
当我接触的F#编程越多,我用到递归的可能性就越大,也正是因为这样,我时常会遇到堆栈溢出的问题,要想避免堆栈溢出问题,Continuation Style Program(CSP)是唯一的方法。以下我们列出普通的递归和CSP的版本代码进行对比,在这里,关键的一点,该方法不会返回,因此它不会在调用的堆栈上创建元素,同时,由于会延迟计算Continuation方法,它不需要被保存在栈元素中:

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1 module FunctionReturnModule =   
2    let l = [1..1000000]  
3    let rec sum l =   
4      match l with  
5      | [] -> 0  
6      | h::t -> h + sum t  
7    sum l  
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 1 module CPSModule =   
 2    let l = [1..1000000]  
 3    let rec sum l cont =   
 4      match l with  
 5      | [] -> cont 0  
 6      | h::t ->   
 7        let afterSum v =   
 8          cont (h+v)  
 9        sum t afterSum  
10    sum l id 


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1 module FunctionReturnModule =   
2    let l = [1..1000000]  
3    let rec sum l =   
4      match l with  
5      | [] -> 0  
6      | h::t ->   
7        let r = sum t  
8        h + r  
9    sum l


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1  module FunctionReturnModule =   
2    let l = [1..1000000]  
3    let rec sum l cont =   
4      match l with  
5      | [] -> 0  
6      | h::t ->   
7        let r = sum t  
8        cont (h + r)  
9    sum l  


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 1 module CPSModule =   
 2    let l = [1..1000000]  
 3    let rec sum l cont =   
 4      match l with  
 5      | [] -> cont 0  
 6      | h::t ->   
 7        let afterSum v =   
 8          cont (h+v)  
 9        sum t afterSum  
10    sum l id 


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1  type NodeType = int  
2  type BinaryTree =  
3    | Nil  
4    | Node of NodeType * BinaryTree * BinaryTree 


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 1 module TreeModule =   
 2    let rec sum tree =   
 3      match tree with  
 4      | Nil -> 0  
 5      | Node(v, l, r) ->  
 6        let sumL = sum l  
 7        let sumR = sum r  
 8        v + sumL + sumR  
 9    sum deepTree  
10  module TreeCSPModule =   
11    let rec sum tree cont =   
12      match tree with  
13      | Nil -> cont 0  
14      | Node(v, l, r) ->  
15        let afterLeft lValue =   
16          let afterRight rValue =   
17            cont (v+lValue+rValue)  
18          sum r afterRight  
19        sum l afterLeft  
20    sum deepTree id 



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1 module TreeModule =   
2    let rec sum tree cont =   
3      match tree with  
4      | Nil -> 0  
5      | Node(v, l, r) ->  
6        let sumL = sum l  
7        let sumR = sum r  
8        cont (v + sumL + sumR)  
9    sum deepTree

第一步:处理sumR,将cont方法移动到afterRight中并将它传给sum r:

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 1 module TreeModule =   
 2    let rec sum tree cont =   
 3      match tree with  
 4      | Nil -> 0  
 5      | Node(v, l, r) ->  
 6        let sumL = sum l  
 7        // let sumR = sum r  
 8        let afterRight rValue =    
 9          cont (v + sumL + rValue)  
10        sum r afterRight  
11    sum deepTree 


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 1 module TreeModule =   
 2    let rec sum tree cont =   
 3      match tree with  
 4      | Nil -> 0  
 5      | Node(v, l, r) ->  
 6        //let sumL = sum l  
 7        let afterLeft lValue =  
 8          let afterRight rValue =    
 9            cont (v + lValue + rValue)  
10          sum r afterRight  
11        sum l afterLeft  
12    sum deepTree 


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1  let tree n =   
2    let mutable subTree = Node(1, Nil, Nil)  
3    for i=0 to n do  
4      subTree <- Node(1, subTree, Nil)  
5    subTree  
6  let deepTree = tree 1000000  

