原文见:http://programmingbb.blogspot.com/2014/08/using-docx4j-to-generate-docx-files.html .下面的代码稍微修改了下:
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.math.BigInteger; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.docx4j.dml.wordprocessingDrawing.Inline; import org.docx4j.jaxb.Context; import org.docx4j.model.structure.PageDimensions; import org.docx4j.model.structure.PageSizePaper; import org.docx4j.openpackaging.packages.WordprocessingMLPackage; import org.docx4j.openpackaging.parts.WordprocessingML.BinaryPartAbstractImage; import org.docx4j.wml.Body; import org.docx4j.wml.BooleanDefaultTrue; import org.docx4j.wml.CTBorder; import org.docx4j.wml.CTShd; import org.docx4j.wml.CTTblPrBase.TblStyle; import org.docx4j.wml.CTVerticalJc; import org.docx4j.wml.Color; import org.docx4j.wml.Drawing; import org.docx4j.wml.HpsMeasure; import org.docx4j.wml.Jc; import org.docx4j.wml.JcEnumeration; import org.docx4j.wml.ObjectFactory; import org.docx4j.wml.P; import org.docx4j.wml.PPr; import org.docx4j.wml.R; import org.docx4j.wml.RFonts; import org.docx4j.wml.RPr; import org.docx4j.wml.STBorder; import org.docx4j.wml.STVerticalJc; import org.docx4j.wml.SectPr; import org.docx4j.wml.SectPr.PgMar; import org.docx4j.wml.Tbl; import org.docx4j.wml.TblPr; import org.docx4j.wml.TblWidth; import org.docx4j.wml.Tc; import org.docx4j.wml.TcMar; import org.docx4j.wml.TcPr; import org.docx4j.wml.TcPrInner.GridSpan; import org.docx4j.wml.TcPrInner.TcBorders; import org.docx4j.wml.TcPrInner.VMerge; import org.docx4j.wml.Text; import org.docx4j.wml.Tr; import org.docx4j.wml.U; import org.docx4j.wml.UnderlineEnumeration; //原文见:http://programmingbb.blogspot.com/2014/08/using-docx4j-to-generate-docx-files.html public class Docx4j_创建表格_S5_Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Docx4j_创建表格_S5_Test t = new Docx4j_创建表格_S5_Test(); t.testDocx4jCreateTable(); } public void testDocx4jCreateTable() throws Exception { boolean landscape = false; WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage .createPackage(PageSizePaper.A4, landscape); ObjectFactory factory = Context.getWmlObjectFactory(); setPageMargins(wordMLPackage, factory); String imgFilePath = "f:/saveFile/tmp/2sql日志.jpg"; Tbl table = createTableWithContent(wordMLPackage, factory, imgFilePath); wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().addObject(table); wordMLPackage.save(new File("f:/saveFile/temp/sys_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".docx")); } public Tbl createTableWithContent(WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage, ObjectFactory factory, String imgFilePath) throws Exception { Tbl table = factory.createTbl(); // for TEST: this adds borders to all cells TblPr tblPr = new TblPr(); TblStyle tblStyle = new TblStyle(); tblStyle.setVal("TableGrid"); tblPr.setTblStyle(tblStyle); table.setTblPr(tblPr); Tr tableRow = factory.createTr(); // a default table cell style Docx4jStyle_S3 defStyle = new Docx4jStyle_S3(); defStyle.setBold(false); defStyle.setItalic(false); defStyle.setUnderline(false); defStyle.setHorizAlignment(JcEnumeration.CENTER); // a specific table cell style Docx4jStyle_S3 style = new Docx4jStyle_S3(); style.setBold(true); style.setItalic(true); style.setUnderline(true); style.setFontSize("40"); style.setFontColor("FF0000"); style.setCnFontFamily("微软雅黑"); style.setEnFontFamily("Times New Roman"); style.setTop(300); style.setBackground("CCFFCC"); style.setVerticalAlignment(STVerticalJc.CENTER); style.setHorizAlignment(JcEnumeration.CENTER); style.setBorderTop(true); style.setBorderBottom(true); style.setNoWrap(true); addTableCell(factory, tableRow, "测试Field 1", 3500, style, 1, null); // start vertical merge for Filed 2 and Field 3 on 3 rows addTableCell(factory, tableRow, "测试Field 2", 3500, defStyle, 1, "restart"); addTableCell(factory, tableRow, "测试Field 3", 1500, defStyle, 1, "restart"); table.getContent().add(tableRow); tableRow = factory.createTr(); addTableCell(factory, tableRow, "Text", 3500, defStyle, 1, null); addTableCell(factory, tableRow, "", 3500, defStyle, 1, ""); addTableCell(factory, tableRow, "", 1500, defStyle, 1, ""); table.getContent().add(tableRow); tableRow = factory.createTr(); addTableCell(factory, tableRow, "Interval", 3500, defStyle, 