模块functionJavaScript学习笔记(二十五) 沙箱模式



  • 依赖一个独一全局的变量作为程序的全局符号。在命名空间模式中,没有办法存在两个版本程序或者类库在雷同的页面中运行,因为它们都需要雷同的全局符号,比如:MYAPP
  • 长的带点的名称去输入和运行时解析,比如:MYAPP.utilities.array


    new Sandbox(function (box) { // your code here... });



  • 一些技巧(强制new模式),你可以假设new并且在创立对象的时候不需要它
  • 这个Sandbox() 构造函数可以接受一个额外的配置参数(configuration argument )指定这个对象实例创立所需要的模块名,我们希望代码模块化,那么绝大部分Sandbox()提供的函数将会包含在模块中


    Sandbox(['ajax', 'event'], function (box) { // console.log(box); });


    Sandbox('ajax', 'dom', function (box) { // console.log(box); });

    那么应用通配符 * 参数表示"所有可用的模块"怎么样?便利起见,让我们假设当没有模块被传递,沙盒会假设 *  .

    Sandbox('*', function (box) { // console.log(box); }); Sandbox(function (box) { // console.log(box); });


    Sandbox('dom', 'event', function (box) { // work with dom and event Sandbox('ajax', function (box) { // another sandboxed "box" object // this "box" is not the same as // the "box" outside this function //... // done with Ajax }); // no trace of Ajax module here });




添加模块(Adding Modules)











    Sandbox.modules = {}; Sandbox.modules.dom = function (box) { box.getElement = function () {}; box.getStyle = function () {}; box.foo = "bar"; }; Sandbox.modules.event = function (box) { // access to the Sandbox prototype if needed: // box.constructor.prototype.m = "mmm"; box.attachEvent = function () {}; box.dettachEvent = function () {}; }; Sandbox.modules.ajax = function (box) { box.makeRequest = function () {}; box.getResponse = function () {}; };



实现构造函数(Implementing the Constructor)


    function Sandbox() { // turning arguments into an array var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), // the last argument is the callback callback = args.pop(), // modules can be passed as an array or as individual parameters modules = (args[0] && typeof args[0] === "string") ? args : args[0], i; // make sure the function is called // as a constructor if (!(this instanceof Sandbox)) { return new Sandbox(modules, callback); } // add properties to `this` as needed: this.a = 1; this.b = 2; // now add modules to the core `this` object // no modules or "*" both mean "use all modules" if (!modules || modules === '*') { modules = []; for (i in Sandbox.modules) { if (Sandbox.modules.hasOwnProperty(i)) { modules.push(i); } } } // initialize the required modules for (i = 0; i < modules.length; i += 1) { Sandbox.modules[modules[i]](this); } // call the callback callback(this); } // any prototype properties as needed Sandbox.prototype = { name: "My Application", version: "1.0", getName: function () { return this.name; } };


文章结束给大家分享下程序员的一些笑话语录: 程序员喝酒

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