JRuby and SQLite3 Living Together

JRuby and SQLite3 Living Together « JRubyist::Dan_Tylenda_Emmons

JRuby and SQLite3 Living Together

A few days ago I decided to download the Fat Free CRM, an open source Rails based CRM platform. In order to get it going with sqlite3 with JRuby on Rails, there were a couple things I needed to do in order to get started. This solution can be used for any general jruby/rails/sqlite3 that you may have; I only mention this particular application to give some context to the problem.

First of all, you’ll need to install a couple gems.

sudo jruby -S gem install jdbc-sqlite3
sudo jruby -S gem install activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapter

Next, you’ll need to configure your config/database.yml file to use the appropriate driver for sqlite3.

  adapter: jdbcsqlite3
  database: db/development.sqlite3
  timeout: 5000

That should solve any dreaded “no such file to load” errors that you encounter.