1, null); addTableCell(factory, tableRow, "", 3500, defStyle, 1, "close"); addTableCell(factory, tableRow, "", 1500, defStyle, 1, "close"); table.getContent().add(tableRow); // add an image horizontally merged on 3 cells String filenameHint = null; String altText = null; int id1 = 0; int id2 = 1; byte[] bytes = getImageBytes(imgFilePath); P pImage; try { pImage = newImage(wordMLPackage, factory, bytes, filenameHint, altText, id1, id2, 8500); tableRow = factory.createTr(); addTableCell(factory, tableRow, pImage, 8500, defStyle, 3, null); table.getContent().add(tableRow); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return table; } public byte[] getImageBytes(String imgFilePath) throws Exception { return IOUtils.toByteArray(new FileInputStream(imgFilePath)); } public void addTableCell(ObjectFactory factory, Tr tableRow, P image, int width, Docx4jStyle_S3 style, int horizontalMergedCells, String verticalMergedVal) { Tc tableCell = factory.createTc(); addImageCellStyle(tableCell, image, style); setCellWidth(tableCell, width); setCellVMerge(tableCell, verticalMergedVal); setCellHMerge(tableCell, horizontalMergedCells); tableRow.getContent().add(tableCell); } public void addTableCell(ObjectFactory factory, Tr tableRow, String content, int width, Docx4jStyle_S3 style, int horizontalMergedCells, String verticalMergedVal) { Tc tableCell = factory.createTc(); addCellStyle(factory, tableCell, content, style); setCellWidth(tableCell, width); setCellVMerge(tableCell, verticalMergedVal); setCellHMerge(tableCell, horizontalMergedCells); if (style.isNoWrap()) { setCellNoWrap(tableCell); } tableRow.getContent().add(tableCell); } public void addCellStyle(ObjectFactory factory, Tc tableCell, String content, Docx4jStyle_S3 style) { if (style != null) { P paragraph = factory.createP(); Text text = factory.createText(); text.setValue(content); R run = factory.createR(); run.getContent().add(text); paragraph.getContent().add(run); setHorizontalAlignment(paragraph, style.getHorizAlignment()); RPr runProperties = factory.createRPr(); if (style.isBold()) { addBoldStyle(runProperties); } if (style.isItalic()) { addItalicStyle(runProperties); } if (style.isUnderline()) { addUnderlineStyle(runProperties); } setFontSize(runProperties, style.getFontSize()); setFontColor(runProperties, style.getFontColor()); setFontFamily(runProperties, style.getCnFontFamily(),style.getEnFontFamily()); setCellMargins(tableCell, style.getTop(), style.getRight(), style.getBottom(), style.getLeft()); setCellColor(tableCell, style.getBackground()); setVerticalAlignment(tableCell, style.getVerticalAlignment()); setCellBorders(tableCell, style.isBorderTop(), style.isBorderRight(), style.isBorderBottom(), style.isBorderLeft()); run.setRPr(runProperties); tableCell.getContent().add(paragraph); } } public void addImageCellStyle(Tc tableCell, P image, Docx4jStyle_S3 style) { setCellMargins(tableCell, style.getTop(), style.getRight(), style.getBottom(), style.getLeft()); setCellColor(tableCell, style.getBackground()); setVerticalAlignment(tableCell, style.getVerticalAlignment()); setHorizontalAlignment(image, style.getHorizAlignment()); setCellBorders(tableCell, style.isBorderTop(), style.isBorderRight(), style.isBorderBottom(), style.isBorderLeft()); tableCell.getContent().add(image); } public P newImage(WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage, ObjectFactory factory, byte[] bytes, String filenameHint, String altText, int id1, int id2, long cx) throws Exception { BinaryPartAbstractImage imagePart = BinaryPartAbstractImage .createImagePart(wordMLPackage, bytes); Inline inline = imagePart.createImageInline(filenameHint, altText, id1, id2, cx, false); // Now add the inline in w:p/w:r/w:drawing P p = factory.createP(); R run = factory.createR(); p.getContent().add(run); Drawing drawing = factory.createDrawing(); run.getContent().add(drawing); drawing.getAnchorOrInline().add(inline); return p; } public void setCellBorders(Tc tableCell, boolean borderTop, boolean borderRight, boolean borderBottom, boolean borderLeft) { TcPr tableCellProperties = tableCell.getTcPr(); if (tableCellProperties == null) { tableCellProperties = new TcPr(); tableCell.setTcPr(tableCellProperties); } CTBorder border = new CTBorder(); // border.setColor("auto"); border.setColor("0000FF"); border.setSz(new