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Create JavaScript profile for Ext 4.x

  1. Download Ext 4.x, unzip it, do not delete the src folder..
  2. Select the menu item Window > Preferences... to open the workbench preferences.
  3. Select the Spket > JavaScript Profile preference page to display the installed JavaScript Profiles.
  4. Click the New.. button. In the Name field, type Ext 4 as the name for the new profile. Then click OK.
  5. Click the Add Library button. From the Library drop-down list, select ExtJS. Then click OK.
  6. Click the Add File button, choose sdk.jsb3 which can be found in build folder.
  7. Select the Ext profile created in step 4, click the Default button make it the default profile for all project. The default profile can also be configured per project by using Configure Project Specific Settings... link.
  8. If everything done correctly, your profile should looks like this.
  9. Click on OK to save the preferences.
  10. Open javascript file with Spket JavaScript Editor. If you not sure which editor you used, take a look at this screen shot. click Ctrl+Space or Alt+/, the code assist window will looks like this if there is no code.

Create JavaScript profile

  1. Select the menu item Window > Preferences... to open the workbench preferences.
  2. Select the Spket > JavaScript Profile preference page to display the installed JavaScript Profiles.
  3. Click the New.. button. In the Name field, type Ext as the name for the new profile. Then click OK.
  4. Click the Add Library button. From the Library drop-down list, select ExtJS. Then click OK.
  5. Click the Add File button, choose ext.jsb which can be found in Ext source folder
  6. Select the Ext profile created in step 3, click the Default button make it the default profile for all project. The default profile can also be configured per project by using Configure Project Specific Settings... link.
  7. Click on OK to save the preferences.


Code assist for Ext JS

The code assist for Ext JS is very accurate and thorough, and it supports Ext JS 1.x - Ext JS 2.x, the code assist list all the properties/methods with full documentation.

Code assist for Config Options

The code assist will list all the config options and where it was defined.

Open declaration

Select Ext function, use the Ctrl+Click combination or F3, you can jump to the Ext source code, help you to learn how Ext works.

Code assist for custom class

The code assist works well for custom class, including config option and properties/methods.





I have uploaded a quick update for Ext 4 support, please download for Ext JS 4 Developer Preview 5



