he unixODBC Project home page


he unixODBC Project home page


Do you support unixODBC?

We are compiling a directory of applications, languages and databases which support unixODBC. If you would like your products included please let me know.

What is the unixODBC Project?

The unixODBC Project goals are to develop
and promote unixODBC to be the definitive standard for ODBC on non MS Windows
platforms. This is to include GUI support for both KDE and GNOME.

What is ODBC?

ODBC is an open specification for providing
application developers with a predictable API with which to access Data
Sources. Data Sources include SQL Servers and any Data Source with an ODBC

Why use ODBC?

The two major advantages of choosing to
code an application to the ODBC API are;

Data Access Code

The ODBC API, as outlined by X/Open and
ISO, is availible on all major platforms. Microsoft platforms include many
enhancements to this specification; these enhancements are also supported by unixODBC

Data Binding

This allows the user or the system administrator
to easily configure an application to use any ODBC compliant data source.
This is perhaps the single biggest advantage of coding an application to
the ODBC API and to purchase these applications. Dyamic binding allows
the end-user to pick a data source, ie an SQL Server, and use it for all
data applications without having to worry about recompiling the application. 

The unixODBC team has reached this objective
by providing the best technical solution to ODBC demands on the Linux platform.
Also; ALL unixODBC development is and will be distributed under GPL or
LGPL. The LGPL on libs will ensure that commercial solutions will
be able to utilize unixODBC
