安装完Python之后(我本机的版本是2.5.4),打开IDLE(Python GUI) , 该程序是Python语言解释器,你写的语句能够立即运行.我们写下一句著名的程序语句:
在解释器中选择"File"--"New Window" 或快捷键 Ctrl+N , 打开一个新的编辑器.写下如下语句:
raw_input( " Press enter key to close this window

2.2 国际化支持
raw_input( " Press enter key to close this window

print " 欢迎来到奥运中国! "
raw_input( " Press enter key to close this window

print " 欢迎来到奥运中国! " # 使用中文的例子
raw_input( " Press enter key to close this window

2.3 方便易用的计算器
b = 201.1
c = 2343
print (a + b + c) / c
Usage: thingy [OPTIONS]
- h Display this usage message
- H hostname Hostname to connect to
a = word[ 2 ]
print " a is: " + a
b = word[ 1 : 3 ]
print " b is: " + b # index 1 and 2 elements of word.
c = word[: 2 ]
print " c is: " + c # index 0 and 1 elements of word.
d = word[ 0 :]
print " d is: " + d # All elements of word.
e = word[: 2 ] + word[ 2 :]
print " e is: " + e # All elements of word.
f = word[ - 1 ]
print " f is: " + f # The last elements of word.
g = word[ - 4 : - 2 ]
print " g is: " + g # index 3 and 4 elements of word.
h = word[ - 2 :]
print " h is: " + h # The last two elements.
i = word[: - 2 ]
print " i is: " + i # Everything except the last two characters
l = len(word)
print " Length of word is: " + str(l)
s = raw_input( " Press enter to be continued

print " Your name is

l = len(s)
print " Length of your Chinese name in asc codes is: " + str(l);
a = unicode(s, " GBK " )
l = len(a)
print " I'm sorry we should use unicode char!Characters number of your Chinese \
name in unicode is : " +str(l);
2.5 使用List
a = word[ 2 ]
print " a is: " + a
b = word[ 1 : 3 ]
print " b is: "
print b # index 1 and 2 elements of word.
c = word[: 2 ]
print " c is: "
print c # index 0 and 1 elements of word.
d = word[ 0 :]
print " d is: "
print d # All elements of word.
e = word[: 2 ] + word[ 2 :]
print " e is: "
print e # All elements of word.
f = word[ - 1 ]
print " f is: "
print f # The last elements of word.
g = word[ - 4 : - 2 ]
print " g is: "
print g # index 3 and 4 elements of word.
h = word[ - 2 :]
print " h is: "
print h # The last two elements.
i = word[: - 2 ]
print " i is: "
print i # Everything except the last two characters
l = len(word)
print " Length of word is: " + str(l)
print " Adds new element

word.append( ' h ' )
print word
2.6 条件和循环语句
x = int (raw_input( " Please enter an integer: " ))
if x < 0 :
x = 0
print " Negative changed to zero "
elif x == 0 :
print " Zero "
else :
print " More "
# Loops List
a = [ ' cat ' , ' window ' , ' defenestrate ' ]
for x in a:
print x, len(x)
2.7 如何定义函数
def sum(a,b):
return a + b
func = sum
r = func( 5 , 6 )
print r
# Defines function with default argument
def add(a,b = 2 ):
return a + b
r = add( 1 )
print r
r = add( 1 , 5 )
print r
a = range( 5 , 10 )
print a
a = range( - 2 , - 7 )
print a
a = range( - 7 , - 2 )
print a
a = range( - 2 , - 11 , - 3 ) # The 3rd parameter stands for step
print a
2.8 文件I/O
f = open(spath, " w " ) # Opens file for writing.Creates this file doesn ' t exist.
f.write( " First line 1.\n " )
f.writelines( " First line 2. " )
f = open(spath, " r " ) # Opens file for reading
for line in f:
print line
2.9 异常处理
if s == "" :
raise Exception( " Input must no be empty. " )
try :
i = int (s)
except ValueError:
print " Could not convert data to an integer. "
print " Unknown exception! "
else : # It is useful for code that must be executed if the try clause does not raise an exception
print " You are %d " % i, " years old "
finally : # Clean up action
print " Goodbye! "
2.10 类和继承
def __init__(self):
self.data = []
def add(self, x):
def addtwice(self, x):
# Child extends Base
class Child(Base):
def plus(self,a,b):
return a + b
oChild = Child()
oChild.add( " str1 " )
print oChild.data
print oChild.plus( 2 , 3 )
2.11 包机制
def add_func(a,b):
return a + b
from a import add_func # Also can be : import a
print " Import add_func from module a "
print " Result of 1 plus 2 is: "
print add_func( 1 , 2 ) # If using " import a " , then here should be " a.add_func "
module可以定义在包里面.Python定义包的方式稍微有点古怪,假设我们有一个parent文件夹,该文件夹有一个child子文件夹.child中有一个module a.py . 如何让Python知道这个文件层次结构?很简单,每个目录都放一个名为_init_.py 的文件.该文件内容可以为空.这个层次结构如下所示:
-- __init_.py
-- child
-- __init_.py
-- a.py
print sys.path
通常我们可以将module的包路径放到环境变量PYTHONPATH中,该环境变量会自动添加到sys.path属性.另一种方便的方法是编程中直接指定我们的module路径到sys.path 中:
sys.path.append( ' D:\\download ' )
from parent.child.a import add_func
print sys.path
print " Import add_func from module a "
print " Result of 1 plus 2 is: "
print add_func( 1 , 2 )