The Definitive Guide to Installing Django on Ubuntu

The Definitive Guide to Installing Django on Ubuntu - Felecan

The Definitive Guide to Installing Django on Ubuntu

I am writing this guide in order to explain the exact steps needed to install Django on Ubuntu 10.04 starting from scratch. The assumption is that you already have Ubuntu installed either on VirtualBox or as a standalone OS and just need the instructions to install PostgreSQL, Apache, mod_wsgi, and so forth. The guide is divided in the following sections:

  1. Installing Apache + mod_wsgi
  2. Installing PostgreSQL + python_pyscopg2
  3. Installing Django
  4. Linking everything together

A few other things to keep in mind

  1. Replace [username] with your Ubuntu username
  2. Replace Django-1.2.4 with the appropriate version at the time you download the Django package
