some prverbs that people like

  A proverb is a short, well known saying that expresss a common truth or belief. May proverbs give advice about the best way to life.



   Recently  we presented a program about proverbs. We asked out listeners to send us their favorite proverbs. A short time later, we received suggestions from around the world. We heard from listeners in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America.


   The top proverb among these listeners is this one:"  Where there s a wil , there is a way." (有志者,事竞成) This means that you can rise above your problems if you have a goal and work very hard.



   Some listeners liked another proverb:"  Strike while the iron is hot." (趁热打铁)This means it is best to take action quickly and at the right time. Another favorite proverb was, "God Helps those who help themselves." (自助者,天助之。)



  Xu from China wrote that his contry has thousands of proverbs. Sereral of them are also used in the United Stated. One example is " Birds of a feather flock together."(物以类聚, 人以群分) This means that people who are alike often become friends or spend time together.



  Antoerh proverbs is " Blood is thicker than water." (血浓于水) This means family ties are stronger than other ralationships. A similar proverb states " Charity begin at home(仁爱始于家).A people should help their family or friends before helping others.


  Another proverb:" He who would climb a ladder must begin at the bottom."(千里之行,始于足下).That is good advice when working around ou
