IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator is a high-performance analytics accelerator appliance for IBM System z®, powered by an IBM Netezza® data warehouse appliance to transparently deliver dramatically faster analytic query responses.
The IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator is part of a comprehensive IBM data warehousing and BI solution that gives clients the opportunity to further leverage their System z platform to support a more complete, cost-effective data warehousing and business intelligence solution. It is an integration of IBM hardware, software, storage and advanced technologies focused on business analytics that combine to give IBM clients a high-performance analytic capability, to extract business insight from information assets.
IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator also extends System z qualities of service of manageability, security and availability to analytic applications, working seamlessly with the IBM Netezza data warehouse appliance. This is done without sacrificing the centralization of access and management that is achieved with the System z ecosystem. The computation is done on the system optimized for that function, System z or the accelerator. Consolidating on System z and using acceleration technology helps users provide the right answers to the right questions at the right time.
Smarter Consolidation facilitates an environment that can service a highly concurrent and truly mixed workload. Instead of the traditional method of creating separate repositories, with separate infrastructure, processes, management and support staff, the IBM Smart Analytics System 9700 / 9710 — seamlessly joined with the IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator powered by an IBM Netezza data warehouse appliance — can provide a single entry point for both transactional and deep analytics.
IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator's extreme performance for complex business analysis helps deliver analytic information to decision makers faster through breakthrough technologies. It also helps enable decision makers to perform business analysis to help analyze trends, better predict outcomes and help produce better business results. IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator also capitalizes on the hardware and software accelerators in the IBM Netezzadata warehouse appliance, dramatically accelerating DB2 query responses. It also reduces costs by leveraging the price/performance of multiple system technologies combined into an integrated and optimized IBM solution.
The IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator is a high performance analytics accelerator appliance for IBM System z that can deliver dramatically faster response times, transparently to all users. It is designed to help mitigate database administration costs while speeding up the performance of typical data warehouse or OLAP-specific workloads by an order-of-magnitude when compared to traditional database-only access.