subeclipse及eclipse cvs图标含义



subeclipse及eclipse cvs图标含义



An incoming addition means that a resource has been added to the repository. Updating
 will transfer the resource to your workspace.

An incoming change means that the file has changed in the repository. Updating
 will transfer the new file revision to your workspace.

An incoming deletion means that a resource was deleted from the server. Updating
 will delete your local resource.
指向左边的蓝色箭头包含减号 引入删除——表示服务器的资源已被删除。点更新键会删除你本地的资源

An outgoing addition means that the file was added to your workspace and is not yet in the repository. Adding
 then Committing
 will transfer the new file to the repository.
指向右边的黑色箭头包含加号 输出增加——表示你本地有新增加的文件,而服务器中没有。添加提交键会把新文件传到服务器上

An outgoing change means that the file was change locally. Committing
 the file will transfer the changes to the repository and create a new revision of the file.
指向右边的黑色箭头 输出变化——表示本地的文件已经改变。提交文件会把变化传入服务器并创建文件的一个新版本。

An outgoing deletion is a resource that has been deleted locally. Committing 
these resources will cause the remote resource to be deleted. Note
: in CVS directories are never really deleted from the repository. Instead, files are deleted and empty directories are pruned from your workspace. 
指向右边的黑色箭头包含减号 输出删除——表示本地文件已经删除。提交这些资源会删除远程资源。注意:在CVS中目录不会从服务器中真正的删除。而只是把文件删除,在你本地除去空文件夹。

A conflicting additions means that the resource has been added locally and remotely.
红色双向箭头包含加号 冲突增加——表示本地和远程都新增加了资源

A conflicting change means that the file has been changed locally and remotely. A manual or automatic merge will be required. Also, any entries in the view that contain children that are conflicts will also be decorated with the conflict icon. This is done to make conflicts easy to find. 
红色双向箭头 冲突变化——表示本地和远程都有文件变化。用户需要手工合并或者自动合并。同时,包含有冲突文件的上级视图也同时被显示为冲突,这样做是为了让冲突更容易找到。

A conflicting deletion means that the resource was deleted locally and remotely. 
红色双向箭头包含减号 冲突删除——表示本地和远程的文件都被删除。

