApplicationContext)super.getBeanFactory()).close(); } } |
As we can see, this class extends the default SpringBeanFactoryHolder. The important thing is what you see in getBeanFactory() method, there you define where our BeanFactory located. In this example, I use WebApplicationContextUtils.getRequiredWebApplicationContext() method. There is another method which doesn't throw exception WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext().
Next, we implement
程序代码: |
package diaphragma.tapspr; import org.apache.tapestry.web.WebContext; import org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext; import; public class XWebApplicationContextUtils extends WebApplicationContextUtils { public XWebApplicationContextUtils() { } public static WebApplicationContext getWebApplicationContext(WebContext webcontext) { Object obj = webcontext.getAttribute(WebApplicationContext.ROOT_WEB_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE); if(obj == null) return null; if(obj instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)obj; if(obj instanceof Error) throw (Error)obj; if(!(obj instanceof WebApplicationContext)) throw new IllegalStateException((new StringBuilder()).append("Root context attribute is not of type WebApplicationContext: ").append(obj).toString()); else return (WebApplicationContext)obj; } public static WebApplicationContext getRequiredWebApplicationContext(WebContext webcontext) throws IllegalStateException { WebApplicationContext webapplicationcontext = getWebApplicationContext(webcontext); if(webapplicationcontext == null) throw new IllegalStateException("No WebApplicationContext found: no ContextLoaderListener registered?"); else return webapplicationcontext; } } |
Step 2: Spring Configuration
Spring in servlet mode need two things, it needs the XML file for bean configuration and also a filter in web.xml. In web.xml, you will have to add this:
程序代码: |
<context-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value>/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml</param-value> </context-param> <listener> <listener-class> org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener </listener-class> </listener> |
And now let us try a simple XML file (place it under WEB-INF/ as applicationContext.xml).
程序代码: |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE beans public "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN" ""> <beans> <bean id="person" class="com.example.model.Person"> <property name="name"> <value>Nanda Firdausi</value> </property> </bean> </beans> |
It defines one object with one property.
Step 3: Access Spring property from Tapestry page specification
Now time to see whether our bean can be accessed from a Tapestry page. First, let us create the page specification (
程序代码: |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE page-specification PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//Tapestry Specification 4.0//EN" ""> <page-specification class="org.apache.tapestry.html.BasePage"> <inject property="person" object="spring:person" /> </page-specification> The page template is trivial, one super-simple-example is like this (Home.html). <span jwcid="@Insert" value="" /> Please make comments, suggestions, and any other things related to this tutorial. |
This information was originally written in an email to the Tapestry User's List on March 7, 2005 by Nanda Firdausi
HowardLewisShip: This is pretty much overkill, since you can just acquire your AC and store it into the DefaultSpringBeanFactoryHolder service with no additional work. I do like that you have a shutdown option, though. I'm putting together a proper implementation for Tapestry @ JavaForge.
HowardLewisShip: I've put together a basic Spring integration module: tapestry-spring. The solution on this page is a little more flexible, however (at least for the moment).
NandaFirdausi: I've seen your implementation, and I like it too, just like your other code ;). I thing your implementation doesn't need spring listener anymore, am I right? If so, then the choice to the user is if they do have another spring wep application with nothing to do with tapestry, it's better to set the spring listener and do like this page says. If your web application is all tapestry based (with spring as back-end support), then your code looks cleaner for me
Tapestry 4 (another solution)
JarekWoloszyn: Here is another solution for Tapestry4.
We need a helper class which will create WebApplicationContext for the ServletContext. Hivemind can't call factory methods (from WebApplicationContextUtils), so we create a POJO. Spring Context is re-created everytime we change ServletContext.
程序代码: |
package org.your.application; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext; import; public class SpringContextFactory { private ServletContext servletContext; private WebApplicationContext appContext; public WebApplicationContext getAppContext() { return appContext; } public ServletContext getServletContext() { return servletContext; } public void setServletContext(ServletContext servletContext) { this.servletContext = servletContext; appContext = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(getServletContext()); } } |
Tapestry 4 has Spring integration out of the box. We must only say which BeanFactory should be used. In hivemind.xml, we define a service-point for our helper class. This class takes ServletContext as parameter. We configure then Hivemind to use appContext member as spring-bean factory.
程序代码: |
<?xml version="1.0"?> <module id="app" version="1.0.0" package="org.your.application"> <contribution configuration-id="hivemind.ApplicationDefaults"> <default symbol="hivemind.lib.spring-bean-factory" value="service-property:app.SpringContextFactory:appContext"/> </contribution> <service-point id="SpringContextFactory"> Create WebApplicatonContext for Spring <invoke-factory> <construct class="SpringContextFactory"> <set-service property="servletContext" service-id="tapestry.globals.ServletContext"/> </construct> </invoke-factory> </service-point> </module> |