
第一章 软件架构是什么


asoftware architect that the system should be friendly and responsiveto the user, maintainable, free of critical errors,easy to install,reliable, that it should communicate in standard ways with othersystems, and that it, too, should be beautiful.


Agood system architecture exhibits conceptual integrity; that is, itcomes equipped with a set

ofdesign rules that aid in reducing complexity and that can be used asguidance in detailed

designand in system verification.


Ithas the functionality required by the customer.

Itis safely buildable on the required schedule.

Itperforms adequately.

Itis reliable.

Itis usable and safe to use.

Itis secure.

Itis affordable.

Itconforms to legal standards.

Itwill outlast its predecessors and its competitors.


Architectureis a game of trade-offs—a decision that improves one of thesecharacteristics often



Thearchitect must determine what is sufficient to satisfy, bydiscovering the important concerns for a particular system and theconditions for satisfying them sufficiently.

Commonamong the notions of architecture is the idea of structures, eachdefined by

componentsof various sorts and their relations: how they fit together, invokeeach other,

communicate,synchronize, and otherwise interact.

Anarchitect prepares initial sketches of the building, showing bothexternal appearance and internal layout, and discusses these sketcheswith clients until all concerned have agreed that what is shown iswhat they want.

Weemploy an architect to assure that the design (1) meets the needs ofthe client, including

thecharacteristics previously noted; (2) has conceptual integrity byusing the same design rules

throughout;and (3) meets legal and safety requirements.

Ifarchitecture is concerned with the relationships among components andthe externally

visibleproperties of system components, then design will additionally beconcerned with the

internalstructure of those components.

Thefirst concern of a software architect is not the functionality of thesystem.

Qualityconcerns specify the way in which the functionality must be deliveredin order to be

acceptableto the system’s stakeholders, the people with a vested interest inthe outcome of the system.

Everysystem has its own set of quality concerns. Some, such asperformance, security, and

scalability,may be well-specified, but other, often equally important concerns,such as

changeability,maintainability, and usability, may not be defined with enough detailto be


FredBrooks said that conceptual integrity is the most important attributeof an architecture:

Itis better to have a system...reflect one set of design ideas, than tohave one that contains

manygood but independent and uncoordinated ideas” (1995).



Whatfunctionality does the product offer to its users?


Whatchanges may be needed in the software in the future, and what changesare unlikely

andneed not be especially easy to make in the future?


Whatwill the performance of the product be?


Howmany users will use the system simultaneously? How much data will thesystem need

tostore for its users?


Whatinteractions will the system have with other systems in the ecosystemin which it

willbe deployed?


Howis the task of writing the software organized into work assignments(modules),

particularlymodules that can be developed independently and that suit eachother’s needs

preciselyand easily?


Howcan the software be built as a set of components that can beindependently

implementedand verified? What components should be reused from other productsand

whichshould be acquired from external suppliers?


Ifthe product will exist in several variations, how can it be developedas a product line,

takingadvantage of the commonality among the versions, and what are thesteps by which

theproducts in the product line can be developed (Weiss and Lai 1999)?What investment

shouldbe made in creating a software product line? What is the expectedreturn from

creatingthe options to develop different members of the product line?

Inparticular, is it possible to develop the smallest minimally usefulproduct first and then

developadditional members of the product line by adding (and subtracting)components

withouthaving to change the code that was written previously?


Ifthe product requires authorization for its use or must restrictaccess to data, how can

securityof data be ensured? How can “denial of service” and other attacksbe withstood?


TheInformation Hiding Structures

COMPONENTSAND RELATIONS : The primary components are Information HidingModules,

whereeach module is a work assignment for a group of developers, and eachmodule embodies

adesign decision.

Therelation between the modules is "part of".

Programsare "contained in" the modules.

InformationHiding Structures are the foundation of the object-oriented designparadigm.

CONCERNSSATISFIED : The Information Hiding Structures should be designedso that they satisfy changeability, modularity, and buildability.

TheUses Structures

TheUses Relation is sometimes known as “requires the presence of acorrect


Awell-defined Uses Structure will create proper subsets of the systemand can be used to drive

iterativeor incremental development cycles.

CONCERNSSATISFIED : Producibility andecosystem.

TheProcess Structures

COMPONENTSAND RELATION : The Information Hiding Module Structures and the Uses

Structuresare static structures that exist at design and code time. Processesare runtime sequences of events that are controlled by programs(Dijkstra 1968).



conditionthat if two segments are accessed by the same set of programs, thosetwo segments

shouldbe combined. The data access structure has two kinds of components,programs and

segments.This relation is entitled “has access to,” and is a relationbetween programs and

segments.A system is thought to be more secure if this structure minimizes theaccess rights

ofprograms and is tightly enforced.




Thereare two common approaches to architecture evaluation (Clements,Kazman, and Klein

2002).The first class of evaluation methods determines properties of thearchitecture, often by

modelingor simulation of one or more aspects of the system.The second, andbroadest, class of evaluation methods is based on questioning thearchitects to assess the architecture.


好的架构只是satisfythe functional and quality concerns of the system’s stakeholders.

Buildabilityof the architecturePersistence

ConceptualIntegrity is a feature that cuts across all domains and thatalways delights.