BigInteger("20")); border.setSpace(new BigInteger("0")); border.setVal(STBorder.SINGLE); TcBorders borders = new TcBorders(); if (borderBottom) { borders.setBottom(border); } if (borderTop) { borders.setTop(border); } if (borderLeft) { borders.setLeft(border); } if (borderRight) { borders.setRight(border); } tableCellProperties.setTcBorders(borders); } public void setCellWidth(Tc tableCell, int width) { if (width > 0) { TcPr tableCellProperties = tableCell.getTcPr(); if (tableCellProperties == null) { tableCellProperties = new TcPr(); tableCell.setTcPr(tableCellProperties); } TblWidth tableWidth = new TblWidth(); tableWidth.setType("dxa"); tableWidth.setW(BigInteger.valueOf(width)); tableCellProperties.setTcW(tableWidth); } } public void setCellNoWrap(Tc tableCell) { TcPr tableCellProperties = tableCell.getTcPr(); if (tableCellProperties == null) { tableCellProperties = new TcPr(); tableCell.setTcPr(tableCellProperties); } BooleanDefaultTrue b = new BooleanDefaultTrue(); b.setVal(true); tableCellProperties.setNoWrap(b); } public void setCellVMerge(Tc tableCell, String mergeVal) { if (mergeVal != null) { TcPr tableCellProperties = tableCell.getTcPr(); if (tableCellProperties == null) { tableCellProperties = new TcPr(); tableCell.setTcPr(tableCellProperties); } VMerge merge = new VMerge(); if (!"close".equals(mergeVal)) { merge.setVal(mergeVal); } tableCellProperties.setVMerge(merge); } } public void setCellHMerge(Tc tableCell, int horizontalMergedCells) { if (horizontalMergedCells > 1) { TcPr tableCellProperties = tableCell.getTcPr(); if (tableCellProperties == null) { tableCellProperties = new TcPr(); tableCell.setTcPr(tableCellProperties); } GridSpan gridSpan = new GridSpan(); gridSpan.setVal(new BigInteger(String .valueOf(horizontalMergedCells))); tableCellProperties.setGridSpan(gridSpan); tableCell.setTcPr(tableCellProperties); } } public void setCellColor(Tc tableCell, String color) { if (color != null) { TcPr tableCellProperties = tableCell.getTcPr(); if (tableCellProperties == null) { tableCellProperties = new TcPr(); tableCell.setTcPr(tableCellProperties); } CTShd shd = new CTShd(); shd.setFill(color); tableCellProperties.setShd(shd); } } public void setCellMargins(Tc tableCell, int top, int right, int bottom, int left) { TcPr tableCellProperties = tableCell.getTcPr(); if (tableCellProperties == null) { tableCellProperties = new TcPr(); tableCell.setTcPr(tableCellProperties); } TcMar margins = new TcMar(); if (bottom > 0) { TblWidth bW = new TblWidth(); bW.setType("dxa"); bW.setW(BigInteger.valueOf(bottom)); margins.setBottom(bW); } if (top > 0) { TblWidth tW = new TblWidth(); tW.setType("dxa"); tW.setW(BigInteger.valueOf(top)); margins.setTop(tW); } if (left > 0) { TblWidth lW = new TblWidth(); lW.setType("dxa"); lW.setW(BigInteger.valueOf(left)); margins.setLeft(lW); } if (right > 0) { TblWidth rW = new TblWidth(); rW.setType("dxa"); rW.setW(BigInteger.valueOf(right)); margins.setRight(rW); } tableCellProperties.setTcMar(margins); } public void setVerticalAlignment(Tc tableCell, STVerticalJc align) { if (align != null) { TcPr tableCellProperties = tableCell.getTcPr(); if (tableCellProperties == null) { tableCellProperties = new TcPr(); tableCell.setTcPr(tableCellProperties); } CTVerticalJc valign = new CTVerticalJc(); valign.setVal(align); tableCellProperties.setVAlign(valign); } } public void setFontSize(RPr runProperties, String fontSize) { if (fontSize != null && !fontSize.isEmpty()) { HpsMeasure size = new HpsMeasure(); size.setVal(new BigInteger(fontSize)); runProperties.setSz(size); runProperties.setSzCs(size); } } public void setFontFamily(RPr runProperties, String cnFontFamily,String enFontFamily) { if (cnFontFamily != null||enFontFamily!=null) { RFonts rf = runProperties.getRFonts(); if (rf == null) { rf = new RFonts(); runProperties.setRFonts(rf); } if(cnFontFamily!=null){ rf.setEastAsia(cnFontFamily); } if(enFontFamily!