bool MainApp::OnInit() { wxString name = wxString::Format(wxT("MainApp-%s"), wxGetUserId().GetData()); m_checker = new wxSingleInstanceChecker(name); if (m_checker->IsAnotherRunning()) { wxLogError(wxT("Another program instance is already running, aborting.")); delete m_checker; return false; } ... more initializations ... return true; } int MainApp::OnExit() { delete m_checker; return 0; }
class AppServer : public wxServer { public: virtual wxConnectionBase* OnAcceptConnection(const wxString& topic); };
class AppClient : public wxClient { public: virtual wxConnectionBase* OnMakeConnection(); };
class AppConnection : public wxConnection { public: virtual bool OnExecute(const wxString& WXUNUSED(topic), wxChar* WXUNUSED(data), int WXUNUSED(size), wxIPCFormat WXUNUSED(format)); };
wxConnectionBase* AppServer::OnAcceptConnection(const wxString& topic) { if (topic.Lower() == wxT("only-one")) { wxWindowList::Node* node = wxTopLevelWindows.GetFirst(); while (node) { wxDialog* dialog = wxDynamicCast(node->GetData(), wxDialog); if (dialog && dialog->IsModal()) { return false; } node = node->GetNext(); } return new AppConnection(); } else return NULL; }
bool AppConnection::OnExecute(const wxString& WXUNUSED(topic), wxChar* WXUNUSED(data), int WXUNUSED(size), wxIPCFormat WXUNUSED(format)) { wxFrame* frame = wxDynamicCast(wxGetApp().GetTopWindow(), wxFrame); if (frame) { frame->Restore(); // 必须要有这句,不然当主窗口最小化时,就不能被提到前台 frame->Raise(); } return true; }
bool MainApp::OnInit() { wxString name = wxString::Format(wxT("MainApp-%s"), wxGetUserId().GetData()); m_checker = new wxSingleInstanceChecker(name); if (!m_checker->IsAnotherRunning()) { m_server = new AppServer(); if (!m_server->Create(wxT("wxMainApp"))) { wxLogDebug(wxT("Failed to create an IPC service.")); return false; } } else { AppClient* client = new AppClient(); wxString hostName = wxT("localhost"); wxConnectionBase* conn = client->MakeConnection(hostName, wxT("wxMainApp"), wxT("only-one")); if (conn) { conn->Execute(wxEmptyString); conn->Disconnect(); delete conn; } else { wxString msg = wxT("Sorry, the existing instance may be too busy to respond.n") wxT("Please close any open dialogs and retry."); wxMessageBox(msg, wxT("wxMainApp"), wxICON_INFORMATION | wxOK); } delete client; // 如果没有这句,在运行Debug版本时就会显示如下图的警告 return false; } ... more initializations ... return true; }
int MainApp::OnExit() { delete m_checker; delete m_server; return 0; }
1. 调用wxGetApp问题
在调用wxGetApp()时可能会有编译错误,提示说"identifier not found"。这可以通过在App类后加上一行DECLARE_APP(XXXApp)来解决。
2. 引入ipc.h和wx.h时的顺序问题
运行第二个实例的时候,发现它总是会挂起在MakeConnection处,查看进程可以看到有两个实例在运行。在网上找了n久,只在wxWidgets Forum上发现有提到这个问题(Windows service using wxWidgets ipc),可是也没有提到如何解决。只能靠自己啦,经过对程序的一步步排除,终于发现是因为引入头文件时将ipc.h放在wx.h之前的原因,掉换引入头文件的顺序后问题被解决。