Eclipse 开发利器 Jrebel热部署配置


,可以点此处下载),下面以jrebel 6.0.0版为例:

点击eclipse菜单的Windows--> show view--> other--> server--> servers.双击你的Server配置项

点击“ Open launch configuration”。如下图:

Eclipse 开发利器 Jrebel热部署配置_第1张图片
 在VM arguments选框中加入参数:

-noverify -javaagent:D:\jrebel-3.1.2a\jrebel.jar





Eclipse 开发利器 Jrebel热部署配置_第2张图片

Eclipse 开发利器 Jrebel热部署配置_第3张图片


 JRebel 3.1.2a (201008121555)
   with Enterprise Add-On! (see
 (c) Copyright ZeroTurnaround OU, Estonia, Tartu.

 Over the last 1 days JRebel prevented 
 at least 0 redeploys/restarts saving you about 0 hours.

 This product is licensed to
 for up to 9999 developer seats on site. 

 The following plugins are disabled at the moment: 
 * EclipseLink Plugin (set -Drebel.eclipselink_plugin=true to enable)
Reloads EntityManagerFactory when configuration changes
 * Log4j plugin (set -Drebel.log4j-plugin=true to enable)
Reloads full configuration of log4j
 * Stripes plugin 1.0.11 (set -Drebel.stripes_plugin=true to enable)
Adds reloading of Stripes ActionBeans.
 * TopLink Plugin (set -Drebel.toplink_plugin=true to enable)
Reloads EntityManagerFactory when configuration changes
 * TopLink Spring Plugin (set -Drebel.toplink_spring_plugin=true to enable)
Reloads SeesionFactory when configuration changes
 * WebObjects Plugin (set -Drebel.webobjects_plugin=true to enable)
WebObjects JRebel Plugin


JRebel: Directory 'E:\workspace\fileManager1\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes' will be monitored for class changes.



附上jrebel 6.0.0的破解包:

