1TB is equal to the number of how many GB? 1PB equal to is equal to the number of TB? 1EB PB? | PC-fault.com

1TB is equal to the number of how many GB? 1PB equal to is equal to the number of TB? 1EB PB? | PC-fault.com
1TB is equal to the number of how many GB? 1PB equal to is equal to the number of TB? 1EB PB?
Saturday, December 25th, 2010 | Brand computer

1TB is equal to the number of how many GB? 1PB equal to is equal to the number of TB? 1EB? PB PB and EB, if the hard drive is a partition into an NTFS partition, the partition properties dialog box, the “quota” there.
Storage capacity: is the storage device to store the maximum number of data, typically use kilobytes (kb kilobyte), megabytes (MB megabyte), gigabytes (GB, gigabyte), too byte (TB, terabyte) and PB (Petabyte), EB (Exabyte), etc.
1KB = 2 (10) B = 1024B; the number in parentheses as the exponent of 2 (i.e. how many times square)
1TB=2(10) GB=1024GB=2(40)B
1PB=2(10) TB=1024TB=2(50)B
1EB=2(10) PB=1024PB=2(60)B
1Byte (corresponds to a letter, you name a 6Bytes (6B).
Kilobyte (KB) = 1024B corresponds to a short story.
Megabyte (MB) = l024KB corresponds to a short text.
Gigabyte (GB) = 1024MB corresponds to the movement of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony music content.
Terabyte (TB) = 1024GB corresponds to a large hospital in all of the amount of x-ray picture information.
Petabyte (PB) = l024TB corresponds to 50% of the u.s. academic research library content.
Exabyte (EB) = 1024PB; 5EB corresponds to the date this human world.
Zettabyte (ZB) = 1024EB as world number of sand on the beach.
Yottabyte (YB) = 1024ZB corresponds to the human body from 7000 micro cells combined.
