实时更新的 JS框架 Meteor 发布 0.3.4|互联网技术与编程讨论区 - FreeAir - JavaScript Flash iOS

实时更新的 JS框架 Meteor 发布 0.3.4|互联网技术与编程讨论区 - FreeAir - JavaScript Flash iOS

Meteor 是一款实时更新的 Web 开发框架,  如果不太了解的请看 Meteor JS框架 为带来下一代高品质实时Web App开发模式  

Meteor 最近更新了 0.3.4版本 , 其中包括了 Twitter's Bootstrap CSS框架 , CSS预处理框架,sass,  这样每次保存样式的时候,都不需要刷新浏览器就可以看到效果


  * node 0.6.15
  * coffee-script 1.3.1
  * less 1.3.0
  * sockjs 0.3.1
  * backbone 0.9.2 (also on the server now, sorry about that!)
  * underscore 1.3.3


In time for weekend hacking, we've released Meteor 0.3.4, including 3 new smart packages.

If you haven't had a chance to try Meteor out yet, I hope you'll try kicking the tires this weekend.  The leaderboard example is a great place to get started: in about three minutes you can install Meteor, create an app, and have it running on the Internet.



Mike Mellenthin contributed a new smart package for Twitter's Bootstrap CSS toolkit.  Now, you can include Bootstrap in a Meteor project just by running "meteor add bootstrap".  Thank you Mike!  This was the #1 requested package all week.

Also, thanks to Heikki Ylönen and others, we also have two new smart packages for CSS pre-processing: stylus and sass.  Both of them work perfectly with hot code push.  Each time you save a .stylus or .sass file, the smart package will rebuild your CSS and you'll see those changes in the browser right away.

Let us know if there are other pre-processors you use.


We bumped the versions of many packages and components, including:

  * node 0.6.15
  * coffee-script 1.3.1
  * less 1.3.0
  * sockjs 0.3.1
  * backbone 0.9.2 (also on the server now, sorry about that!)
  * underscore 1.3.3

Thanks to both Alan van Dam and Nicklas Gummesson for supplying a fix for Minimongo query selectors that search subdocuments.

Our own David Greenspan fixed the two top-level event map bugs in templates.  If you were using an extra outer DIV to work around those, you can safely remove it.

And finally, thank you to Gabriel Horner, Han Dao, Jason Giedymin, and Edward Ocampo-Gooding for your patches.  Next week we'll be getting to as many of your open pull requests as we can.

Enjoy your weekend!

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Meteor Development Group
880 Harrison St.
San Francisco, CA 94107