=null){ rf.setAscii(enFontFamily); } } } public void setFontColor(RPr runProperties, String color) { if (color != null) { Color c = new Color(); c.setVal(color); runProperties.setColor(c); } } public void setHorizontalAlignment(P paragraph, JcEnumeration hAlign) { if (hAlign != null) { PPr pprop = new PPr(); Jc align = new Jc(); align.setVal(hAlign); pprop.setJc(align); paragraph.setPPr(pprop); } } public void addBoldStyle(RPr runProperties) { BooleanDefaultTrue b = new BooleanDefaultTrue(); b.setVal(true); runProperties.setB(b); } public void addItalicStyle(RPr runProperties) { BooleanDefaultTrue b = new BooleanDefaultTrue(); b.setVal(true); runProperties.setI(b); } public void addUnderlineStyle(RPr runProperties) { U val = new U(); val.setVal(UnderlineEnumeration.SINGLE); runProperties.setU(val); } public void setPageMargins(WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage, ObjectFactory factory) { try { Body body = wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().getContents() .getBody(); PageDimensions page = new PageDimensions(); PgMar pgMar = page.getPgMar(); pgMar.setBottom(BigInteger.valueOf(pixelsToDxa(50))); pgMar.setTop(BigInteger.valueOf(pixelsToDxa(50))); pgMar.setLeft(BigInteger.valueOf(pixelsToDxa(50))); pgMar.setRight(BigInteger.valueOf(pixelsToDxa(50))); SectPr sectPr = factory.createSectPr(); body.setSectPr(sectPr); sectPr.setPgMar(pgMar); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // get dots per inch public static int getDPI() { return GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() ? 96 : Toolkit .getDefaultToolkit().getScreenResolution(); } public int pixelsToDxa(int pixels) { return (1440 * pixels / getDPI()); } } class Docx4jStyle_S3 { private boolean bold; private boolean italic; private boolean underline; private String fontSize; private String fontColor; private String cnFontFamily; private String enFontFamily; // cell margins private int left; private int bottom; private int top; private int right; private String background; private STVerticalJc verticalAlignment; private JcEnumeration horizAlignment; private boolean borderLeft; private boolean borderRight; private boolean borderTop; private boolean borderBottom; private boolean noWrap; public boolean isBold() { return bold; } public void setBold(boolean bold) { this.bold = bold; } public boolean isItalic() { return italic; } public void setItalic(boolean italic) { this.italic = italic; } public boolean isUnderline() { return underline; } public void setUnderline(boolean underline) { this.underline = underline; } public String getFontSize() { return fontSize; } public void setFontSize(String fontSize) { this.fontSize = fontSize; } public String getFontColor() { return fontColor; } public void setFontColor(String fontColor) { this.fontColor = fontColor; } public String getCnFontFamily() { return cnFontFamily; } public void setCnFontFamily(String cnFontFamily) { this.cnFontFamily = cnFontFamily; } public String getEnFontFamily() { return enFontFamily; } public void setEnFontFamily(String enFontFamily) { this.enFontFamily = enFontFamily; } public int getLeft() { return left; } public void setLeft(int left) { this.left = left; } public int getBottom() { return bottom; } public void setBottom(int bottom) { this.bottom = bottom; } public int getTop() { return top; } public void setTop(int top) { this.top = top; } public int getRight() { return right; } public void setRight(int right) { this.right = right; } public String getBackground() { return background; } public void setBackground(String background) { this.background = background; } public STVerticalJc getVerticalAlignment() { return verticalAlignment; } public void setVerticalAlignment(STVerticalJc verticalAlignment) { this.verticalAlignment = verticalAlignment; } public JcEnumeration getHorizAlignment() { return horizAlignment; } public void setHorizAlignment(JcEnumeration horizAlignment) { this.horizAlignment = horizAlignment; } public boolean isBorderLeft() { return borderLeft; } public void setBorderLeft(boolean borderLeft) { this.borderLeft = borderLeft; } public boolean isBorderRight() { return borderRight; } public void setBorderRight(boolean borderRight) { this.borderRight = borderRight; } public boolean isBorderTop() { return borderTop; } public void setBorderTop(boolean borderTop) { this.borderTop = borderTop; } public boolean isBorderBottom() { return borderBottom; } public void setBorderBottom(boolean borderBottom) { this.borderBottom = borderBottom; } public boolean isNoWrap() { return noWrap; } public void setNoWrap(boolean noWrap) { this.noWrap = noWrap; } }